
Dec 06, 2012 17:28

I haven't really been into fandom for the last year or two. I've been barely writing fic, and usually reading even less (which is not to say that I don't still have like 20 shows that I watch obsessively!). But within the last couple weeks I have fallen head over heels into a new fandom and I forgot what a LIFE RUINER this shit is. Ugggh.

fandom, one direction

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Comments 4

mercilynn December 7 2012, 01:41:48 UTC
HAHAHHAHAHA. I wondered if you would get into 1D. I have friends into it.

Fandom is TOTALLY a life ruiner. Do you watch Teen Wolf? Life. Ruiners.



sororcula December 7 2012, 01:52:46 UTC
Omgggg you don't even know how tempted I've been to throw gifs and videos at you to try to get you into them too! They are RIDICULOUS. So CUDDLY ALL OVER EACH OTHER. And then I was like, NO, why are you trying to suck Ashley into this hellhole with you??!

Do you watch Teen Wolf?

omg, I feel like I dodged a BULLET with TW, because I saw everybody getting into it and I was all ready to check it out, but then I put it off for a couple weeks and then I started noticing all this weird racist shit from the cast/creator and it made me too uncomfortable to watch it. But I could tell it was one of those ridiculous, guilty pleasure shows that suck you in! Aaaah.

I miss you too!!! I'm so glad you commented on here, we haven't talked in forever and a day. Your icon tells me you are still into hockey... What else???

(brb, gonna go find some 1D gifs to spam you with!!)


mercilynn December 7 2012, 01:58:11 UTC
LOLOL. I like... Know who they are in the general sense but not in the sense where I could pick one out of a lineup of the others. Which I'm not even sure if there are 4, 5, or 6 of them. But I've seen lots of giggly pictures!

The show itself is just. Yeeeees. And the fic is AMAZING though and you can totally read it without watching the show and just figure things out from there. That's how it started for me *sigh*.

Hockey. Teen Wolf. RP'ing still, but not as much? IDK, I have a 10,000 word hockey fic going up sometime this month for a BB, it kind of consumed my life for a bit. OH. I was flirting with bandom fandom for a bit... P!ATD seduced me.


sororcula December 7 2012, 02:25:14 UTC
ALLOW ME TO EDUCATE YOU. There are five of them!:

... )


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