[Fanfiction - The GazettE] Bend Him (Backwards) Kai/Ruki/Reita Oneshot

Aug 04, 2011 21:59

Title: Bend Him (Backwards)
Author: sorrowofanangel 
Genre: Humour, sex, romance
Band: The GazettE
Pairing(s): Kai/ Ruki, Kai/Ruki/Reita
WARNINGS: Sex, boy x boy, foreplay, blow job, threesome, strong language,
Rating: NC-17
DISCLAIMER: Kai told me he would stop making me fudge cake if I told (Oo;) *ish kidding*
Synopsis: "Ever since Reita bought Ruki a Futurama DVD box-set for Christmas, Kai is livid that he pays more attention to the TV than he does him. With a little (unexpected) help from Reita, Kai helps kick things into motion..."
Note: I'm so very sorry for the lateness in updates lately - my LJ was misbehaving bwahaa~ (_ _)" Dedicated to my beautiful Onee-chan and bestest friend in the entire world pockythief_91 after a conversation we had where it would be hilarious if Ruki tried to seduce Kai by doing an impression of Dr. Zoidberg (From Futurama) xD This is for you mai lovely!! Hope you and everyone else enjoys! <3

Kai sighed as soon as he laid eyes on the living room before him. For arguments sake, he’d already known what was going to await him as soon as he pulled the car up in the driveway and turned the key in the lock.


He sighed.

And his eyes glued to that bloody television…

Kai made an effort in dropping his briefcase to the floor with a loud thump; although he knew if a tornado came ripping through the neighbourhood, Ruki would still be far more interested in that silver screen. He’d probably turn the volume up over Kai’s screams given the choice.

Kai unhooks his scarf with a pout dressing his lips; he’d always loved the winter season. He just couldn’t help but wonder…

Why the hell Reita had to buy Ruki the entire boxset of Futurama for Christmas.

And it was me who gave him the idea… Kai groans inwardly, propping his coat on a hook before he passes through the door to the living room and gives the TV a momentary glare; eventually seating himself beside his lover, who so far was clutching a cushion to his chest and his eyes so watery Kai could have mistaken the smaller man for crying,

“Hi baby.” Kai chirps, ruffling Ruki’s fluffy blonde hair; a knotted mess lying askew atop his head. Kai knew this was starting to get serious. Ruki never left the house without a hairbrush in tow. And that posed another problem.

Ruki hadn’t left the house in days.

Kai frowns further; even more so as he’s not met with Ruki’s sweetened reply, but instead the sound of one of Bender’s obscene jokes.

Ruki giggles into the confines of the couch cushion and Kai spies the remote control lying under a magazine on the coffee table in front of them. Not only that but Kai would have to clear the bowl of popcorn, the chocolate bar wrappers and two empty glasses of juice sitting among the mess.


Kai huffs before he leans forward and snatches the remote, his thumb pushing the much needed red button and the animated characters on-screen soon disappeared into a black hole.

Finally, he got Ruki’s attention,

“Hey!” The smaller blared, throwing the cushion aside to clamber over Kai in an attempt to retrieve the control, “What are you doing?! That episode had just started!”

Kai leans back with a smirk, holding the remote out of Ruki’s reach, “Oh, hi sweetheart. Did you have a nice day at work?”

Ruki stops struggling and stares back at him through haggard eyes, “What?” he murmurs,

“You.” Kai seethes, “I came home like five minutes ago, and you never even noticed I’d walked through the door!”

“Did too!!” Ruki offers a pout in return, sinking back on the couch to fold his arms and sulk as he usually does when being offered an ultimatum, “You just… didn’t give me a hug.”

Kai was the least impressed, “Oh I see. So that’s what I’ve been doing wrong…” he rolls his eyes and unbuttons his shirt collar, removing his tie before he throws it in Ruki’s direction.

Ruki adjusts himself against the sofa with a scowl as it lands in his lap, “So… how was your day?” he mumbles.

Kai can’t help but let a smirk pass over his face, loving the look on Ruki’s face whenever he was in one of these moods. For some reason, it had always been the centre of entertainment for him and their circle of friends; and it was only when Ruki had been reduced to tears that any of them would make an actual attempt to comfort him.

