(no subject)

Jan 28, 2007 09:09

Check out mcee's default icon drabble challenge.

(icon made by ignipes)

Traveling across the country no longer holds any romance for Sam. In school, he read countless road trip stories--up to and including "On The Road," which, yeah, was pretty good--and sat silent in the classroom as the other kids talked excitedly about what it would be like to get up and go. He never told them that if he never saw another state border sign in his life he'd be happy. Inevitably Dad picked them up and went, to a new town and a new classroom full of kids who claimed to want what he had. Lord knew Sam didn't.

Drabbles are fun!

ETA: *headdesk* fuckin' HTML.

fanfiction, supernatural, rated g, drabbles, spn fic

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