Numb3rs drabbles: Scrapbook (little!Don, little!Charlie, Margaret, Alan, G)

Mar 16, 2009 23:19

No one is more surprised than I that I didn't write something dirty with these prompts. ;-)

Title: Scrapbook
Characters: little!Don, little!Charlie, Margaret, Alan
Rating: G
Summary: Four pages, four years.
Word Count: 4x100
Spoilers: none
Notes/Warnings: Pretty freakin' schmoopy, I think. Unbetaed. Written for the Anonymous who gifted me with paid account time last month and requested "a fluffy Don, Charlie drabble" in return. Hopefully the fact that it's a series makes up for the month I took to write it? :-) Thanks again, Anonymous. ♥
Prompt: March Rewind at numb3rs100: Kiss, Warm, Skin, Color
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor do I profit from their use here. This is only for fun.


Page one. Upper left corner.

Mommy gives Charlie a kiss and then she holds him down where Don can reach.

"Say goodnight, Donnie," she says quietly, smiling at him. He looks at Charlie and carefully, gently like they showed him, presses his mouth against Charlie's head, feeling the little curls tickle his face and breathing in the soft fresh baby smell.

"Goodnight," he whispers. Charlie blinks sleepily at them and flails his arm a little bit. Daddy comes up behind Don and lifts him onto his shoulder, and he watches Mommy put Charlie in his crib from up high.



Page nine. Upper right corner.

Don's sleepy, tucked into the corner of the couch next to the window where the sun's shining in against the back of his neck. Charlie's on his lap, bouncing and wiggling, and Don tightens his arm around him so he doesn't fall. His warm little body rests against Don's chest and he settles down for a moment, tapping the action figure clutched in one hand against Don's wrist in a 1-2-1-2-3 pattern.

He closes his eyes for a minute and opens them to find Mommy there, with their sandwiches.




Page twenty-two. All four corners.

Charlie keeps taking off his clothes and running around the house buck naked. Dad calls it "The Terrible Twos." Mom says he's just expressing his individuality. Don thinks it's ridiculous.

Charlie runs into the backyard and Dad pushes the button that controls the sprinklers, hitting Charlie with a rush of water. Charlie freezes and his eyes go shocked for a second before he squeals with laughter and starts jumping through the spray.

Don watches from the porch. He can feel the tag of his t-shirt itching his neck. He strips it off.



Page thirty. Full page.

Don's trying to show Charlie how to draw a dog, but he's not really listening. He's drawing rows of small, misshapen squares in random numbers across the page, making little clusters when he starts to run out of room.

Don is feeling generous. "Here," he says. He draws a line down the middle and scoots closer to Charlie so they can both reach. Charlie keeps drawing his boxes, and Don draws a house and a tree next to the dog. When they're done, he prints their names carefully right along the bottom of the page.


numb3rs100, fanfiction, n3 fic, rated g, drabbles, gen, numb3rs

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