To Kai it just turned him on a little. Those perfect lips poised in the perfect position to steal a kiss…

“Boring without you…” Kai hummed lowly, playing with the TV remote in his hands, passing it from one hand to the other. In the corner of his eye, he could see Ruki’s own fixed on the small object. It might as well have been a vibrator,

“Tell you what.” Kai began, placing the control back on the coffee table, hiding a grin as Ruki watches it like a puppy begging for food, “I’ll make you a deal.”

Ruki’s dark eyes scroll up to meet his boyfriend’s, “I have a feeling I’m not going to like this…” he murmurs,

“Oh, you will…” Kai teases, inching closer and draping an arm over Ruki’s waist, “You know… me and you haven’t had any ‘fun’ since Christmas Eve…” Kai puts on his best pout, sad eyes leaning into Ruki’s with a hidden intention he knew he had to have. Tonight, “And… I think since we’re all alone…” Kai lets his eyebrows twitch upwards, and to his delight, a small smile passes over Ruki’s face,

“I guess…” The smaller agrees, his hands moving to continue unbuttoning Kai’s shirt from where the other had left off moments ago,

“Good…” Kai whispers, “If you can seduce me… I’ll let you stay up and watch Futurama all night. And I’ll even watch it with you.”

Ruki’s head snaps up a little quicker than Kai had initially suspected, “Eh?! Kai, you mean that?!”

The brunette offers a tender smile, “Since you love it so much…” he says sweetly, “And I love you so… both of us get what we want right?!”

Ruki’s tongue sticks out between his teeth as he smiles adorably, “Then what are we waiting for?!” he stands up and yanks Kai to his feet, “You go in that bathroom and have a nice, long shower…” Ruki proposes, almost bouncing on his toes as he tugs Kai in the right direction, “And I’ll get everything ready…”

Kai certainly was surprised. He didn’t think Ruki would take it this well. He was never the dominating type; it usually took either a lot of alcohol or a lot of persuading to let Ruki take control of the bedroom happenings.

Looks like Kai had hit this nail right on the head,

“Alright.” Kai murmurs seductively, bending down to whisper in Ruki’s ear, “I’ll try not to keep you waiting…”


On the contrary, Kai made sure to take his time. There was nothing more fitting to sex than a man who had been kept waiting with a hard-on ready and waiting to unleash.

Kai knew Ruki too well; in the three years they had been dating, he’d known that once the other man knew the night was going to end in sex, he became a rambunctious out-of-control animal throughout the entire evening. It had taken Kai a while to figure out how to keep him under control.

But tonight he would take things slow. Tease Ruki for a bit; see how he liked being malnourished of the attention for a change…

Kai is still drying his hair with a hand towel as he strolls his way to the bedroom door. He can already hear soft music erupting from a CD player by the door and he feels a smile tug at the corner of his lips.

Kai hadn’t bothered redressing, and so makes his way inside with nothing but a white towel wrapped around his midriff. That and he’d purposely left the centre of his chest damp… the wetness shining in the dim light of the room,

“Ruki?” Kai hums gently, giving his hair one last ruffle before he drapes the hand towel over the nearby radiator, “Sweetie, I’m here…”

Ruki truly had dimmed the lights a tad too much; Kai could hardly tell where he was going.

Perhaps he should have trained Ruki into the arts of romance before letting him go solo…

“Ruki?” Kai calls again, squinting in the dark to see if Ruki happened to be already on the bed, ready and waiting.

That’s when he hears a click; and the music from the CD player is cut completely,

“You really are sly…” Kai grins, “Let me guess, you’re going to sneak up from behind and pin me to the bed is that it?”

No reply…

Kai sighs deeply, padding his way over to the bed and seating himself, wondering whether he should just wait for Ruki to come to him,

“Woop woop woop woop woop woop…”

Kai flinches, “Ruki?”

“Woop woop woop woop…”

Kai can’t help but giggle, “Alright, get over here you…”

“Woop woop woop woop woop woop…”

It was nearer that time, and Kai takes a mental step backwards. That noise sounded awfully familiar…

“Woop woop woop woop woop.”

He was on the bed…

Kai sighed and reached for the lamp sitting on the nearby end table. Clicking it on, he turned to see Ruki hanging by his shoulder, a black hoodie swinging from his shoulders like a cape,

“Ruki…” Kai sighed, “What the fuck are you doing?”

The small blonde pulls back the hood to reveal a timid looking face, “You said I could seduce you how I liked…”

Kai merely stares, “Yeah but I didn’t mean you could re-enact the likes of Dr. Zoidberg’s sex life did I?!”

