01. Name: Jenni
02. How did you find out about Hogwarts Elite?
zia_narratora has always said wonderful things about Hogwarts Elite and when she said there was sorting going on, I had to try and join up.
03. What do you wish to accomplish in life?
My most realistic dream at the moment is to continue on the path of video game journalism, eventually getting a place with a big enough organization where I don't have to juggle a day job while writing about my favorite games for multiple websites. Things have been going well so far, so I'm hoping it remains realistic and that I eventually get to the point where I could be traveling around the world to report about games and be a regular staff member or editor at a major magazine. (Hopefully, print magazines will still be in business by then!)
My fall back plan is to go back to school and major in either literature or library science if that should ever falter. I always squirrel away a lot of my paychecks just in case, so I could always become a professor or librarian if life doesn't go exactly how I plan.
I'd also love to fall madly in love and settle down. I think I'm finally at the point in my life where I'm ready for a stable relationship, and in the next ten years or so I'd like to do the marriage and eventually even babies thing.
04. Describe exactly what you would see in the Mirror of Erised. (This is not the same question as #03.)
I'd see myself sitting in my living room, playing games with friends by my side, my pet cat in my lap and a wonderful man who'd be helping me achieve my goal in whatever we happened to be playing. While I do want to have the dream job, the dream love and dream life, I'm perfectly content with where I am right now. I love my life as it is, and my ideal would be reaching a situation where, while I would have love and a perfect job, I'd still be able to enjoy quiet moments with friends.
05. What makes a person deserving of your respect?
I respect people who have the strength to be themselves. If you can go out every day and do the best you can, not compromising so you can be what other people expect you to be, then I respect you and I'm proud to know you. I also respect people who make a point of doing something, however small, to try and make things better for someone else. Whether you volunteer for a charity, give up your seat for someone else on the bus, hold a door open for another person or donate something you don't need anymore, it makes me think more of you than I initially would.
06. What is your biggest pet peeve?
It may sound petty, but I am a grammar and spelling freak. I can't abide reading txt speak in messages from my closest friends. It's so bad that if someone I know sends me a message that's laden with abbreviations and abberations, I can't read it. I'll call him or her instead to find out what I need to know. While it also may be a little mean, I can't help thinking less of someone I know who does this if I know they're educated enough to know better. I don't hold people I don't know to this standard though. (One of my minors is in Linguistics, focusing in ESL training.) This kind of thing only bugs me in the people I know best.
07. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I wish I were more tidy. My parents were quite sloppy, and it rubbed off on me. While everything in my home is in a specific place and you can see the floor, a clear sign it hasn't gone too far, I'm in the habit of stacking books and dvd/game cases in strange places, tossing clothes on the floor, having a shoe pile near the door and just leaving things I'm working on on tables. I always mean to get more organized and clean up, but within a week or two it's back to the way it was before.
08. If you could do any one thing and suffer no consequences, what would it be?
I'd like to do drugs once. Just once. I've never used any kind of illegal drug before and only occasionally drink with friends on special occasions. The closest I've ever come to any kind of high was when I hyperventilated on the nitrous oxide when I was having one of my wisdom teeth removed. So one time I'd like to try some kind of hallucinogen or something to see what it would be like and have the experience. Maybe see some new colors or anthropomorphic animals.
09. What do you think are your top five positive characteristics?
01. My intelligence is my prized quality. I pick up on things easily, am able to come up with ideas without any trouble and have no problem putting together projects. I've always been a natural speed-reader as well, have no problem memorizing things and never really had to study when I was in school or college.
02. I can be quite creative. I love drawing and writing, and easily come up with new ideas. I especially love creating fantasy stories or modern adaptations of fairy tales.
03. I adapt well to new situations and people. I have no problem fitting in at parties thrown by friends where I know very few people. When I suddenly had to fill in for my boss at a meeting with his business partners and go through his Power Point presentation, I was only nervous for a moment before the affair began.
04. My positivity. If I am having a good day, then nothing can get me down. And if I'm having a bad day, I'm still never that despondent. I've seen people in really bad situations and with horrible health problems, so no matter how bad I have it, I know it'll be better soon and someone else has it worse.
05. I have a strong work ethic. If I have something that needs to be done, I get it done immediately. I don't put it off and I make sure it's done well. I also don't mind doing less glamorous tasks, because I know somebody has to do it and it's probably best to get it done now rather than put it off.
10. What do you think are your top five negative characteristics?
01. I can be a bit of a control freak. I know how I like things and I like to follow a schedule. It's not the end of the world if I can't meet it, but sometimes I agonize over whether or not I did things correctly. I like to have plans rather than spontaneously leap into something.
02. I'm a really picky eater. I've tried to get better about it over the years and it's happening slowly, but still. Even though people will say something is great, I'll just have some invisible bias towards some foods.
