Numb3rs fic: "Once More" (David/Megan/Colby, NC-17)

Mar 31, 2010 13:21

(It's a sign you've picked a bad title when you have to go double-check that you haven't used it before. Ah well.)

Happy Birthday mercilynn!! I think you are the bee's knees and I really wanted to give you some Don/Megan fic, but since that pairing is not really my forte, I went with finishing this fic instead and dedicating it to yooooou. ♥ ♥ I hope you're having an excellent day and that the new year ahead of you will be full of happy things! You deserve it.

Title: Once More
Pairing: David/Megan/Colby
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Finally when he leans in to kiss her she wonders if they had this planned, the two of them, until she hears Colby whisper, "Jesus," in her ear, all shock and awe in his voice.
Word Count: 2,426
Spoilers: none
Warnings/Enticements: drunken writing drunken sex, threesome, bossy!David, PWP
Notes: Unbetaed. I started this fic approximately a billion years ago and finally ended up using mercilynn's birthday as an excuse to finish it. It's easier for me to do that because I feel like I only have to worry about making sure she likes it, not the rest of you guys, haha. Prequel to Again.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor do I profit from their use here. This is only for fun.

The case was tough, three murdered kids before they could manage to catch the guy, and the three of them are all running on about two hours of sleep, but the arrest always pumps adrenaline through their veins, so David and Megan both say yes when Colby invites them over for a drink.

He gives them full reign over his modest liquor cabinet, and he and David share a bottle of Laphroaig while Megan helps herself to a glass of red wine.

It doesn't take long, sleep deprivation and stress and alcohol taking over, and when she innocently comments about Colby's apartment being a pigsty and Good Lord, how does he ever get women to come over, he groans loudly and says, "Christ, I haven't gotten laid in three months."

If she wasn't buzzed, she wouldn't join David in laughing at him, but she is, so she does. Colby swipes at their legs in annoyance from his spot on the floor and Megan pulls her bare feet up under herself. She almost unbalances, tipping forward, but David catches her arm with a strong grip. She grins at him.

Colby's still annoyed. "Well when was the last time for you guys, then?"

David waggles his eyebrows. Megan's silently impressed at his dexterity, under the circumstances. "A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell," he says. Colby snorts.

"That's why I was asking you," he says. Oh, snap. But David just shakes his head with a rueful smile and after a moment Colby gives up on him with a sigh.

He turns to Megan and she watches him expectantly, but his expression shifts, turning skeptical. "I don't think I really want to hear anything about Fleinhardt," he says. She tries to feel offended, but she's too weightless and that section of her brain isn't working.

"The last person I kissed," she tells him instead, "was Don."

Colby and David are both staring at her. She thinks maybe that was the wrong thing to say, and she goes to put down her wine glass, but she doesn't balance it on the table quite right. It splashes back onto her shirt, staining the white pink. She swears, starting to unbutton the shirt before realizing that no, she's not drunk enough to perform a striptease, actually. When she looks up, they're both still staring.

"Hey, uh," Colby says. "Why don't I... lemme grab you a shirt, okay?" He pulls himself up off the floor and she follows him through to his bedroom. Her head starts throbbing as soon as she stands up, so she closes her eyes and leans against the wall next to his dresser while he finds a t-shirt for her. Her hands feel heavy when she lifts them to finish unbuttoning her shirt, and she does it sleepily, slowly, fingers slipping over the tiny buttons.

"Okay, here," Colby says, looking vaguely proud of himself as he holds a shirt out to her. He stumbles with his step toward her, and she catches him before he can fall. He groans and lowers his head to rest on her shoulder. "I think I stood up too fast," he mumbles.

She thinks that his headache is probably worse than hers, so she brushes her fingers through the hair at the base of his skull, massaging gently, slowly. She can feel his breath on her skin, hot through the thin fabric of her shirt. She could almost fall asleep like this, leaning against the wall with Colby keeping her warm.

"You smell good," he tells her.

"Wow," she says. "I haven't taken a shower in two days."

He laughs, huffs of breath beating against her collar bone. She moves her hand up to rub at his temples.

There's a cough from the doorway and Megan opens her eyes to see David there, watching them. Colby turns his head and she feels his breath direct on her skin now, blowing softly between her breasts where her shirt is open.