Ruki simply stares at the duvet covers, his fingers drawing shapes against the material absentmindedly,


Kai runs a hand over his face with a loud sigh, “I never realised how obsessed you were with that show…”

“I am not obsessed!” Ruki insists, a hand slamming against the mattress and Kai has to hold out a hand to stop himself toppling over,

“Oh no?” Kai raises an eyebrow, sitting cross legged across from the other man, “Then what do you call sitting at home all day for twelve hours straight watching nothing but cartoons?!”

“It’s not a cartoon!” Ruki argues, folding his arms tight across his chest, “It’s an animation.”

“Whatever…” Kai mumbled; going silent for a minute before sighing, “Just get over here and kiss me will you? You’re driving me crazy with that look.”

Ruki seems to think for a moment before his head turns half an inch, his lips still pursed in a sulky moue, “Does this mean I still get to watch Futurama with you later?”

Kai shrugs with a wry smile, “Depends on your performance…”

“Aww come on Kai that’s not fair -!” Ruki starts, only to be cut off by Kai laughing and pinning him to the bed,

“It so is…” Kai whispers alluringly into the smaller’s ear, and despite the brunette’s charms, Ruki’s face remained in a tight glower,

“I’m getting you back for this…” He warns.

Kai is too busy placing kisses down his neck; his hands fixed tight around Ruki’s wrists, “Oh, promises, promises…” he purrs.

He continues to work, drowning out Ruki’s small noises of protest with small shushes and his tongue sucking the skin of the blonde’s collarbone,

“Oh Kai…”

Kai smiles as Ruki finally submits and stops fighting; leaning his head back to allow Kai more access to his neck. The brunette can’t help but smile against his skin, releasing one of Ruki’s wrists to trail his hand down the smaller man’s body.

A small time later and Ruki is sitting up to remove his T-shirt. Kai takes it from him and tosses it to the floor with a grin, expert hands running over the wondrous smoothness that makes up Ruki’s chest.

The two men smile briefly at each other before Kai is pressing their crotches together, lighting up a friction that makes them gasp in unison, and they fall back to the bed together.

Kai kisses the blonde tenderly, soon gathering rhythm once he feels Ruki’s hands against his cheeks, his lips soft and moist as that tongue breaks through the barrier at last. Ruki tastes sweetly of popcorn, Kai finds, and he gives every thanks that he decided to go with sweet and not salted.

Kai moans, driven even more now that Ruki’s legs had hooked themselves around his waist.

Fuck being slow. They had waited too long to feel each other like this,

“Kai…” Ruki groans, panting as Kai’s sweet kisses left him breathless, “Oh Kai… I love you…”

The other man moans softly, “I know you do…” Kai’s nose brushes the edge of Ruki’s chin and the blonde shivers, Kai once again lining kisses against the other’s throat; and all groans that came from Ruki thereafter vibrated against Kai’s lips.

Ruki started tugging at the towel wrapped around Kai’s waist; a signal Kai knew all too well.

He had thought of teasing him but…

I want him so much…

Kai couldn’t control himself; his hand already tugging at the fastening of Ruki’s extra skinny jeans. The boy may have had legs like sticks, but Kai could never understand how he kept that huge bulge of his so well hidden.

Kai’s lips fastened themselves to Ruki’s stomach, trailing down towards his abdomen as his fingers got to work on the zipper. Ruki let out a sigh once the pressure in his crotch was released a little, and Kai could feel the rewarding tightens of the blonde’s fingers in his hair,

“Suck me…” Ruki breathed, Kai sneaking a glance at the other man through the gaps in his hair, “Kai, suck me… suck me hard…”

Kai doesn’t protest as he tugs Ruki’s jeans further towards his knees, the material so tight, he decided it would kill the mood to be wrestling with them as he tries to remove them, so he leaves them bunched around Ruki’s shins.

The blonde’s underwear was already damp with pre-cum and that satisfied Kai to an extent. He gripped the bulge, hard, and watched with a smile as Ruki threw his head back and moaned loudly to the ceiling.

