Numb3rs drabble: Pieing Up Baby (Don/Tim King, PG-13)

Feb 19, 2009 22:49

Title: Pieing Up Baby
Pairing: Don/Tim King
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "Interesting design," Don murmured lazily.
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: none
Notes/Warnings: Sequel to Ink by mercilynn and originally posted in the comments there. Unbetaed, silly. This was my attempt to take her awesome fic and add babies and pie. LIKE YOU DO. If you're me.
Prompt: #140 "Generations" at numb3rs100
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor do I profit from their use here. This is only for fun.

"Interesting design," Don murmured lazily, tracing over it again with his thumb as they lay there dozing. He followed the v-shape down Tim's back, then up again to rub along the curled edge of the top.

"Yeah, well. My mom's a baker. Pie means a lot to me."

"Mmm," Don agreed, resting his head on Tim's bicep.

A few minutes later the alarm on Tim's watch beeped. He sighed and stretched, jostling Don slightly.

"It's the weekend," he explained. "I have to go pick up my kid from my ex's house."

"Oh," Don said, blinking.

"You wanna come with?"

rated pg-13, drabbles, numb3rs, don/tim, fanfiction, numb3rs100, n3 fic, slash

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