Title: Elsewhere
Author: Sorrel
Fandoms: Buffy, SGA, Supernatural
Rating: R
Spoilers: none, this part
Pairings: Spike/Xander, Sam/McKay, Dean/Sheppard, Ronon/Teyla. Implied Sheppard/McKay and Dean/Sam.
Summary: Four demon hunters are sent to Atlantis as a backup combat team. Romantic tangles, asskicking, and leather pants ensue.
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Comments 13
All good.
All good.
I'm an angst monger. this made me so happy. ^_^
It's crap.
No, seriously. It had no redeeming social values. None. And also, no real character development, plot development, or any other kind of development. I'm not even sure it has a plot, other than the entirely entertaining soap opera in my head. It's written entirely for my own enjoyment, and posted because for some strange reason, other people seem to find it fun too.
Rodney/Sam isn't really the ultimate pairing, to be honest, nor any kind of central one. It's just that I happened to be playing with at the moment, because that's how I'm writing the story. And while every point you made is absolutely valid, the chances of my actually doing anything about it are slim to none, because again, this story has no point to it. None. I'm glad- and more than a little flattered- that you're enjoying it, Spander parts aside, but I have to warn you not to get your hopes up. If you're looking for a solid story, boy are you looking in the wrong place.
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