Kai kissed Ruki’s inner thigh, already shaking as his hand rolled back and forth against Ruki’s growing erection underneath the material of his boxers,

“Someone’s already halfway there.” Kai hums lowly, as Ruki releases a deep throaty moan into the air,

“Shu-Shut up…” Ruki pants, Kai chuckling and silencing him once more with another hard squeeze, “Kai, stop teasing me…”

“That’s what you get for making me wait this long…” Kai smiles wryly, reaching forward to trail a hand down Ruki’s cheeks; already so warm, Kai could feel the blush burning his fingertips,

“Oh… harder.” Ruki breathes, his voice halfway between a growl and a groan, which only made Kai’s hand work faster… his fingers soon tingling with friction.

Kai was almost sure that the buzzing was touching the brink of tangible reality; and it was only when Ruki’s moans came to a sudden halt that Kai decided to stop too,

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s my phone…” Ruki mumbles sheepishly, looking a little guilty as his eyes wandered past Kai and to the tight jeans bunched around his ankles; the source of the sudden vibrations.

Kai released a smile and tightened his hand again, earning a seductive sigh from Ruki, “Just ignore it…”

His free hand soon came down to search in Ruki’s pockets while he continued milking arousing noises from his boyfriend’s lips. Pretty soon, Kai’s fingers came to wrap around Ruki’s mobile, and with a single click of a button, he ended the call without bothering to look at the screen; tossing it to the floor nonchalantly,

“Now… where was I?” Kai thought aloud, his teeth smoothing over his bottom lip as he slowly pulled the waistband of Ruki’s underwear down towards his thighs, gasping in delight at the arousing spectacle that soon stood tall before him,

“Oh Kai…” Ruki managed to sigh,

“I certainly have missed you…” Kai spoke to Ruki’s erection playfully, even leaning forward to kiss it on the head, “My, how you’ve grown since the last time I saw you…”

Ruki chuckled lowly from further up the bed, “Shut up!”

Kai grinned and ran his index finger over the head, watching as it collected the small gathering of Ruki’s solution leaking steadily from the tip. The sight had such an effect, Kai could feel himself wetting his towel…

Ruki moaned in pleasure and Kai saw how he nestled further into the pillow as Kai played a little bit more, adding his thumb and he started to stroke, loving the way Ruki acknowledged the movement,

“Faster, Kai… do that faster. God, it feels so good.”

Kai didn’t say anything; communicating instead through his hands, managing to sit cross legged in between Ruki’s open legs and allowing himself to observe Ruki’s foreskin moving up and down, feeding his own erection sitting cold and lonely underneath his towel.

But he knew it was worth it for the time being; he would get his share later, right now he couldn’t resist making a mess of Ruki. It was just too easy to seduce him like this and Kai liked to play to his advantages. Ruki was a sitting duck.

Kai flickers a glance up towards Ruki, though his head was tilted so far back that all Kai could see was the underside of his chin. The moans that were projected towards the ceiling, however, told an entirely different story,

“Louder…” Kai half-groans, bending his head low and aiming his lips towards Ruki’s heated shaft; sighing in contentment as his tongue bumped against the head and Kai could already taste the compelling sweetness of Ruki’s solution.

Ruki felt incredibly warm as Kai took his cock in his mouth, swirling a tongue round and round as he slid lower, almost making himself gag,

“Ahh…” Ruki choked out, Kai opening his eyes to see the blonde grab blindly for a nearby pillow, burying his face into it.

To coax him out of it Kai pumped faster… he sucked harder. Until his hand felt it was going to fall off and his cheeks hurt.

By now, Kai was working up a sweat, and Ruki’s hands were trying desperately to clutch at his shoulders as he lay submissive to Kai’s incredible handiwork. Pretty soon, Kai’s towel was slipping from his hips, and he lay naked and damp as he moved to caress Ruki’s balls instead, cupping the lumps of flesh tight in his hands and squeezing until Ruki was throwing lusty compliments towards his boyfriend in quick succession,

“So this is what you two have been up to…”

Kai’s head snaps up immediately at the voice that had suddenly appeared next to his shoulder and he turns quickly to find a familiar face smiling wickedly in the dark,

“R-Reita!” Ruki gasps, balancing himself on wobbly elbows as he sees for himself,

“What the hell are you doing here?” Kai asks warily, noticing how Reita picks up on the disappointment in his voice and lowers his eyes to the floor. It gives Kai a moment to notice that his hair is wet, that he has no jacket or shoes and has strode into Ruki’s room pretty much half naked. Kai also realised that Reita had been the one to remove his towel from around his waist; their boyfriend holding it in his arms somewhat sheepishly,

“Well… I did call first.” Reita shrugged, turning his head sideways at the scene before him and Kai was almost irritated that he wasn’t that angry at being interrupted; he was so turned on that he could fuck anything right at this moment.

