I've only been growing mine for about a year, but in that year, I think it's been really easy. (Though it would probably be better if I wasn't container-gardening.) I don't know about the long term, but we'll see. In its first spring when I bought it as a cutting, it made 4 blooms and tried to make tiny berries. But after being pruned, this year it has about 50 flowers budding. I just make sure to fertilize it once every 10 days or so. Also, if you have cats, they will want to eat it. :/
Comments 8
I wished I had known they were going on tour sooner! They're sold out in DC :(
Maynard <3
also, nice plantings! We have a decent sized plot that we plant each year, and my mom's excited to grow raspberries this year :)
And thanks! I'm jealous of your real ground, haha. :) I hope the berries work out for you guys!
I've never done a whole lot of gardening but this year I'm hoping to at least make a decent herb garden :)
I really like the raspberry plant...is it difficult to keep?
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