Summary: The Empty Hearse, as told by William Butler Yeats in exactly 100 words.
Characters: John, Sherlock
Rating: PG
Warnings: A smidge of irreverence
Notes: Firstly, thank you to
rifleman_s for beta-reading and discussion. Secondly, a happy Easter to all!
Burning, I’m burning, underneath the pyre
I have no voice to cry, and you won’t hear
Like I won’t take in you, your how,
Your clever soulless joke on me while all the world
Knew more than me, and I cared most
Your tale lacks all conviction, tell me why
With anguish and intensity
Surely some revelation is at hand
Surely you will grasp my hand. Jesus wept
you fell; vexed twenty moons of restive sleep-
No waste of desert sand, but bloodied stone-
And pitilessly slow, slouched back from death;
A crowing cock denied till ruse of fiery blast
Tennyson's Study in Pink
Lear's Blind Banker
Carroll's Great Game Stevens' Scandal in Belgravia
Blake's HOUND of Baskerville
Lennon's Reichenbach Trip Yeats' Empty Hearse