Ruki gave out a regrettable sigh, and Kai guessed that he was slowly losing his momentum, “Yeah, we hung up. Well, Kai, did actually, he even threw my phone on the floor.”

The brunette gave him a hard stare, purposely digging his nails deep into the confines of Ruki’s crotch and the blonde moaned loudly in pain,

“Having too much fun were you?” Reita says sarcastically, slinging Kai’s towel uncaringly to one side, and Ruki watched it disappear into darkness, “Ru, come on, you know Thursdays are my nights.”

Kai almost recoiled, “E-Excuse me? Since when?!”

“Since forever.” Reita jabbed his stomach with a finger; just as pissed off as its owner, “And then you come in and take him for yourself!”

Kai looked lost; and his eyes darted back and forth between his two lovers, Reita lowering himself onto the bed beside Kai and beginning to unbutton his jeans,

“I never even knew we had a schedule!” Kai blurted out, watching as Reita regarded Ruki’s hard cock still sitting stiff in Kai’s sweating hand and let out a sigh, his tongue curling over his lips; already beginning to turn himself on,

“Well, you do now…” Reita winked at him and bit his lip, his blonde hair formed into messy curls atop his head, “I should thank you really… you got him prepped for me.”

Kai gawped, “You don’t seriously think I’m stopping now do you?”

Reita glanced downwards and grinned as his eyes settled on Kai’s exposed crotch, “No. Evidently not.” He teased.

Kai blushed a little, even more as his cock twitched visibly at the low tone Reita’s voice decided to adopt and the other man sent another wry grin his way.

Beyond the increasing heat making him swell with lust, Kai couldn’t help but be pissed off at his ruined alone time with Ruki. He thought Reita was working tonight.

He says it out loud,

“Well yeah, I was but my boss headed home sick and I decided to leave too.” Reita shrugs.

Kai sighs; of all the rotten luck,

“This is all your fault anyway!” he blares, hesitantly unhooking his hand from gripping Ruki’s shaft and the blonde whines lowly as it flops unmotivated onto his belly, “I wouldn’t even be doing this if it hadn’t been for you buying him all those stupid Futurama DVDs in the first place!”

Both men made noises of protest, Ruki looking more heartbroken while Reita simply stared, offended,

“Do you know how long I’ve been wanting to pin him to this bed and fuck the living daylights out of him?!” Kai rants, pushing himself off of the bed and strolling around naked, too angry to even care, “Every fucking day I come home to see him planted in front of that TV with his eyes popping out his skull! He doesn’t even say hello, doesn’t even give me a hug, a kiss, a 30 second blow job, nothing!”

Kai huffs impatiently, knowing it was probably wrong to let his anger come out in a fiery rage like this but, he had to face facts. This lack of communication between him and Ruki was starting to scare him; they’d never had problems in their relationship before and he knew he was probably being ridiculous; getting all upset because Ruki would rather pay attention to a cartoon than him but… perhaps he was feeling neglected.

That’s probably what Reita thought too, and Kai sighs in defeat as his long and slender arms slide around his waist,

“Well, they were on his Christmas list…” Reita chuckles lowly, kissing Kai’s neck softly to calm him down, “What do you want me to do, ban him from watching Futurama late at night?”

“I am still here you know…” Ruki sulked somewhere in front of them,

Reita laughed lowly, “And don’t we know it.”

Ruki huffs, “I don’t see what you’re making a big deal out of anyways. I’m here aren’t I?”

“Only because I promised you I’d let you watch Futurama if we had sex tonight.” Kai pouts, Reita’s hand sliding up and down his side,

“Oh hush now you two…” he hums, so close to Kai’s ear the brunette can’t help but shudder, “I’m here now, so why don’t all three of us have some fun, hm?”

“All three?” Kai whispers, purposely tilting his lips towards Reita’s own, feeling the other man’s heated breath billow against his cheeks, such an arousing closeness that had Kai’s cock growing hard again, tapping the denim of Reita’s unfastened jeans.

He could feel his anger melting away; the only thing he needed an outlet for now was the growing stimulation that been building up all night. Fuck that, it had been building up all week.

