The Musings of Dragons

Oct 14, 2010 23:04

Title: The Musings of Dragons
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): Spoilers for S3, some strong language, implied violence and sexual situations.
Disclaimer: If I owned it, I wouldn't be writing things like this.
Summary: The Great Dragon has a few thoughts on Merlin. Namely, why can't he manage anything on his own?

If you’ve told him once you’ve told him a thousand times... )

fanfiction, merlin, merlin/arthur

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Comments 10

sandalaris October 15 2010, 15:14:51 UTC
This was epic. Merlin's determination to be the worlds first asexual, and his and Wyvern's first date being interupted by Merlin demading Arthur kill her. Merlin writing poetry, all of it was great.


imyourheroine October 15 2010, 21:29:26 UTC
Omg I lol'd! Merlin being asexual, an arsonist couple on a date, spelling Uther's name with bones, getting their gay on! So funny. :D


hermitknut October 16 2010, 11:23:59 UTC
*bursts out laughing* Oh, this is the absolute truth of inside the slash dragons head. Absolutely. Fantastic!


spilled_notes October 17 2010, 21:27:25 UTC
This is the greatest thing to ever exist. I laughed so hard, I can't even. omg, the dragon. THEY GET THEIR GAY ON AGAINST THE WALL. BIG GAY DESTINY. (That needs to be a fic, idek, even though it's already the epitome of the show.) THE DRAGON AND HIS COWS. HIS GIRLFRIEND. POOR BB. ): Every time he calls Morgana a bitch. Idek. <3

Seriously though. After just watching the latest episode, this is exactly what I had imagined the Dragon must feel like.


luludenden October 19 2010, 18:53:56 UTC
That poor dragon XD
Seriously, slashdragon!fanfics are now my fave POV.


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