congrats, I hope you got it cheap! My current xpert inhabiting the spare bed rooms says that she hopes you can keep it in tune, and the company that sells them is out of Florida and will be available for repairs.(when Bethan eats the pedals) She is willing to give you pointers on line as how to play (and she plays beatifully) (see my bebo pics this month). PS get an electric tuner.
My advice on these Pakistani harps is check it *very carefully* when it arrives. If there are any tiny cracks anywhere (check the joints and all along the top) send it back, because it won't last two minutes. Also you'll probably find you have a job keeping it in tune and the levers might not give you full semitones. But it'll probably do to learn on :)
Comments 4
Also you'll probably find you have a job keeping it in tune and the levers might not give you full semitones.
But it'll probably do to learn on :)
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