Kai silently begged Reita to kiss him; to kiss him and make a mess of him. The blonde, however, simply caressed his cheek and glanced behind him to Ruki still sitting vacantly on the bed,

“Alright, Ru, where have you hidden the lube?”


If this wasn’t torture, Kai didn’t know what was.

Since Ruki had reached into the bedside table and retrieved what Reita was looking for; the blonde hadn’t given him chance to pop it open before he was pinning Ruki to the bed sheets; kissing him wildly.

Kai was still stood naked beside the two of them, his own erection literally pointing in their direction and the fact he was watching the two of them only made him worse.

He couldn’t help but stay where he was though; losing himself in the fascination of Reita’s crotch grinding against Ruki’s own, until it grew hard and rigid and it stood waiting in between their stomachs.

Kai was sweating; and he felt his hand reach down to try and relieve himself of the feelings working up deep inside of him, no one there to do it for him,

“Kai…” Reita called all of a sudden, turning his attention away from Ruki who was leaning against the pillows with an arm draped over his eyes, his chest rising and falling erratically. Kai noticed the tip of his cock was wet as well, where Reita’s lips had just been and the taller man uses it as a lubricant, his fingers now smoothing up and down until Kai felt a sense of déjà vu; Ruki’s foreskin stretching up and down the same way it had just moments ago,

“Come over here…” Reita beckoned him with an open hand and a smooth set of fingers and Kai found his legs automatically kick into motion and seat himself beside him on the bed.

The atmosphere was warm; already bearing the scent of sex and the heat generated by their erotic breaths. Kai let himself melt in it; and even more into Reita’s touches when the blonde rested a hand on his hip and kissed him softly, still working to please Ruki behind him.

Kai sighed into Reita’s mouth; and he’d forgotten how long it had been since he and Reita had held any intimacy together. It wasn’t just Ruki he’d felt neglected by, Kai realised, it was Reita as well,

“You taste so good.” Kai breathes once they pull apart, taking Reita’s face to kiss him again, to relish the feeling of soft lips against his own…

“Oh Rei, faster!” Ruki calls out further up the bed, and Kai feels Reita’s smile against his lips before he grants the smaller man his wish and pumps him faster.

As he was kissing him, Kai tried to imagine what Reita’s fingers felt like against Ruki’s skin like that. He imagined them to be warm and slender, tight and welcoming as they wrapped around the stiff body part and moved. Fingers entwining and rubbing like never before.

Kai moaned as he pictured it in his head, his hips jerking unwillingly against Reita’s own as they moved closer together in their kisses. Pretty soon he could feel Reita’s hand slipping from his neck… down his collarbone…across his chest… until it met Kai’s cock resting against the bed patiently and Kai felt a similar warmth wrap around it tightly.

He and Ruki groaned in unison, and Reita broke away from Kai’s lips to turn back to Ruki again, bending his head low to finish sucking what he’d recently neglected. Thinking about it now, Kai assumed the sweetness he tasted on Reita’s tongue had been added to by Ruki’s solution.

Kai released a deep, throaty moan as he leant back on his hands and let Reita’s hand bring him into ecstasy. He knew at the rate he’d been kept hard for such a long time, he would come pretty early tonight, the orgasmic energy buried inside himself too excitable to keep down for any longer; and Kai continued groaning at his own pleasure. In turn, it seemed to make Ruki a little braver, as the smaller man became louder too, and the two of them engaged in their own private competition,

“Fuck me, Rei!” Ruki called out suddenly, “God, I can’t take this anymore, I just want you to put it in!”

Reita’s head came up and he turned to Kai with a small grin, one Kai returned, grimacing as he felt a trickle of sweat seep by his eyebrow,

“Ride me then.” Reita orders and to Kai’s surprise, Ruki’s up on two feet within seconds, taking his turn to push Reita back onto the bed and rip his jeans from him like a madman. Kai almost laughs as Reita’s underwear comes off too and Ruki’s flinging them to one side, grabbing the lube and pouring it messily over Reita’s open member, rubbing it in only a few times with his hands before he’s readily squatting over it.

Kai can’t help but divulge in the sight, “Wow, Ru, you look so tight…” he notes, watching Ruki’s ass clench a little.

Ruki doesn’t reply, too busy positioning himself to lower down onto Reita’s cock; eagerly hard and awaiting the chance to penetrate.

