First art post of 2007 :)

Jan 24, 2007 14:39

Title: Happy New Year!
Materials Used: Ink, Tablet, Gimp 2.2
Description: H...D...2...0...0...7...

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Comments 33

catsintheattic January 24 2007, 07:34:43 UTC
What a beautiful picture!

I love their dishevelled looks and satisfied grins. Just like they had a good shag. :-)

Thank you for sharing!


charliemc January 24 2007, 17:39:29 UTC
'Cats in the attic' is a darling icon! (Great username, too!)



catsintheattic January 24 2007, 18:19:15 UTC
Thank you! *beams*

Better to have cats in the attic that a ghoul like the Weasleys, you know? ;-) (I was re-reading PS, when I got my livejournal.)

My personal icon is a present from a friend, jaelle_n_gilla.

Your playingtime!cat is so cute! Have you made the icon yourself?


soramame_kun January 25 2007, 03:12:43 UTC
Do you like cats? I have two girls at home and am all these cat lover comms on LJ so I can get cute pics everyday! I never get tired of seeing cute cats! And there's absolutely no such thing as an ugly cat!


vlredreign January 24 2007, 08:13:56 UTC
You're forgiven.

Lovely, as usual. Can you imagine having those two walk into the Great Hall together, looking like that?


soramame_kun January 25 2007, 03:04:26 UTC
I know :) In my imagination, they do look like that most of the time... and I'd like to see Ron's face. The girs would drool with jealousy.


sesheta_66 January 24 2007, 09:03:32 UTC
Yummy! What a fabulous pic ...


soramame_kun January 25 2007, 03:05:11 UTC
Thank you! Somehow your icon is particularly suitable for this pic too!


artisticentropy January 24 2007, 13:26:51 UTC
NICE! I like your use of color (as always!) That BG technique looks really neat.


soramame_kun January 25 2007, 03:08:02 UTC
Oh the BG was just a happy coincidence of things going wrong ;)
Btw, I'm using your 'A Year Like No Other' as a desktop now!
I've been meaning to ask you how your hp_tarot pic is coming along. I've sketched mine out, it's excessively gory (I got the 8 of swords) and I've revised it like a million times... I wonder if I could have a peek at yours if I show you mine? (ooh, that sounds dirty...)


artisticentropy January 26 2007, 13:35:10 UTC
I haven't got too much done on my hp_tarot pic - just some tumbnails to figure out composition and stuff. Imma work on it this weekend I think, but I don't have to post until 3/11 so I'm not in too big of a hurry yet. ^^;; I had to finish my vampentine challenge for hpvamp first, since it's due Monday.

I can send it to you, once I get it sketched out though, if you want, and I wouldn't mind taking a look at yours if you're in the mood to share! :D


goth_clark January 24 2007, 14:06:30 UTC
Lovely art work.


soramame_kun January 25 2007, 03:08:52 UTC
Oh thank you! Many people can't see Harry Potter characters as Anime/Manga style, but I only draw that way and this is how they look in my mind as Japanime characters.


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