
Jan 11, 2009 22:31

I do not know how my wards will favour against whatever powers we are against, but any worried by current events are more than welcome. Even if the Others seem to have quietened for the time being, there is much to threaten our safety ( Read more... )

big sheikah nanny, queensguard, wearing her queen hat, woe, exhibitionist currently known as prince, blacksmiths are always mouthy, so i herd u h8 weskips, the big brave dog

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Comments 100

Locked Zelda/Aaron timid_werewolf January 11 2009, 23:07:41 UTC
It's still sinking in, to be honest...Sasuke's bent on revenge but I don't want them to leave even for a moment!

She's alone, I don't want her left alone, she's still recovering but I'm so scared


Locked Zelda/Aaron sorighteously January 11 2009, 23:10:16 UTC
It would not be safe, even for men as capable as them. And your own worry is understandable. Not that it is similar, but when Zant was here, the mere thought of being alone with him somewhere out there made me sick to the heart.

I could go to her, if you wished? Or would she come here? I would not want her to feel imposed upon.


Locked Zelda/Aaron timid_werewolf January 11 2009, 23:12:21 UTC
She might not leave the eatery...but people come and go in there all the time when I'm cooking to eat...I'm afraid of her being all alone without me there...

Not that I'm much protection...

Zant? You...were scared too? But you're so calm and brave...


Locked Zelda/Aaron sorighteously January 11 2009, 23:21:52 UTC
I will go to check on her, and mayhaps we may arrange something. I would not want her to come to harm.

Were I to choose a guard, Aaron, I would choose one whose heart was true, even if there was no sword in his hand.

I was, and I am. All people have fears, Aaron. There ought to be no shame in that, only strength, and growth.


[[Voice]] buttkickinghero January 11 2009, 23:09:27 UTC
Eh? More strange words and tiny letters on the not-so-magic-magic-box!


[[Voice]] sorighteously January 11 2009, 23:11:57 UTC
Oh, this! They call it a communicator, I believe. We have not their like either.


[[Voice]] buttkickinghero January 11 2009, 23:13:47 UTC
It still seems like magic to me! Or...gnomish craft, perhaps. Gnomes are very smart in ways I do not fully understand!

You are a healer, lady?


[[Voice]] sorighteously January 11 2009, 23:23:07 UTC
I thought it was magic too, at first, but apparently the devices are technological.


I am, sir. Have you need of me?


[Voice][Locked to the Royalty] kakolookiyam January 11 2009, 23:12:07 UTC
I am, Zelda. You need not fear.

[A pause.]

Overmuch, at least. That... bulletin is certainly worrisome enough as it is. Nevertheless, I am more concerned for Aaron. And yourself, of course. And Sheik.

And everyone.


[Voice][Locked to the Royalty] sorighteously January 11 2009, 23:17:08 UTC
I would be lying if I did not confess to my own worry over it. But I have my wards, and am always guarded. I hope Aaron is alright. He is one of the least deserving of such a fate - not that Mello was anymore so. And... He has not woken yet.


[Voice][Locked to the Royalty] kakolookiyam January 11 2009, 23:34:04 UTC
Nevertheless, if you need me for anything, my lady, I am yours.

Mello... I hope he does soon. He was a--is a brash man, and loud, but he is good man in his way. And he did not deserve that, for a certainty.

Nor Aaron.


[Voice][Locked to the Royalty] sorighteously January 11 2009, 23:40:47 UTC
You know such a thing is mutual, my lord.

As do I. Ryuzaki and Matt are keeping vigil, and the body is healing, but... All the same. This is a black thing to happen. There are few who deserve such a thing.


[Voice][Locked to Avari/Zelda] asouroldelf January 11 2009, 23:15:33 UTC
Aye, I'll be sure to. Long as you drop that 'lady' business. It's just Avari, Your Grace. Don't need none of that title stuff.

How many quivers you want?


[Voice][Locked to Avari/Zelda] sorighteously January 11 2009, 23:25:21 UTC
As you will, Avari, but you need not call me so either. Zelda will suffice.

Fifteen, perhaps? To begin with.

Ah, but your work is very fine from what I have seen. What could I give in return?


[Voice][Locked to Avari/Zelda] asouroldelf January 11 2009, 23:39:40 UTC
Nah, I think the titles fit you better. Least how I see it.


You could give? Nah, don't worry yourself. Your boys give well enough when it come to taking the strain off a poor old elf, and that Prince of yours...

Well he payed deer enough for your gift. Arrows you can have.


[Voice][Locked to Avari/Zelda] sorighteously January 11 2009, 23:41:39 UTC
As you will, then.

Paid dear enough? What do you mean?


harryxmason January 11 2009, 23:29:24 UTC
I've been told to talk to you.

My name is Harry Mason. I guess I'm 'new' here though it's familiar to somewhere else I've been.


sorighteously January 11 2009, 23:36:56 UTC
It is an honour to meet you, sir, and I am sorry you come to us at such a time. What can I do for you?


fhsdjkf He's so awkward. harryxmason January 12 2009, 08:22:16 UTC
Funny, I'm not quite sure.

I was pointed in your direction but I don't really know what it is that I'm supposed to ask you. All I know is that this place has something to do with Silent Hill?
I've been there. Seen what it does to people.

I'm not where I thought I was...


Zelda hopes to help! ...a little gung-ho ._. sorighteously January 12 2009, 08:30:58 UTC
I am the elected leader of this city of World's End, sir. I am also a healer, and I try to help with housing. I can give you a place to stay, and ensure you have food and drink, and warm clothes.

I am sorry you have come to us at such a time. Our city is dangerous enough usually. I know not of Silent Hill, but the sign declaring this place such.

Please, let me aid you in any way I can.


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