fic: there's a devil waiting outside your door (raylan/boyd, rated MA)

Oct 08, 2012 14:07

title: there’s a devil waiting outside your door
author: someotherstorm
fandom: justified (set in season 3, late-ish, after the events of 3X04, “The Devil You Know” )
pairing: raylan/boyd
rating: MA
content advisory: gunplay (with a loaded gun), whipping
word count: ~7000
summary: Boyd shows up at Raylan's apartment, seeking absolution in Raylan's anger.

AN: ( Read more... )

rating: ma, fandom: justified, pairing: raylan/boyd, fic: 2012

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Comments 9

fantasticpants October 8 2012, 20:53:56 UTC
They might not make music together, but god, do they ever make noise.

Bwahahaa. This is intense and hot and fucked up in just the right way. And the gunplay... I think I've been waiting for this since I started watching Justified. Pretty much perfect.


someotherstorm October 8 2012, 21:01:03 UTC
thank you! man i'm not going to lie, okay, all the guns in this show make me a happy writer >>

okay they pretty much make me happy in general la

thank you very much for reading! :D


romanticalgirl October 8 2012, 23:13:43 UTC
Ngh. Hasibabbleskljaewrawergh.



someotherstorm October 10 2012, 19:47:49 UTC
shhhhh >>

thank you <333!!


briankinney October 13 2012, 00:01:41 UTC
Like fantasticpants said-this was really intense. I actually had to take a break from reading, just to sort of collect my thoughts and calm my heart a bit. I loved the excitement, though. It's exactly what I look for in a fic.

Oooh, and,

"Raylan leans in and closes the distance between them, kisses him with enough heat to turn it all into ashes -- dreams, nightmares, the fact they’re both so afraid of how things will end."

Dead, bye.


someotherstorm October 14 2012, 05:48:16 UTC
oh thank you!! what a lovely compliment :D


sandrine October 13 2012, 20:51:07 UTC
OMG, this fic! *flails at you* This basically just hit ALL of my kinks and was the hottest thing ever, but also brilliantly written and with amazing character voices. I just want to read and re-read it over and over again.


someotherstorm October 14 2012, 05:17:59 UTC
yay, i'm so glad you liked it! also man i am always just as thrilled as can be when other people like gunplay >> i think i found the right fandom for that!!!



sandrine October 14 2012, 08:52:08 UTC
It's been ages since I read a gunplay fic in any fandom. Justified is definiely perfect for that (in fact, I'm surprised that there isn't more out there, considering how much time those boys spend handling weapons).


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