Lately I've been watching a lot of movies I haven't seen in a long time, and I've realized that even as a small child, I shipped couples. So I've decided to do a highlight of ten OTP's I've had throughout my life. No particular order to them. :)
Han and Leia [Star Wars]
Han Solo and Leia by *
Melanarus on
deviantART Why I love them: This was probably my earliest memory of an "Opposites attract" couple. The fierce and passionate princess and the reformed, scruffy scoundrel. It's the strength and certainty of the man, who KNOWS what is between them, it's the will they-wont they of the chemistry between, Harrison Ford in his prime was a STUD. *fans*
Favorite Moment: Before Han is frozen in carbonite. "I love you," "I know."
Tobias and Rachel [Animorphs]
How Much Longer by =
Kiriska on
deviantART Why I love them: This couple was my first heartbreak and introduction to ANGST. Right from the moment I picked up on them as a 'couple', wisdom and the warrior, bird and girl...In my heart, I held out hope that all would be well in the end and they could be together...and I was disappointed. I cried, and the fact that Tobias was alone, heart crushed for his Xena Warrior Princess...I was crushed. (11 years old and introduced to the 'not-so-happy ending.)
Favorite Moment: Volume #3, When Tobias finds Rachel at the mall, after his first kill.
Booth and Brennan [Bones]
Bones - Kiss the Girl by ~
rally-ae on
deviantART Why I love them: Comic picture, but I love these two. Another opposites attract couple, but for different reasons. The rational empiricist, the passionate warrior....Well, actually, now that I think about it they hold a lot in common with other couples on this list. There are moments for this couple that break my heart....Brennan's struggles with her family, Booth's struggles with his own demons, the hit-and-misses of their will they-wont they-BUT THEY MUST relationship...the two are meant to be, and watching them on their journey toward happiness is a rollercoaster of emotion to me.
Favorite Moment: S4 All of End in the Beginning, SPOILERS FOR S5 100th Episode "I don't have your kind heart," SPOILERS for S6 "I missed my chance."
Darcy and Elizabeth [Pride and Prejudice]
Lizzy and Darcy by ~
rogueglitter on
deviantART Why I love them: Classical couple. I was older when introduced to the full story of these characters. The idea of two people who are both so passionate to their seems to be a theme. That's our theme, I've decided. What makes these two different is how they change. All couples change, but the severe swallowing of pride is different, and it makes them fit together well
Favorite Moment: Elizabeth visits Pemberley.
Serena (Usagi) & Darien (Mamorou) [Sailor Moon]
Falling Princess by ~
romantika on
deviantART Why I love them: Fairy tale couple...eternal devotion, the idea of soul mates, and being with the one you love forever....both characters have their flaws, but they love each other endlessly. Super fantasy, but a true fairy tale. These two personify the "Happy ever after" part of my shipper heart.
Favorite Moment: Serena realizes she is Serenity and loses Darien to Queen Beryl.
Angel & Buffy [Buffy]
Angel and Buffy by ~
someotherwhere on
deviantART Why I love them: This couple is an emotional roller coaster to me. Two obvious soul mates who have so many obsticles in front of them, it seems like they will never get their happy ending. This is the part of my shipper heart that rolls around and delights in the angst, even as I crawl into bed with a tub of Haagen Daas triple chocolate ice cream.
Favorite Moment: IWRY (Angel), "I'll never forget."
Belle & Beast [Beauty and the Beast]
Beauty and the Beast by ~
DoodleWEE on
deviantART Why I love them: Again, the stubbornness issue. But I like the idea of, again, the fairy tale. Not simply the magic of the curse, but a...naive, misled, broken heart being healed and taught by a pure, loving, unique heart. Two outcasts of different kinds finding kinship, companionship, and true love.
Favorite Moment: Beast lets Belle go home/Beast battles Gaston and 'dies'
Ariel & Eric [Little Mermaid]
Ariel by ~
casual-funky-monkey on
deviantART Why I love them: Completely disregarding the fact that I've loved this movie since I was in diapers, something about the utter fantasy of this calls to me, not unlike a siren song. :) Love at first sight, a journey of discovery, a battle to fight for what you love...Another piece of proof that fantasy and fairy tales are a huge piece of my heart.
Favorite Moment: Rescuing Eric/Talking to the statue
Tony & Pepper [Iron Man]
Tony and Pepper Kiss by ~
IcedCoffeeVII on
deviantART Why I love them: probably one of my more recent ships, but I love them! Let me clarify, this is movie Tony and Pepper. Havent really caught on with the comics, mostly because it's too much effort. But I love the reformed playboy who comes to recognize the pillar of stability in his life. I love the PA who hides behind professionalism, despite how she finds herself more and more emotionally invested in this man she's known for a decade. It's going on 1 AM and I wanna get this posted, but I lack words to explain how I love this couple. I love their chemistry, I love how they support one another.
Favorite Moment: IM1 Proof that Tony Stark has a Heart /IM2 "Tony, what aren't you telling me?"/"I was going to make you an omlette and tell you!"
InuYasha & Kagome [InuYasha Manga]
o.O Inu+Kag Kiss. by ~
nillia on
deviantART Why I love them: This is the couple I most actively shipped for YEARS. Soul mates, overcoming boundaries of race and time, these two are yet another fairy tale couple. And not to mention they are ADORABLE. They had to wait for their happy ending, but in the end, they not only got their happy ever after, they complement each other flawlessly, a perfect yin and yang.
Favorite Moment: Kagome returns in time to InuYasha after she graduates from high school
So that's my mini-ish meme on ten couples who shape my shipper heart. I have completely failed to adequately explain why I love them, but whatevs. :)