I was born this way, baby.

May 12, 2011 03:00

So you all knew Dumbledore was fabulous, but you probably didn't know that his facial cream is made with powdered unicorn uteruses (don't worry, it's only harvested from unicorns who were already having potentially life-threatening pregnancies. They pulled through).

Anyway, the owl making the most recent delivery of this precious powder had a little... run-in with a certain belligerent tree that wasn't there before. But this being a very determined owl, he managed to successfully complete his delivery dispite this mishap.

Unfortunately, the vial he was carrying also got a little banged up in the process. Now it's gotten all over the owlery, and from there, all over the students. And apparently powdered unicorn uterus has an interesting effect when combined with owl dander.

So what does this mean for your characters? It's a


If you choose to have your character affected by the event, they will suddenly find themselves to be the opposite sex phsyically, but also the opposite gender mentally.

And they'll think they were born that way.

Basically, if your character was originally male, they'll not only now have a female body but female memories, as if they'd lived their entire lives as a girl. Same deal for the ladies, they'll now remember growing up as a boy. And of course, if your character is unaffected, they'll be the ones wondering why everyone is suddenly sporting different bits (and why they don't seem bothered by it). And those who are affected will also remember everyone else in the castle as being the opposite gender as they normally are. Including Headmistress Dumbledore.

Please be sensible about this; try and think about how your character would realistically be different if they'd grown up as the opposite gender, but also how they'd realistically be the same.

You can use this post for planning and plotting, and of course feel free to ask any questions you might have.

The event will begin on Friday, May 20th, and continue through Sunday, May 24th. Also, Hogsmeade weekend is this weekend (May 14th and 15th) so go have fun in the shops.

event, mod post

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