The back-up. Part I: spiteful pussies and loose pants

Aug 01, 2011 20:00

Isn't that always the way? I don't use my LJ for nearly as much as I used to for various reasons, but the week I actually have a lot to write about the site gets attacked (Read this article to understand why I'm not mad at LJ at all. Screw bullies.). Instead of 4 medium length entries, enjoy 4 quick(ish) shots over two entries.

Last Saturday afternoon I kicked Symba out of my open gym bag. Last Saturday night Symba vomited on the bag. Let no one say that cats aren't spiteful. Adorable, but spiteful bastards.

I tried to clean it off, but the throw up had set for a bit and had landed on rough surfaces so it wasn't all coming out (I know. Ew. The rest of this entry has 100% less cat puke.). It was time for a new bag. Actually it had been time for a new bag for a long time. That one had served me since senior year of high school. Did you know there have been huge gains in gym bag technology in the past decade? They fit so many nooks and cranies in them now. My favorite part is the separate pouch for shoes. I'm seriously excited by that. No more shaking dried mud and who knows what else out of the main compartment. Dirt is quarantined in it's own dirty pocket until I feel like getting to it.

What? I'm a nerd.

I've been putting a lot of miles on the bag and my body. I'm officially back to my half-marathon level of fitness. Okay, not even close, but I'm able to fit into the pants I haven't been able to squeeze into since 2007. Not only that, there's extra room in them! I still have a lot of work to do-I'd like to do a 5K by this fall/next spring and return to the half-marathon in May 2013, a month after my 30th birthday-but that's a huge mental...thing. Hooray!

Part 2 over here

housekeeping, running/health/etc, whiskered things, idk

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