[Announcement] Reflections: Fifty Days of Viggo--

Oct 01, 2008 15:03

Who says a birthday celebration has to end the day it starts?

Banner courtesy the lovely brodeurbunny30.
Welcome to Reflections: Fifty Days of Viggo, a celebration of Viggo Mortensen's half-century milestone, and of his community of fans!

The concept is a simple one. The celebration runs 50 days in total, from Oct. 20th (Viggo's birthday) to December 8th. Participants sign up for one or more days, and on their particular day(s), they make a Viggo-themed public post to their own LJ or the sons_of_gondor community (before 11pm Mountain Time).

Signups run from Oct. 1st to Oct. 19th Dec. 8th.

What Counts as a Viggo-Themed Post?

Well, that's the beauty of the celebration: anything goes, provided the post is, in and of itself, about Viggo. This event isn't just for writers or artists. It's for anyone who wants to join in, and can be as elaborate or simple as you choose to make it. Examples of posts include:
    • fanfic/fanart featuring Viggo (or his characters);
    • poetry inspired by Viggo (or his characters);
    • Viggo/character icons/banners/graphics;
    • links to favourite fics/art/sites/articles/etc. (your own or others) about Viggo (or his roles/characters);
    • picspams;
    • writeups about why you're fond of Viggo/his characters;
    • recipes/meal-plans inspired by Viggo/his roles;
    • crafts/3-D artwork inspired by Viggo;
    • Viggo-inspired photography.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. Let your imagination guide you.

What if I Can't Create Something New for the Celebration?

While new content is great, if you want to participate but don't think you have enough time/impetus to make something new, then please, by all means, link us to/repost something old! Share your tried and true Viggo-themed favourites, whether they're your own creations/expressions, or other people's (provided they're publicly available and not under lock). Remember, no matter how "old" you think your favourites are, they'll be new discoveries to someone. Possibly many, many someones!

How Do I Sign-Up?

It's very simple. Leave a comment on this post (or email either myself or savageseraph at galadriel AT shaw DOT ca and/or savageseraph AT yahoo DOT com) with the day(s) you would like to sign-up for, and an email address through which we can reach you (for the purposes of posting reminders). If you're not comfortable posting your email address publicly, feel free to comment with your days, and then send a separate email with your contact info.

How Many Days Can I Sign-Up For?

As many as you want, provided they're not already taken by another participant.

The only exceptions to that are October 20th and December 8th, the beginning and end dates for the event. Anyone is welcome to sign up for one or both of those dates, regardless of how many other people have already chosen them; after all, celebrations should begin and end with a bang. All we ask is that if you're signing up for either/both of those two dates, that you also choose at least one other date between them.

Once all the dates are taken (but not before), we'll open it up to allow for multiple participant signups for October 21st-December 7th.

How Can I Effectively Mark/Share My Post with Others?

Participants are encouraged to use the banner that appears at the top of this thread to mark their "official" 50 Days of Viggo post(s).

Saving and uploading the banner to your own webspace (or LJ Scrapbook, for Paid/Permanent users) is appreciated, as after the celebration is over, the URL for the banner (if hotlinked) will change. As we get closer to the 20th, we'll post again with instructions on saving/uploading graphics for those who would like a little extra help.

Additionally, for participants who are posting directly to their own LJs, we'd appreciate it if they could drop a link in the central community (here, in sons_of_gondor) to their post of the day.



We do hope you'll join us in celebrating Viggo's milestone and the talented pool of his fans!

Please, feel free to spread the word. The more, the merrier!

Many, many thanks to the amazing foxrafer, who came up with the idea in the first place, and was an integral part of planning this event. Thanks so much, madame! ♥
If you have any questions/concerns/comments about this celebration, by all means, please ask.

.admin:mod post, .viggo's 50th, .admin:challenge, .announcement, actor:viggo mortensen

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