I have an idea! [Xmas2006]

Nov 24, 2006 13:57

Ok! In addition to the cards I'll be sending out for Christmas this year, I want to give something else. As much as I would love to send everyone something special like chocolates or crafty things, it'll be a little hard to do so when I'm still on the move around the world. Cards are easily managed, but presents (at least for this year) will be a little more difficult. Therefore, I have come up with a solution. I know a lot of people give fic/drabbles as online gifts, and that's great....but as we all know I fail at writing drabbles with any sort of speed. (It's been, what? 13 months since I posted that drabble challenge last year...and I'm still not even a third of the way through! :/)

So, I have decided to make icons!

Everyone loves them, I love making them, and it's something I know I can get done in time for Christmas. In addition, it allows me to give something to people whose addresses (for card-sending) I don't know. So, if you would like an icon from me for Christmas this year, please read under the following cut and leave a comment!

Be as specific or as vague as you like in requesting an icon. You can leave it entirely up to me, or you could give prompts or a theme and see what I come up with. You could pick a character, a pairing, a series, or something original. You could pick animated or static, funny or serious, naughty or nice, simple or complex. You could tell me what text you want on it, what scene you want it taken from, even what colours you want the icon or text to be in. Slash? Het? Femmeslash? Gen? Pretty much anything at all is fine. It's your icon, you decide!

I am familiar with and most likely to have good icon-sourcing material for the following:

Anime/Manga: Kyou Kara Maou, Digimon, Weiss Kreuz, Yami no Matsuei, Fullmetal Alchemist, Ouran High School Host Club, Get Backers, Gravitation, Tsubasa Chronicle, Cardcaptor Sakura, DN Angel, Scrapped Princess, Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu, Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, and pretty much any yaoi/BL title that exists.
TV/Movie/Game: LoTR, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Matrix, most Disney, Legend of Zelda, any Mario-universe stuff, Kingdom Hearts, Ragnarok Online, Flyff.

I'm sure I forgot lots (particularly in the movies, TV and games department), so if there is something you really want, just request it and I'll tell you if it's do-able or not. I'd prefer being familiar with the material, but if you're specific enough with a request for something I don't know, I should be fine. It's also worth noting that there are plenty of things I am familiar with, yet have no easily accessible source material for (eg. Firefly/Serenity), but I could find stuff if you really wanted.

Now, by putting that list, I'm not saying you can't request something non-fandom related. If you want an animal icon, or...I don't know, some kind of random object or something, then request that. If you just want something abstract, that's fine too, though I've never made that kind of icon, so I'm not sure how I'd go at it. But hey, it's your present, so if you want it, I'll try make it!

NOTE: If there's something you don't want to see in your icon, please say. Like, if you don't want it animated, or you don't like a particular colour, or don't like text, or don't like brushes, etc.

Now, don't be shy! Please request away! The earlier you get in, the more likely you'll have a shiney new gift-icon on Christmas Day!

Ugh, my head feels like it's stuffed full of cotton wool...I haaaaaate being sick T_T


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