Title: Like Blood, Like Honey II: Five By Five
Author: Sorrel
Fandom(s): Supernatural/Buffy:the Vampire Slayer (this part)
Spoilers: post-Chosen
Rating: R
Pairings: Dean/Sam, Sam/Jess UST, Dean/Faith implied
Summary: "She bet that Buffy never had to deal with this kind of thing with her Watcher
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Comments 30
And Sam being a Watcher, *of course*.
And i was a little wobbly on the whole 'apart for years' thing but then Sam went and snuggled with Dean and wheeeeee! Perfect.
I love it.
Sam had to be a Watcher. He just had to. It was too perfect. And I guess technically Dean was Faith's Watcher, as well- in the sense that he watched her back, not so much with being the book-toting wingman. He likes to get in there and fight dirty right next to her.
Well, up until this last one Dean was checking in a lot more often, but Stuff Happened, the way stuff tends to do. He would have made it back earlier if he could. And like he said, he always comes back.
I'm glad you enjoyed!
Sadly, I doubt I'll hit X-Men, as it's not really one of my fandoms. But I do have a whole slew of fandoms I'd like to do, eventually. Hopefully at least one of them will be to your taste, even if I don't quite manage your OT3. *g*
Glad to see I'm not the only one jonesing for that OT3 though!! =D
I can't wait to see what other crossovers you do!
Well, I've started working on Dragonriders of Pern for part three, but, uh, I'm wondering how many people are actually going to get it. I mean, that series was my first and still-favorite sci-fi ever, but I'm not sure how many SPN fans know it. Ah, well. It's fun to write anyway.
Heh. What a fascinating set-up. Love how Dean and Faith met, and how Sam is still Sam even in a totally different role.
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