Fic Masterpost - Nightfall, Daybreak, and the Bright Red Sun [SPN RPF]

Feb 20, 2015 13:38

Fic Title: Nightfall, Daybreak, and the Bright Red Sun
Author: sophiap
Artist: sillie82
Fandom/Genre: SPN RPS, fantasy
Pairing(s): J2, with mentions of pre-story Jared/Gen, Jared/Sandy, Jensen/Danneel and other incidental pairings. Jensen-Gen friendship.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: TBD
Warnings: Language. Any other questions about content, please feel free to leave a comment or PM me.

Summary: Jared and Jensen learn the hard way that it is never a good idea to incur the wrath of a witch. It doesn't matter that they didn't mean to - they still need to complete three impossible tasks by the appointed time, or the witch will have them for tea (and not as her guests). If they're going to have any chance of survival, they will need to work together, which may turn out to be the most impossible task of them all.

Art Links: LJ | tumblr

Chapter Index:
1 - Transformations | 2 - Nightfall | 3 - Daybreak | 4 - The Firebird | 5 - The Bright Red Sun | Epilogue - Harvest Moon

Entire story on AO3

Author's Notes: First of all, many, many thanks to sillie82, who was an utter delight and joy to work with. Also, many, many thanks to aishuu who is the most patient and most exacting of betas. This story would not be what it is without her help. Originally posted for spn_reversebang

j2, fic, spn rpf

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