Kai decides to stay put and savour the sight, although Ruki decides to stand again and tear off the skinny jeans still bunched around his ankles. Kai helps him too, and before long he’s watching Reita’s cock slowly disappear…

“Ow…” Ruki moans quietly, Kai snapping himself out of his thoughts to rise up behind Ruki’s shoulder; kissing his neck and stroking his hips in an attempt to comfort him,

“Oh God, Ruki…” Reita moans, “You feel wonderful…”

Ruki whimpers softly as he lowers himself deeper and he turns his head to meet Kai’s lips head on; desperate for a distraction. Kai returned the kiss, holding his hips in place the further Reita went inside of him,

“That’s it Ruki…” Reita murmurs, thrusting a little and Ruki gasps against Kai’s lips, “Oh God, that’s it…”

Kai’s hand snaked around Ruki’s body to play with his nipples; hard as stone against his touch and he moaned in unison with his lovers.

Ruki let out another small groan and Kai felt the bed move as Reita began thrusting inside of him.

Once again, Kai found himself out of the loop, but the more he watched Reita fuck and Ruki being fucked, he found he didn’t necessarily care. He actually found himself joining in on the vocal symphony as he witnessed Reita’s hard shaft pushing inside Ruki’s rigid anal walls, imagining the pleasure from the friction...

Kai continued to plant kisses over Ruki’s body, damp with sweat. As Ruki’s moans increased in volume, he gave in to the fleeting urge to hold his cock and stroke it, Ruki throwing his head back against Kai’s shoulder and choking out a shrill cry to the ceiling,

“Kai…” Reita breathes after a while, speaking in between thrusts; each and every one getting stronger and harder with each drive of his hips, “Kai… I want you...”

Kai nodded in mutual understanding over Ruki’s shoulder, smiling softly as he pressed his lips to Ruki’s collarbone; the blonde’s head nestled back onto Kai’s shoulder as he let Reita fuck him into a paradise of his own.

It wasn’t long before Reita had Ruki pinned to the bed as before, sliding himself deep into Ruki’s entrance again, Kai feeling a sudden drive of lust as he watched it happen, making him eager to enter Reita too,

“Just not too fast…” Reita murmurs, as Kai spreads the lube over himself and kneels behind Reita readily, “This little one’s about to come…” he nods below at Ruki, to which the smaller man pouts noticeably,

“Stop teasing…” he sulks, “I’m too turned on to be teased.”

“And don’t I know it…” Reita groans as he pushes in deeper and Kai chuckles lowly, waiting for Reita to push all the way in and hold still before Kai can get to work himself.

He couldn’t help but notice how arousing Reita was from the back; his body beautifully refined and his skin so smooth. It was a sight to treasure, Kai knew; Reita had always been the one to dominate so Kai never really managed to get a full glimpse.

But he had it now, and as soon as Ruki released a deep groan into the air, Reita beckoned Kai to him and the three were ready to be engaged in an experience that would send each man blinding into ecstasy.

Kai sighed deeply as he watched his cock slowly merge into Reita’s inner walls, relishing in his back arching and the moans that followed. Ruki included, as he was bound to feel the effects too,

“Fuck…” Kai breathed, feeling Reita clench around him and he moved back out a little, thrusting in again gently to get him used to it,

“I’d forgotten how nice you felt.” Reita laughs in front of him, “Oh yeah, Kai, like that… that feels so good.”

Kai knew the feeling, his eyes fixed on his cock and Reita’s ass and not letting them tear away. It was too amazing to witness…

It wasn’t long before Kai was given his long awaited desire and Reita granted him the access he needed to explore deeper,

“Let’s get a rhythm going…” Reita spoke up, and Kai could hear the smile in his voice. Judging by how quickly he’d recovered, he’d guessed that he and Ruki had already fucked each other recently. Perhaps that should have annoyed him, but it didn’t. It only made him curious as to how Reita ever managed to get Ruki away from that TV screen.

Probably the same way I did, Kai thought with a smile.

Kai felt Reita move into Ruki and so Kai pushed in too, earning a small cry from all three of them. Reita’s insides were deliciously warm and concrete… letting Kai slide along with ease, teasing a small groan from Ruki again,

“Holy fucking… sweet Jesus, my God!” Ruki cried, and from over Reita’s shoulders, Kai could see the smaller man’s hands curl into fists against the bed sheets, his head rolling around on the pillow,

“Hey, you missed out my name…” Reita teased, breathing heavily as Kai slid into him gently; but with just enough drive to give Reita the pleasure he needed.

