Come on! Click under the cut and fill it out!
Region of the US:
Occupation of power:
Brand of sunglasses:
Mode of Transporation:
Skill associated with ninjas:
Murder weapon:
Song by The Who:
Washed up actor:
Favorite Disney character:
And for something that has absolutely nothing to do with that, check
this out. I finally managed to track down the MST3King of Master Ninja II on YouTube. While not as good as
Master Ninja I, it's still great fun, especially the middle bump and Crow's impersonation, don't want to spoil it.
I was also linked to this compilation of
CSI one-liners. Between that and this recent
Something Positive strip, I might have to start watch CSI just to laugh at the silliness. Same reason I'm planning on buying All-Star Batman when the issues hit the dollar bin.
And just because, here's Home Movies' take on the life of Franz Kafka--
Kafka! The Rock Opera. I'd buy the soundtrack. Wait, I already have.