"You guys okay?" David asks. He seems amused, but also... suspicious. Wary.

"Granger's about to fall asleep on me," she says, smiling at him. David smiles back.

"I'm not," Colby protests. He finally lifts his head. "I'm wide awake. I just like your perfume."

She snorts. "Eau de sweat and cordite? I'll have to remember that winning combination."

"You smell like flowers," he tells her seriously. "Come smell her, David."

She thinks he'll say no, assure Colby that he takes his word for it, but he steps forward, looking curious, and it turns out she doesn't really mind her personal space being taken up on both sides, anyway. She turns towards him, leaning back against Colby, fair's fair, and David ducks his head to her neck and breathes in. When he comes up, he's inches from her face.

"He's right," David tells her. "You smell like flowers."

"Ha!" Colby exclaims, justified. He's leaning against something--the dresser, she realizes--steady on his feet when he wraps his arms around her waist and rests his chin on her shoulder. She huffs out an exasperated breath, but lets him pull her in close, taking her weight. She can feel him pressed against her back, every plane and rise, and when she shifts slightly, he tightens his arms and she can feel it, can feel his dick against her ass, not completely hard but there. It makes her flush all over, and when she looks up she finds David staring at her, catching her eyes. There's something intense in it and she can't look away, can't breathe, maybe, for a long moment, and finally when he leans in to kiss her she wonders if they had this planned, the two of them, until she hears Colby whisper, "Jesus," in her ear, all shock and awe in his voice.

She takes David's mouth as he presses up against her, pushing her hard against Colby behind her. His breath catches. David reaches down to rest his hands at her waist and she can tell when they touch, both of them freezing for an instant, Colby's hands moving down low on her hips while David slips his arms around her. She doesn't catch on at first, caught up in tasting the smokiness of scotch in David's kiss, but Colby gasps loudly behind her, bucks against her--she bites David's lip accidentally, surprised--and she feels David's hands moving, hears the clink of a belt buckle, can feel David's palms resting against her ass as he unzips Colby's jeans.

Colby swears quietly, and she can feel him trembling against her, thighs shaking under hers. David slides his lips down her throat, across her collarbone; Colby's fingers skate across her skin as he pushes her shirt off her shoulder, baring her skin. David lifts his head and a second later she hears, "Oh God," the final word stuttering to an end, cut off with a muffled, surprised noise. She looks, and there, right there, they're kissing over her shoulder, David's neck bent down slightly as he leans to reach Colby's mouth. It makes Megan feel small, pressed tight between the two of them, solid lines of heat front and back, and she can hardly move her arms--it panics her, for a second--so she takes back a modicum of control, working her fingers to slip David's belt free.

He breaks away from Colby, their slicked lips an inch apart, and murmurs, "Oh," glancing at her like he'd forgotten she was there. She raises an eyebrow, and a smile spreads slowly over his face. He pulls his hands back, sliding them over her hips to wrap his fingers around her wrists, covering her hands with his own as he guides them to rest at his zipper. He glances right and she follows his gaze to see Colby's bed a few feet away. He doesn't say anything when he catches her eyes again, but she knows he's waiting, giving her an out. The heat of their bodies feels too good, the wine has her pleasantly lightheaded, and so she jerks her fingers down, opening his slacks and making him smile.

"Well okay then," he says, pulling her with him as he steps back. He rests a hand on her back, guiding her gently toward the bed. When she reaches it he pushes down his pants, indicates that she should do the same, and she does, baring her legs for them. For both of them. Colby is staring at her and David tells him to lie down--more forceful than he is with her, like Colby needs... something different.

"Take them off," David says, nodding to her panties, and she does, slowly, trying to make it sexy.

"Straddle him," he says, nodding toward Colby, and she does, smiling down at Colby, staring glassy-eyed up at her. She can feel the rough of his jeans on her bare skin, rubbing against her clit when she rocks on him. His eyes flutter closed in an almost-groan.

David strips behind her. She leans down and kisses Colby, heart pounding, ready for David to fuck her, wondering if he expects her to take them both at once. Colby kisses her back, fingers scrabbling at her waist. Touching her bare skin. He pushes her shirt off of her, tugs the cuffs over her hands. David climbs onto the bed behind her, comes up close. She can feel his cock brush against the top of her right thigh, and she feels herself go wetter, anticipating.

