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Comments 43

strive2bhappy June 29 2014, 15:34:36 UTC
your writing always sneaks up on me. i'm not sure how to describe it. i'm reading along and i'm in the story and totally hooked and i realize my stomach hurts and there's a knot in my throat and before you know it, boom! i'm in tears.

you have a surreptitiously powerful writing style that always, always delivers and is an absolute pleasure to read.

thank you.


sonofabiscuit77 July 13 2014, 11:48:13 UTC
Thank you, what amazing feedback. I'm really happy the story worked for you.


munch_bunch July 1 2014, 03:52:15 UTC
oh wow this was awesome and also angsty at the same time. I loved the flashbacks we got of how sam and dean first got together they were so sweet and cute in the start of their relationship and it was a nice break from the angst of the present dealing with the pregnancy and sam deciding to get an abortion. I feel sorry for them both their relationship is at an all time low and having a baby at this time is not a good idea not to mention the whole incest thing so possible birth defects and stuff still obviously very hard and painful no matter what. wow sam was pregnant when he was at stanford and had a miscarriage but he didn't call and tell dean so sad and now dean finding out. I loved how you circled back to the beginning but it was from sam's point of view instead of dean's at the beginning. I loved how the ending is hopeful and it will take time for sam to trust dean but they will eventually get out of the tunnel.


sonofabiscuit77 July 13 2014, 11:49:47 UTC
Thank you :D I did want the ending to be hopeful, but for the boys still to be aware of the many issues they have. The past scenes were a relief to write honestly after the angst of the present scenes.

Glad you liked it & thanks for reading!


reggie11 July 5 2014, 17:50:11 UTC
God. Just, God. That was exquisitely painful, yet beautiful in a fucked up, tragic kind of way. You really broke me with this. I loved the idea of the chimera, it's a really unique take on the mpreg trope, and you had it fit in so well with canon. I'm so glad you didn't have them having the baby and all of a sudden being all happy with the world and each other, this was far more realistic in the Winchesters' screwed up existence. And I'm also glad that you addressed the whole possibility of birth defects down the line; so many people ignore the fact that it would be incredibly unhealthy and not fair to have a child through incest, and also that if either of them ever did settle down and have kids, no matter with whom, the child would have a big fat target on it from the day it first drew breath ( ... )


sonofabiscuit77 July 13 2014, 11:52:45 UTC
Wow, thank you so much. I know this was super angsty and hardhitting and really not a fun read at all, so I'm really happy that you liked it despite all that.

I think I mentioned in my author's note that I do enjoy mpreg but it does frustrate me when authors never even bother to deal with the close relations interbreeding issue, not just the medical or genetic effects but the psychological effect on the kid to be born of siblings. Glad I'm not the only one who gets bothered by this! Anyway, thank you so much for reading :D


lady_eilthana July 5 2014, 18:50:42 UTC
This is very different from other stories I've read that dealt with a similar topic. But you made it fit into canon (and perfectly so!) and there was just a different feeling to it. You used season 9 and showed us their messed-up relationship, their messed-up feelings and the actions that result from those feelings. You didn't blame the one or the other and you certainly didn't sugarcoat anything, but gave us a realistic take on what it really means to be a Winchester. And Sam admitting he had a miscarriage at Stanford? That was like a punch to the gut. As much as it hurt to read it and not have them live happily ever after, it seemed to be the right thing. They'll just keep going. Because as messed-up as it might get when they're together, going on without the other is just not an option ...


sonofabiscuit77 July 13 2014, 11:58:47 UTC
They'll just keep going. Because as messed-up as it might get when they're together, going on without the other is just not an option ...

You know I had this fic finished before the end of the season and obviously this was totally what I was going for in the story - they would find a way to make it work and be together because the alternative just wasn't an option. Anyway, I was so pleased when this was pretty much what happened at the end of the season with Sam trying to bring Dean back because despite everything he still couldn't live without him. I so love that about them.

Thank you so much for reading & leaving this lovely comment.


violateraindrop July 11 2014, 08:49:15 UTC
That was depressing (to be honest, the super loud and long thunderstorm didn't really help), but at the same time probably the most realistic mpreg story I've ever read. Many mpreg stories are too fluffy to leave a lasting impression and nobody likes to talk about the potential risks and birth defects, much less about the fact that Sam and Dean couldn't really raise a child the way they live.

I really liked how you retraced the canon story, reading about soulless Sam dealing with it was interesting. I think one of the reasons I barely read SPN fic nowadays is because of everything that went down on the show, how Sam and Dean's relationship has changed. You captured that so well! Obviously that doesn't change the fact that I don't like it very much, but my admiration for your canon-compliant characterization is much bigger :D


sonofabiscuit77 July 13 2014, 12:03:56 UTC
That was depressing

I have to admit that this made me laugh, because yes, it was really depressing ;-) I'm really flattered that you read it at all! I like mpreg, but yes, the fluffiness does frustrate me particularly when an author doesn't even mention the many issues around close relations interbreeding.

You know, I actually like what they've done with Sam & Dean's relationship this season. I couldn't stand season 8, but at least this last season they show emotion towards each other and there's so much passion and feeling there, which is all I need to be a happy viewer.

Anyway! Thank you so much for reading, I'm very happy you liked this despite the depressing-ness.


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