2840 HQ screen caps from Evolution of the Daleks Plus my recap of the episode.

May 02, 2007 00:18

Show: Doctor Who
Episode: 3x05 Evolution of the Daleks.
File/Size: .zip/128mb(link at the bottom of picspam)

You will find that I am very much in the Rose/Doctor camp, and my comments reflect that. So it that isn't your cuppa tea, please just scroll to the bottom and take the caps.

Credit not necessary but Comments are adored.

Very image heavy. Sorry Dial-up users.

Penis head! Penis head! Sorry, I just had to get that out of my system. All ready now.

That’s our Doctor. Always has to make an entrance. This time with music!

Daleks:”It is the DoctorDoctor:”About bloody time. I was beginning to feel unloved.”

Now tell me, do I have something in my teeth?

Ah, yes music. You can dance to it, sing with it…

Make” Fall in love to it” My Rose/Doctor shipper heart skipped a beat here. Yes I ship Rose/Doctor..and I’m proud of it.

Loud music can also rot your brain. Or at least that’s what my daddy told me.
Time to start with the running now.

This cracked me up. Poor Tallulah, how long has she just been standing there?

Duo of Doubting Daleks. PULEEEZE!

Back in Hooverville
Oh, let us all from bondage flee,

Let my people go

And let us all in Christ be free,

Let my people go

Your right Tallulah. He really does like Musicals.

Ut OH…this can’t be good.

And things go BOOM…Nope not good at all.

My my, Frank, what a big gun you have.

I HAVE A DREAM…..Sorry but this speech…the whole “ain’t we the same”….Yeah ‘cause your both megalomaniacal pepper pots, with your sights on taking over the universe. Yeah, the same all right. And again, while he’s talking I keep expecting the orchestra to pick up and everyone to break into song…even the Daleks. Ever since Tallulah’s comment about musicals, these ideas of ‘Doctor Who - The musical.’ Just won’t leave me alone….Didn’t they actually do that?

So the Daleks kill Soloman…(like we didn’t see that one coming) so the Doctor thinks “hmmm that looked like a laugh a minute, why don’t I try it.”

But noooo, Human!Dalek Sec realizes that’s he’s just a little bit in love with the Doctor and won’t allow his death.

But, but he’s MIIIINE

The Doctor pulls the ol’ Slight of hand trick, and throws in a wink ‘cause he’s just that cool.

Ohhhh the Psychic paper

And WTF am I supposed to do with this. You could have at least put your phone number on it.

Doctor Martha, actually doing some Doctoring…I’m impressed

Then she does some deducting…even more impressed

But in the end she turns to poor woobie Frank. Don’t you just wanna hug him?

Martha does some pretty smart things in this episode, but she also displays a large amount of, how can I put this politely..STUPIDITY! When she has to ask Frank what big building jobs Diagaras needed men for. Just look up Martha.

So the Master Plan is revealed.

And they need the Doctor because ‘he’s a genius’. “Really, flattery will get you now…OH who am I kidding…where do I start?”

Mad!Bespeckled!Scientist!Doctor. Just a little be hot!

Um, apparently the Doctor forgot that Daleks have EARS! Or, well, they don’t really, but they can HEAR YOU!

OK, I wasn’t minding Martha all that much up until this point. But the whole “sometimes I say or do something and he looks at me, but he doesn’t really see me” thing just made me want to smack her. And RTD too, a little bit. Does he have to Mary Sue all the Doctor’s companions. Can’t we just have a companion who’s his friend. I mean people complain about Rose and her ‘immature school girl crush’ and to an extent they are right, but Martha is so much worse IMO. Especially since she is supposed to be older and a little more mature and confident.

Tallulah and Martha have a little contest to see who has the most tragic love life. Tallulah wins hands down. I mean her boyfriend is a pig. A REAL PIG!

But no hard feelings here. GIRL POWER!

Back in the laboratory, things aren’t going according to plan.

DING Lift’s here. Wait, don’t they call it an ’elevator’ in North America?

Look Doctor I figured it out, and it’s good to see you too

There first real hug (sorry couldn’t get a good cap of it)

See, never waste time on a hug. He would have never said that to Rose.

I think the Doctor may have discovered a wee fear of heights.


Three little humans, (and a pig) Jumping on a bed

One fell down and bumped his head

Two little Humans jumping on a bed

One fell down…ok you get the point.

And now I’m back to liking Martha. Was quite the rollercoaster ride with her this episode. But the lightning thing was quite clever.

I just want to take a moment here to say that with a toilet plunger and a whisk for hands…how’d the Daleks chain Dalek Sec up? Did he do it himself? Must have.

Didn’t I say last week that the Doctor needed to learn to take better care of his stuff. But seriously, the Doctor loosing his sonic screwdriver at this point is the equivalent to the girl being chased through the dark woods, but a psycho killer, falling down just as she was about to escape. Inevitable

BBQ Pork is yummy

BBQ Doctor…I’m thinking, not so much.
Does anybody wonder about how they plan on killing the Doctor and have him regenterate when DT’s run is over. It’s gonna have to be a pretty spectacular death, seeing as they’ve already almost killed him how many times this series and he’s managed to survive?

Again, I’m pleased that Martha show remorse over killing the pig slaves. That’s a key roll for the companion. Compassion is a must.

Doctor’s having a little kip.

*LICK* Sorry, but I really just wanted to lick him here. Soooo yummy looking. Come on, I know I’m not the only one!

‘Doctor, I found your screwdriver. You’re getting careless.’ Like I was saying.


And then the very next scene, his hair is normal again. What did he do, stop to powder his nose as well?

This, this really bugged me. Why have him crawl in like a dog. That would imply that they were trying to humiliate him but Daleks aren’t supposed to have those kinds of feelings, of wanting to humiliate. Just kill. That’s what they do. This just didn’t sit right with me.

I don’t know why but I found this really impressive.

Look at the lips. That’s all I’m going to say. Just look at the lips.


More Tongue!Porn

Shoot out in the Laurenzi Theatre.

‘Sploding Dalek

Starts whistling the theme tune to The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

How cool would it have been if he’d pulled out two sonic blasters right here. OOC maybe. But still cool.

Doctor gets all Emo on the Dalek’s ass.

Scares him so much he emergency temporal shifts his ass right out of there.

“Most of the pig slave only live a couple weeks. I’m luck, I’ve only had a couple days.” Anyone else see the flaw here?

More Mad!Scientist Doctor. This time without the specs but with just a touch more Mad.

And Martha falls even more in love *shakes head*

You weren’t kidding when you said he was different.

Awwww Frank. I just wanna pinch his cheeks.

The Pig and the Showgirl

Martha opens mouth and inserts foot

How many of you wish/hope/think that maybe when he said ‘one day’ he was talking about Rose rather than the Dalek. I did warn you that this post was a little heavy on the R/D shipping.

Link to all the screen caps: hxxp://www.sendspace.com/file/3t5pff

screencaps, doctor who, screencap recap

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