But he pulls her up, hands firm on her waist, forcing her to straighten, her back flush against his bare chest. He nudges her forward, and she knee-walks up the bed, till she's straddling Colby's shoulders. David's face is next to hers, looking over her shoulder. Colby is staring up at them, eyes flicking between their faces. David unhooks her bra and tips the straps off her shoulders, letting it fall, pushing it off to the side of the bed. She watches Colby's eyes focus on her bared breasts. David cups them, tracing his thumbs around her nipples, flicking over them, and then he runs a hand lightly over her stomach, circling her belly button, and trips his fingers down to nestle gently against her clit. He rubs once, dips his fingers down to slide against her where she's wet, and he pulls his fingers back glistening.

He paints his fingers across Colby's lips, tucks them inside his mouth. "Taste her," he tells him. She sees a flash of Colby's tongue and her breath catches watching him suck her flavor off of David's fingers.

He pulls his hand back and pushes her forward, making her thighs ache with the unexpected stretch as he maneuvers her into position, balanced over Colby's mouth. "Go on," he says, and Colby's hands come up to grip her thighs, pulling her down to lick at her cunt.

She loses herself in it, letting the sensations overwhelm her till she's lightheaded, until she feels Colby tense and tighten his hold on her legs, his tongue going weak and unsure for a moment. She looks over her shoulder and David is there, working Colby's cock, jerking him lightly. As she watches he looks up to meet her eyes and slowly lands Colby's cock on his tongue, tracing the head before closing his mouth around it and going down. She sees Colby's hips buck and she feels it in his shoulders, under her thighs, and she feels his mouth gasp and stutter against her clit, and she sees. him. lose it. His fingers dig into her thighs, his eyes shut tight, his mouth goes slack, and when she looks back his hips are off the bed, legs gone taut. Then he shivers, like an aftershock, and after a minute David backs off and she can feel Colby's muscles relaxing, limbs going loose, and she backs off, too, sliding down so she can kiss him lightly.

David's hands grip her hips firmly, thumbs smoothing across the skin of her thighs as he spreads her open, and she feels his cock again, bumping against her until he pushes inside, slow and steady. It's a stretch, an ache like she hasn't felt in a while, and she feels her spine curving up, shifting her forward, but he holds her in place and she feels herself opening up for him. He fucks into her, slow at first and gaining speed, and making these noises like they're breaking free of his restraints, getting the best of him. Like she's getting the best of him.

She feels good, filled up and lost in the sensation of David inside her and Colby underneath her, her breasts brushing against his chest, tingling pleasure running down her stomach and centering in her clit, building up again where it had waned when Colby stopped. David leans forward, draping over her back so his mouth is by her ear. "That's good," he whispers. "You feel good."

"O-oh," she says, feeling her voice crack. She buries her face in Colby's shoulder and slips her hand down between their bodies, touching herself, rubbing her clit.

"Yeah?" David says, and she can hear the smile in his voice, like he's teasing her. He slows down, pulling out and pushing in with deliberate strokes, breaking her down. One of Colby's hands is heavy at her waist, resting hot against her skin. She looks down and sees his other hand caught in David's, fingers intertwined, David holding him down. She closes her eyes and listens and feels, tension building.

"Yeah?" he whispers again. "You gonna come for me? Let me feel you--"

And she does, she feels him thick and present inside her and she presses hard at her clit and she feels the tension burst inside her, washing through her in waves, clenching down around him, and she shuts her eyes tight, feeling her whole body give over to it. He groans behind her, and a few moments later he thrusts hard, grabs her tight, and she knows he was waiting for her, holding back, making her go first.

She feels better than she has in days, relaxed and warm and winded in the best way, and she feels the two of them slack on either side of her as David slides off of her and pulls her onto her side, maneuvering her pliant limbs till she's tucked comfortably between them. For a minute she watches Colby looking at David behind her, and then she drops a light kiss on his shoulder and finally sleeps.

fanfiction, david/colby/megan, n3 fic, slash, het, rated nc-17, numb3rs

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