03. My mental filter sometimes takes the day off. Sometimes I'll just blurt out exactly what I'm thinking or feeling about something, when I really shouldn't. It's never hurtful stuff, but just sometimes whatever pops into my head just leaps out of my mouth.
04. I can't seem to wake up early. If I have to be on time somewhere I'll make it, but it may mean skipping breakfast, taking a quick shower but not washing my hair and so on. I'm sure it's because I have a habit of staying up late reading or gaming, but I just can't seem to get motivated to do anything about it.
05. I'm messy, as I mentioned earlier. I'll have a sense of organization when it comes to my library of books/dvds/games/notebooks/sketchbooks, but I'm probably the only person in the world who can figure it out. I also will just toss sweaters and jackets around and leave my shoes against a wall when I get home. My car's the biggest evidence of this, as I'm pretty sure I saw some books I used in college back there, and I graduated years ago.
11. Who is your favorite character in the Harry Potter series?
Remus Lupin is definitely my favorite character. I really felt for the struggle he was going through, to fit in and make his way despite his condition, and really loved that he did get a bit of happiness in the series, despite the war. I also respect that he still managed to be such a kind and accepting person, even though he certainly hasn't received a lot of tolerance in his life and managed to even maintain a bit of a forgiving attitude towards the people who held a prejudice, not holding a grudge, as demonstrated by his willing to vacate his position at Hogwarts so easily when his condition had been revealed.
12. Who is your least favorite character in the Harry Potter series?
I'm not a Ron Weasley fan. I know he's a crucial character and appreciate his role in assisting Harry throughout the series, but I just care for him. I can't help thinking of him as the jovial sidekick, even though Harry couldn't have accomplished everything with his and Hermoine's help. I think this has been exacerbated though as I haven't had a chance to reread any of the books lately and have instead just seen a few of the movies, and the movies seem to go out of their way to use Ron as comic relief.
13. What was your favorite plot or character revelation in the Harry Potter series?
My favorite revelation was when we finally learned Snape's true intentions in The Deathly Hallows. I read that part of the book twice the first time I purchased it, and loved how Rowlings handled it. It was a fantastic way to show another facet of his character. My favorite scene was when his patronus was revealed and he affirmed his feelings for Lily remained after all these years. Even though the final movie did seem to rush things, I also think the final movie did an admirable job of portraying his final moments.
14. Describe the canon qualities for each house that accurately reflect you.
• Gryffindor: I'm incredibly loyal to my friends. If I know someone, then they can depend on me for life. I still keep up with three of the people I went to kindergarten with and I can only think of one person after all these years that I broke ties with because I couldn't tolerate her behavior.
• Slytherin: I'll admit it, I can be a bit devious. My friends and I like to joke around with one another and I've come up with a number of the best digs. Plus I was rather wild in high school and college. I never was in serious trouble, but I did a lot of things I shouldn't have and got into places I never should have been. I'm also good with working with what I have in front of me to accomplish my goals.
• Ravenclaw: I'm incredibly studious and creative. I would be perfectly content to spend a week in a library and never leave. I also love making things (sewing, drawing, writing). Also, I'm a little eccentric. Sometimes I can be sarcastic too, which I guess could be considered witty.
• Hufflepuff: I've very friendly, outgoing and helpful. I've volunteered at animal shelters and a senior's center for fun. I also love talking to people, even if they're strangers. I've yet to meet someone I didn't get along with moments after meeting them. I'm also incredibly patient, even if the task I'm working on is frustrating or the person/animal I was helping wasn't exactly cooperative. I also don't mind working hard to accomplish the goals I want to achieve.
15. Describe the canon qualities for each house that do not accurately reflect you.
• Gryffindor: I'm a total wuss. I regularly watch horror movies through my hands and can't play scary video games alone after dark. If my friends decided to do a midnight hike, and they have, or gone to a reportedly haunted cemetary, they've had to do it without me.
• Slytherin: I'm not especially ambitious. Even though I have goals and dreams, I'm not going above and beyond to seek them out. It's more like I'm just willing to let things happen in their own time.
• Ravenclaw: While I love learning and creating, I can sometimes get lazy about actually pursuing knowledge. Everything has always come easy to me, so sometimes when I have to learn something that I'm having trouble with (math), I'll get frustrated that I'm not just instantly "getting it" and will just do whatever I have to in order to coast by, without actually actively applying myself.
• Hufflepuff: Anyone who has played Mario Party with me knows I can be ruthless in competitive activities. I will connive, finagle and double cross (all in good fun of course) in order to reach the top when playing multiplayer games, which hardly fits with the whole "fair play" thing.
16. Age: 28
17. Optional: Link us to where you have promoted this community in your personal journal to earn your future house five points. [PLACE ANSWER HERE]
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