FIC: Small Tokens (LotR; Thorongil, Boromir, Finduilas/Denethor)

Jul 27, 2009 11:50

Title: Small Tokens
Author: Galadriel (caras_galadhon)
Fandom: LotR
Pairing: Thorongil, Boromir, Finduilas/Denethor (pre-slash)
Rating: PG-13
Archive: Lothlorien and sons_of_gondor.
Feedback: Always appreciated.
Disclaimer: I have a vivid fantasy life, but I do not pretend to be JRR Tolkien, nor do I pretend to own his characters.
Summary: The House of Húrin welcomes a small blessing.
Notes: Written for the seans_50 June Film Challenge using The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring as inspiration. Many thanks to savageseraph, First Among Fishes, for the early beta. Notes expanding on all embedded historical references are available at the end of the story, organized in order of first appearance.

(Thorongil could not remember seeing the White City in such high spirits...)

genre:gen, rating:pg-13, genre:het, character:aragorn, fandom:lotr fpf, character:boromir, character:finduilas, character:denethor, type:fan fiction

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