Numb3rs drabble: "Heat" (David/Liz, rated R)

Jul 23, 2011 23:27

The rest of the country's in a heat wave, but it didn't get over 65 degrees here today, so I guess it's pretty easy for me to sit here and say that the heat can be sexy... I do hope y'all are staying cool and hydrated!

Title: Heat
Pairing: David/Liz
Rating: R
Summary: She can feel the heat radiating off him. Making her sweat.
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Notes: For mustangcandi, a belated birthday present. Just a little token of my affection. ♥ Sequel to Warm Me Up. Unbetaed.
Prompt: #146 "Temperature" at numb3rs100
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor am I profiting from their use here. This is only for fun.

She gets him on his back laid out on top of the duvet and she straddles him wide, not touching his skin, but she can feel the heat radiating off him, hitting her like a furnace, like the sun outside. Making her sweat.

She told him to close his eyes and he did, and now she watches him for a moment, taking in his soft, amused smile, his neatly trimmed beard, and the small beads of sweat gleaming at his temple and his bare chest.

When she doesn't do anything, he gets impatient and he laughs a little, shifts under her, bumping his hip against the inside of her thigh. Her skin burns and it snaps her alert; she reaches to the bowl next to her and quietly takes up a spoonful of ice cream, already melting liquid in the heat.

When the cold hits his skin his eyes fly open, his body tenses all over and then he laughs again, relaxing back and meeting her gaze. She spoons the ice cream along the dip in his abs and then leans down to lick it off, tasting the shocking cool mint and sweet dark chocolate and his warm sweat while he watches her.

rated r, drabbles, het, numb3rs, fanfiction, numb3rs100, n3 fic, david/liz

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