Numb3rs drabble: She Got The Way To Groove Me

Mar 31, 2009 23:06

Sooo... Today is mercilynn's birthday! This is for her. It's kind of ONLY for her, not because she is greedy and refuses to share it, but because it takes place in an as-yet-unwritten AU that she and I have created, and so I'm not really sure anyone else will understand it. Obviously you are welcome to try, though! But yeah, that's one reason I'm not crossposting this. Because I'm too lazy to explain the background.

Um. The prompt she gave me was Don/Megan, Coop/Colby, "Cherry." I sort of deviated from those pairings to fit the AU, but they're still present, I just... added some more. Haha, okay.

Title: She Got The Way To Groove Me
Pairings: various elements of Don/Megan, Coop/Megan, Colby/Charlie, and Coop/Colby
Rating: PG-15
Summary: If he's being honest, Coop would probably get along pretty well with Don under different circumstances.
Word Count: 253
Spoilers: none, except for our unwritten AU, haha.
Notes/Warnings: Title from Cherry, Cherry by Neil Diamond, which incidentally is totally Coop's song for him and Megan. Unbetaed. Kind of cracky. Possibly incomprehensible.
Prompt: Cherry
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor do I profit from their use here. This is only for fun.

Don's in the office again, always escorting his brother in like he's going to face a firing squad, not the fucking FBI. If he's being honest, Coop would probably get along pretty well with Don under different circumstances. Like, if he didn't talk to Megan. Or look at her. Much less give her that fucking boyish grin he's always flashing.

Coop can be boyish. It's difficult for him, because he's all man, but then, that's what Megan likes about him. He thought.

Colby sidles up next to him, bringing with him a strong scent of artificial cherry from the lollipop he's sucking on. Charlie's tagging along behind him, wide-eyed and young-looking. Coop raises his eyebrow.

"What is this, a pediatrician's office? Have some decorum, Granger."

Colby shrugs and says around the candy, "I like sucking on things. It's like a little afternoon pick-me-up." Next to him, Charlie chokes on an intake of breath. Coop eyes him. Colby grins.

"You're free to go," Coop says. "We'll call you."

"Uh, okay." Charlie flicks his eyes to Colby, gives a little nod, and hustles off towards his brother, a few cubicles away, standing there blatantly flirting with Megan. Coop's teeth ache from clenching.

Colby slides a hand around the back of Coop's neck and pulls out the lollipop, letting it rest against the pink stain of his lips. He gives him an overly earnest, concerned look, and murmurs, "You look tense." He flicks his tongue against the candy. "Anything I can do?"

drabbles, het, numb3rs, fanfiction, n3 fic, amazing hs au, rated pg-15, slash

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