Merlin: Were We Ever Colder (Arthur/Gwen/Lancelot, unrequited)

Dec 06, 2011 03:39

Title: Were We Ever Colder
Fandom: Merlin
Disclaimer: I do not own any recognizable characters/plot, nor am I making any amount of money from this.
Summary: It's easier some days.
Rating: PG
Pairings: unrequited Arthur/Gwen/Lancelot, Arthur/Gwen
Words: 100
Notes: Drabble for day 6 of polyship's advent challenge.

It's easier some days. It's easier when it's all of them together, heads down over this problem or another, united in their common goal. Here, there is little space for jealousy (or desire), only loyalty. Here it's harder to concentrate on Arthur's arm around Gwen's shoulders, his fingers reaching out to graze hers at any excuse, Gwen leaning into Arthur's space, their eyes meeting, the indulgent smiles that inevitably follow. In this room with old scrolls, proposed laws, budgets, even Merlin, it's easier. Here, Lancelot is just Camelot's First Knight, not a man in love with the king and queen.

* character: (merlin) lancelot du lac, * character: (merlin) arthur pendragon, - series: polyship advent 2011, !!!! length: ficlet, !!!!! rating: pg, * character: (merlin) guinevere, !!! poly, ! fic, * ♥ arthur/gwen/lancelot, !! fandom: merlin (bbc)

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