[Mod Post] Halloween Trick or Treat Fic/Art Exchange--

Aug 15, 2007 18:51

Last year's exchange was so successful (and such fun), we've decided to do it again. So while August is still Make Love, Not Hate month, now's the time to consider signing up for the Second Annual Sons of Gondor Trick or Treat Fic/Art Exchange...

Do you cast wistful looks at the children making their Halloween treks for treats as you dispense sweets? Do you think that dipping into the leftovers of your candy bowl is a poor substitute for the surprise of upending your treat bag after a night of costumed pavement pounding to see what treasures were waiting inside? If you answered "yes" to these questions, we have the cure for your All Hallows nostalgia: The Sons of Gondor Trick or Treat Fic/Art Exchange.

The best thing about our trick or treating is that our candy isn't all chocolate and sugar floss and taffy, and even our tricks are treats. We know our artists, readers, and writers have different tastes in what they enjoy reading/writing, and so in addition to requesting pairings (or trios, etc.), slash/het/combo, and FPF/RPF, you can choose whether you want a trick or a treat. Trick art/fics should be dark fics or fics that make use of dark elements. Treat art/fics should be, well, lighter. Treat art/fics are sweets without the threat or worry of finding a razor blade inside. Tricks... well... you can't ever be certain what you'll get when you bite into one of them.

This exchange is open to both fiction and artwork, FPF and RPF, slash (m/m and f/f), het and gen. Single-character pieces, pairings and groups (OT3+) are welcome.

The Fine Print:

sons_of_gondor's only requirement is that at least ONE of your requested characters is a son/daughter of Gondor, character or actor. (FPF: At least ONE requested character must be related to a Gondorian family, ruling, in exile, commoners or otherwise, either by blood or by marriage. RPF: At least ONE requested character must be an actor/actress that played a Gondorian character/was related to a Gondorian family [ruling, in exile, commoners or otherwise, either by blood or by marriage] in Peter Jackson's LotR films. When in doubt, ask.)

Fics should be at least 500 words long, artwork at least a couple hours' work. Please include standard headers/disclaimers and proper html formatting, and try and get your written work beta'd, or at the very, very least, run it through a spellcheck. In a pinch, savageseraph and caras_galadhon may be able to find you a beta reader.

As with all gift exchanges, please do not discuss your assignment anywhere where you risk your recipient viewing it (so no public posts on your LJ about how username's fic is coming along, etc.), and do remember to thank your giver once the fics/art are in.

We do understand real life, so while we remind you that you must be reasonably confident that you will be able to complete your assignment when you sign up, if you do find yourself in a position of having to withdraw from the exchange, please let us know as early as possible so we can reassign your prompt. If you know of someone who can complete your assignment in your stead, please let us know.

Unfortunately, as this is an exchange, if you are unable to finish your assignment, your name will be removed from the fic/art provided in response to your own request.

Signups begin today, and go through to Thurs. Aug. 30, midnight Pacific Time. Please comment on this post with your request/vitals (all comments are screened). Template follows--

Email address:

I would like--
Trick (darkfic), treat (happier, lighter themes), or either:
Fic, art or either:

I can offer--
Fic, art or either:
Will write/draw:
Will not write/draw:
Willing to be replacement writer/artist:

In the interests of giving writers/artists a little leeway within which to work, please consider being slightly flexible in your character/pairing/group request (i.e. "Viggo/anyone, or Denethor/Thorongil"). Otherwise you are free to be as specific/unspecific as you like.

Assignments will be sent out by Sept. 6th along with submission information.

Fic/art is due Oct. 20th, midnight Pacific Time (giving you approximately six weeks in which to write/draw), and replacement writers/artists, if needed, will be contacted shortly after that date. All fic/art will be posted to the community by the mods (with author/artist names removed) beginning Oct. 30th,.

The reveal of author/artist names will be on Nov. 5th, after which point you are free to post your story/art wherever you like (but not before, please). Feel free to guess who's-who in the interim!

We will do our very best to make sure you can write/draw your favourites, but in some cases it may not be fully possible to assign you to your OTP/OT3/etc. Please try and be flexible, and we'll do the same in turn. We do need to know what you absolutely will not touch, however, so please try and let us know upfront in your request, and if you find you have any concerns regarding your assignment, contact us ASAP and we'll try our hardest to accommodate you.

If you are not part of sons_of_gondor already, but wish to participate in the exchange, please be sure to watch the comm, as updates will be posted here as we go along.

So there we go. Signups begin today, ending Aug. 30st, and fics/artwork are due Oct. 20th. Everything else is simply details. ^_~

Please feel free to spread the word, and Happy Trick or Treating!

ETA (08/26/2007): We have added an additional option allowing participants to make up to two requests in exchange for filling two requests. Details are available here. Please read before choosing this option.

ETA (08/29/2007) If you are having technical problems leaving a comment on this entry, simply email your request to caras_galadhon AT livejournal DOT com.

type:fan art, .admin:mod post, .admin:challenge, .announcement, .trick or treat, type:fan fiction

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