Title: Shame
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Prequel to
Girls' Night Out. Hints of femslash. Another try on a Philippine setting.
Let it go, Claire. You were busy. You had stuff to do.
Claire shifts her gaze from her wristwatch to the passing school buses, waiting for the familiar sound of her brother’s jeepney. It’s not my fault that I’ve forgotten the deadline, she tells herself, then stares at the depressing sky. Her hands clutch a faded, brown shoulder bag, and the rip below the zipper is definitely brand new.
For a second it seems like the sky decides to just stop bleeding, shedding what’s left of it, but the rain falls immediately, hitting the ground with a force so strong that Claire has to step back and shield herself. Shit, she says, and searches her bag for…for something.
The something in question is a big, red one. Big enough to protect three fat people, Claire thinks darkly. Her mother got it from a fast food chain--it comes for free as long as you buy a certain value meal. It features a large print of a happy, red insect, and a brand name that is mostly associated with hungry, noisy children.
Meanwhile, her classmates brave the storm and rush towards their sundo, armed with their pretty umbrellas and transparent rain coats. Claire glances behind her and notices Vanessa, one of the “it” girls from the same year, as she playfully approaches her boyfriend. He lowers his umbrella towards Claire’s direction.
Claire closes her eyes and sees a broken jeepney.