Title: Helping Hand
Author: me
soniced_upFandom: Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17…this is smut folks, pure, completely adulterated smut.
Pairing: Nine/Rose
Beta: The incomparable
brilliantomega, Seriously I gave her a completely rough draft, as I was so frustrated with it I couldn't even do a quick proof read, and she whipped it into shape for me. If you like this and it works
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Comments 43
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Short comment, because I don't think my brain will function properly until some (long) time. Aw, long, bad word.
Me feeling all squeeky and awed. And looking forward to reading more from you ;)
Yirkle !
Almost recovered my brains.
Taking advantage of it to say, no, it's not a real masterpiece ready to earn every literary prize in the United Kingdom of Bookish Snobbishism (what ?! a problem with my use of English grammarity ?) but...
Still, I confess to you only I do fancy a bit of PWP from time to time, especially when it comes to [insert PWP subject here]... to smut. Yes. Me like smut. Me had unhappy childhood and all.
Then, no matter what it lacks in, er, plot and dramatic density, I fear your story should earn some prize of it own, as it possesses for sure the uncanny ability to knock a reader senseless, rendering us into a sobbing piece of squeekyness.
You do are loveable.
PS : for I am not entirely sure I made myself (grammatically) clear, I should say, "Excuse my French" - and that would be, ironically, the right thing to say.
Don't worry about your grammar....you made yourself quite clear. 'GUH' is a language I speak quite well. :P
Haven't read it yet, but seeing this pop up on my flist in conjunction with the spoiler news which must not be named, may cause me to combust from GLEE!
Off to read now...obviously, I'm not working much this morning. :D
*passes out*
*flails again*
Despite being interrupted TWICE, I've finished it. If I were standing, I'm quite sure I'd be weak in the knees, in addition to being tingly in my nether regions.
This is absolutely perfect and I'm totally incapable of being able to give articulate feedback...other than zomg I love you!!
You know how much I enjoy making you tingly in your nether regions. ;)
I'm glad you liked it hun...it was written for you after all.
*picks you up*...*watches you fall again* *laughs*
What the hell...I've got my smut! Wheeeee! (god, I'm disgustingly giddy this morning)
made me immediatly think of Lassie and I almost coughed into my green tea.
I can see how this cheered jennisthedevil up XD
*dies laughing*...I wanted to change that line when my beta brought it to my attention, but she made me keep it to see if anyone would be brave enough to comment on it. You win!!! *hands you cookie*
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