Late Night Quidditch!

Nov 20, 2011 21:38

We have a point-form match this month.

- The game is off to a good start. Mizuki snatches up the quaffle and barrels down the field for a quick Hufflepuff goal. The score is 10-0.
- Ravenclaw takes possession, but Natalya nearly knocks the Ravenclaw chaser off their broom with a well-timed bludger. She recovers, but loses the quaffle.
- Hufflepuff scores two more goals. Score is 30-0.
- Mizuki grabs the quaffle and heads for the goal again, but a Ravenclaw chaser blocks her way. Mizuki steps over his head to make the shot, earning a foul for Hufflepuff.
- Ravenclaw makes the penalty shot. The score is 30-10.
- Natalya snaps at Mizuki for such an obvious foul-- and misses an opportunity to block a Ravenclaw goal. Score is 30-20.
- Natalya takes her anger at this out on the Ravenclaw team, eventually earning herself a foul.
- Ravenclaw misses the penalty, and the score remains 30-20.
- And Coraline's seen the snitch! She dives for it, agilely avoiding a bludger from Natalya.
- Suddenly, Xion appears out of nowhere! Coraline is momentarily startled, and the snitch disappears again.
- More goals are scored. The score is 50-50.
- Xion spots the snitch again and races for it, but Coraline manages to catch up with her. As the two are neck and neck, Coraline bumps Xion's broom, knocking her off course. A foul is called.
- Hufflepuff makes the shot. The score is 60-50.
- Xion has managed to recover and takes off after the snitch again, but Coraline is in hot pursuit.
- Trying to avoid another foul, Coraline hesitates at the crucial moment, and Xion grabs the snitch!



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