They hit the armory first. “Can’t blow up the home base, love,” Spike told him, when he caught Xander eyeing the explosives longingly. “Gonna have to figure out another distraction.”
“We could shoot them,” Dean offered. “Death is distracting.”
*snerk* I love Dean.
And Xander. Most assuredly Xander. Yes. so...conflicted. Very, very pretty.
I'll admit, I had a Firefly quote in mind when I wrote that: "We just want to scare him a little." "Pain is scary."
I love writing the Xander of this 'verse. He's been through some pretty incredibly bad stuff, some of it just tragic accident and some he's done to himself, and yet at the same time he's got a new home, with someone he loves more than life itself, friends he can count on, and a team that counts on him. So... yeah, "pretty and conflicted" about sums it up. I'm glad you like.
Gets better and betterlillian13April 23 2006, 09:56:15 UTC
My my my, you're making what started out as a Guilty Pleasure crossover and turning it into a really good character study. Xander's POV is great--I'm willing to bet that everyone on Atlantis thinks of this as Xander's team, whether it's called that or not. Dollars to donuts, McKay is the MRE-hoarder! (Second guess is Ronon.) And Xan, Giles would understand better than you think. He took care of Ben, after all...
Re: Gets better and bettersorrelchestnutApril 23 2006, 14:17:45 UTC
Thank you very much! It really was a guilty pleasure when I started it, and somehow it turned serious on me. I hate it when that happens, because it inevitably means more work for me writing it, but it's such a pleasure to write that I can't complain too much.
Thanks! And yeah, that's my favorite Xander too- a little dark, a little violent, and a lot more edge to him than meets the eye. His character always had these great depths and corners and sharp edges, so it's my favorite thing to explore when I'm writing him.
Thank you! I loved writing both the Ronon and Xander character studies, because they're both fascinating characters who are way more complicated than they look. I'm glad you enjoyed.
Comments 22
“We could shoot them,” Dean offered. “Death is distracting.”
*snerk* I love Dean.
And Xander. Most assuredly Xander. Yes. so...conflicted. Very, very pretty.
Amazing, as always.
I love writing the Xander of this 'verse. He's been through some pretty incredibly bad stuff, some of it just tragic accident and some he's done to himself, and yet at the same time he's got a new home, with someone he loves more than life itself, friends he can count on, and a team that counts on him. So... yeah, "pretty and conflicted" about sums it up. I'm glad you like.
Dollars to donuts, McKay is the MRE-hoarder! (Second guess is Ronon.)
And Xan, Giles would understand better than you think. He took care of Ben, after all...
Poor Xan... it's gotta be tough on him but I'm glad he's got people that care about him and a place for him there where he's useful. :)
I love this story/series and hope to see much more soon. :D
Lovely stuff, yes yes.
I loved the "Xander killed Angelus" bit... even though David Boreanaz is WAAAYYY too hot to be killed. *Cries*
David, Jensen, Jared, and James need to live forever. They're too hot to die.
And I love the character study. The Ronon character study and the Xander character study. I really like that.
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