It became apparent Reita was getting desperate; Ruki too, as he wound his hands around Reita’s hips and encouraged him to move faster. Kai find he had to pick up the pace as well, the sweat returning to his face and he had to grip Reita’s hips tightly the quicker he thrust into him.

The deeper he went, the more alive he felt, and Kai threw his head back towards the ceiling as the pleasure filled him from head to toe. On the odd occasion he would crack an eye open, he spotted Ruki spying on him as Reita leaned forward to press frantic kisses to the inside of the smaller man’s neck, a sudden movement that brought Kai forward to.

He found it was the perfect opportunity to adjust his hips, earning a strangled cry from Reita,

“A little sensitive there, baby?” Ruki purrs beside him, his face shining with sweat and Kai wanted so badly to kiss him at that moment,

“Again…” Reita growled into Ruki’s neck, “Kai, do that again…”

The brunette obeyed and slammed his hips right into that same spot again. Cry after cry, Kai felt his own solution fill the insides of Reita’s entrance and he wondered how long it would be before he reached his own climax.

He felt Reita’s body shuddering beneath him, and leant forward to press a kiss to his lower back, Reita moaning softly as Kai’s cock rose considerably in distance at the movement,

“Rei, you feel so good…” Kai couldn’t say it enough times if he tried. It felt so damn nice.

They soon settled back into their rhythm, having picked up on speed and pretty soon Kai felt like they were no longer ‘setting a rhythm’. It had pretty much turned into a messy, frenzied fucking, no question about it.

But Kai didn’t care; working himself up into a submissive state as he and Ruki burned out their lungs with their cries alone.

Kai could even see Reita shuddering with every thrust he made into Ruki’s body, but it seemed their cries drowned out his own.

Kai’s hips were beginning to ache but he could feel himself about to let go… he was almost there. Just a few more…

“Rei.. I’m gonna… God, I’m so close!” Ruki cried out, beating Kai to it, and he felt Reita pick up his speed even more intensely; fixed on bringing Ruki to climax only, but Kai knew he must be nearing soon too. There was enough sweat lining his body to tell him that.

Ruki’s orgasmic cry that filled the air set off a chain between the three men. Kai was so turned on by it that it allowed him to come too, and it seemed that had an effect on Reita’s own release, Ruki calling out again as Reita’s seed filled his insides.

Kai felt his body tremble as wave after wave was sent searing through him. He needed this. God, did he need this.

He let himself flop on top of Reita’s body, the strength to keep him upright gone completely and he collapsed under his own weight,

“We have to do that again.” Ruki panted underneath Reita’s shaking form, “That was so good. Too good to be true…”

“Yeah, well, next time, I’m fucking you.” Kai managed to say, summoning enough energy to pull himself out of Reita and collapse next to Ruki.

Reita was still embedded deep inside the other man and had his eyes closed against Ruki’s chest as he recovered,

“And I get to use handcuffs…” he whispers, his voice almost nonexistent.

Kai smiled and extended a hand to stroke his hair, turning to Ruki for a kiss; having been so long since the last time he had one and he revelled in the forgotten taste,

“What do you wanna do now?” Reita breathes, his head bent low as he finally slides himself out of Ruki, the smaller blonde whimpering lowly, “We still have all night…”

“Ooh! I know!” Kai grimaces as Ruki tore away from his lips violently.

Kai runs a hand over his face, knowing very well what was coming next and he turned to glare at Reita,

“You just had to ask…”

Reita merely grinned back, laying himself back on Ruki’s chest again and the two men shared a knowing smile,

“What did we finish on last night?” Reita thought aloud; and that had Kai recoiling at the fact they had spent the entire night together and he never even knew, “Was it Season 4?”

“Episode 8!” Ruki answers proudly.

Kai groaned… it was going to be a long night.


A/N: Ruki will watch TV with you if you comment!! (*3*) <33 Hope you enjoyed mai lovelies! First time writing a threesome D: *runs away*

pairing: kai x reita x ruki, fic: oneshot, genre: humour, genre: sex, band: the gazette, genre: romance, pairing: threesome, pairing: kai x ruki

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