Numb3rs drabble: Easy As (Colby, Nikki, G)

Feb 04, 2009 11:33

How long could I last before the numb3rs100 table inspired me to write something? About a day, apparently.

Title: Easy As
Characters: Colby, Nikki
Rating: G
Summary: "It's impossible."
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: none.
Notes/Warnings: Unbetaed. mustangcandi made me do it.
Prompt: #83 "Pie" at numb3rs100
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor do I profit from their use here. This is only for fun.

His last case had involved a dangerous situation, sure, but Colby distinctly remembered coming away with nothing more than a bruise or two.

And yet, this.

Could this be Heaven?

He took in the display before him, eyes glazing over with desire. "Pinch me," he whispered.

Sharp fingernails digging into his bicep confirmed his earthly existence. He shot an annoyed glare at Nikki. She raised an eyebrow at him, unimpressed.

"Pick one."

"It's impossible," he insisted desperately.

"It's David's birthday. He's your best friend. Unless you are planning on going home and putting on a frilly apron... Pick a pie."

numb3rs100, fanfiction, n3 fic, rated g, drabbles, gen, numb3rs

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