Challenge (1/1)

Nov 03, 2010 00:35

Title: Challenge
Author: somehowunbroken
Fandom: SGA
Characters: Evan/David
Word Count: 2,030
Rating: NC-17/porny porn!
Notes: Evan's a control freak, and David just wants him to lose it. Um. Yup.

It hadn’t started as a challenge. At least, Evan’s pretty sure it hadn’t; now, though, now it is. And it’s a challenge he might lose, at this rate, because he can hardly remember how to breathe right now. David’s inside him, rocking back and forth minutely, and Evan can feel one of David’s long fingers rubbing at his entrance.

If David pushes it in, Evan’s going to lose.


“You’re so reserved,” David murmurs. Evan turns his head to plant a small kiss on David’s cheek as the botanist slides his arms around Evan’s waist. His hands are large and warm as he pushes them under Evan’s shirt to rest on his skin.

“Hmm?” Evan asks, a little distracted. He’s been drowning in mission reports and other assorted forms all day, so there’s a good chance that he’s missed something here.

“You,” David says again, right into his ear, “never let go.” His thumbs dip into the waistband of Evan’s pants, and Evan turns a little further, letting the papers in his hands fall to the desk as he studies his boyfriend.

“Have you been working with those little orange flowers again?” Evan questions suspiciously. “You know they make you think weird things, David. Last time you thought I was Mitchell.”

“Mitchell is hot,” David counters.

“He’s blonde,” Evan says mildly. “And very, very tall. Answer the question.”

“No orange flowers,” David promises. “I was just thinking.”

“About me,” Evan prompts, grinning.

David rolls his eyes. “You’re always so - in control, Evan.” His voice drops. “I was thinking about what it might take for you to… loosen up.” One of David’s thumbs starts rubbing a slow circle into Evan’s hip.

“Oh?” Evan tries for casual, knowing that he’s not getting there and knowing that David knows it. David has eyes, after all, and can see that the words have gone pretty much straight to Evan’s groin. Evan shifts until he’s facing David. “And you think you can make me lose control?”

David smirks and moves his hands down to rest on Evan’s ass. “I do think so.”

Evan steps back, out of David’s reach, spreading his arms wide and smiling as dirtily as he can manage. “Do your worst.”


Okay, Evan thinks, so maybe it had started out as a challenge. But that doesn’t account for David not playing fairly, which he certainly hasn’t, and it doesn’t account for-

Evan breaks off with a low moan as David clicks the cap open on the lube and puts the tip of the bottle just below the small of Evan’s back. Evan can feel the cold trail slipping down his skin, and he shudders as David pulls his fingers through it, coating them well before going back to rubbing at Evan’s entrance.


Evan can see David take his words to heart, and a split-second later, David is right back in his personal space, drawing them together and lowering his face to Evan’s. He trails wet kisses along Evan’s jaw before finally capturing his mouth. He sucks gently on Evan’s tongue, and Evan holds in the moan gathering in the back of his throat. It’s like David knows it’s there, though, like he can hear it anyway, because there’s a wicked gleam in his eyes when he pulls his face back, long moments later.

“I’m going to fuck you,” he says quietly against Evan’s lips. “I’m going to strip you and I’m going to swallow you down and I’m going to fuck you until you’re screaming, Evan.”

“That a promise?” Evan’s proud that his voice isn’t shaking.

“Oh yes,” David says. His tongue darts out to lick at Evan’s lips. “It most certainly is.”

He pulls back and rests his hands on Evan’s hips, slowly running them up until Evan’s shirt is bunched beneath his arms. He bends his face down to lick at a nipple, grazing it with his teeth, and Evan has to fight not to arch his back and gasp. One of David’s hands trails across Evan’s chest to play with his other nipple, and Evan realizes that he must make a lot more noise during sex than he thinks he does, because he really has to concentrate on not letting anything out.

Evan reaches forward and palms David’s cock through his pants, which gets him a ghost of a gasp across his chest. He grins and does it again, more firmly, and David responds by taking Evan’s nipple in his teeth and running the very tip of his tongue over it again and again.

It’s a struggle not to say anything, not to let any noises slip, but when David finally raises his head and backs Evan into the wall before kissing him roughly, Evan can still see the challenge in David’s eyes. David’s certainly not shy about it, either, not with the way he’s rubbing himself against Evan’s leg, not in the way he pulls back and rests his forehead on Evan’s.

“Want it yet?” David asks.

God, yes. “I could go for a run,” Evan offers instead.

David grins and pulls his own shirt off before doing the same with Evan’s. He rubs their chests together as he leans in to kiss Evan again. Right before their lips touch, David says, “I could always leave.”

“I’d really prefer you didn’t,” Evan allows, rubbing himself against David. “We haven’t had nearly enough fun here yet.”

“This is true,” David agrees, finally diving back into Evan’s mouth.


David’s just teasing, and Evan would kill him for it if he weren’t so far past that by now. Instead, he just grips David’s shoulders and leans into him more, gasping into his shoulder as David stills completely inside him, the only motion in his entire body in the tip of his index finger, which is stroking slowly but surely down, down, down.


Evan doesn’t recall losing his pants and he doesn’t recall David losing his, but somehow they’re both naked on the bed so he isn’t really complaining. It means that he can rub their cocks together in a way that’s a little too good, really, but neither man stops or even slows.

David lets Evan have his way for a few minutes before lifting his hips out of Evan’s reach. Evan lets a hiss escape his lips before narrowing his eyes at David, who just smirks down at him.

“I believe I told you already,” he says, kissing along Evan’s jaw, down his chest. “I’ve already stripped you.” His mouth works along the outside of Evan’s hip. “What was the next thing on the list?”

David sets an elbow between Evan’s spread thighs, resting his head on his hand and looking up at Evan’s face, pointedly ignoring his cock. “I seem to have forgotten,” he says after a long minute. “It must not have been very important, though, because it sounds like you don’t remember, either.”

Evan’s hands shoot out to tangle in David’s hair before he can stop himself, and David’s answering smirk is hot and intense.

“Oh, right,” David says. “I remember,” and then he’s got Evan’s cock in his mouth, sliding smoothly all the way down and humming.

Evan moans. He can’t help it.

David’s mouth is wet and tight and pretty much perfect, and he knows exactly when to suck and when to use a little hint of teeth and when to pull off and lick a lazy trail up from base to tip. He knows exactly how to make it last, to bring Evan to the edge and let him slide back, and by the time he’s got the lube out and is pressing a finger into Evan so, so slowly, Evan’s a wreck.

“David,” he moans out. “Get on with it already.”

“Still giving orders,” David chides gently, teasing. “I’m not doing a very good job of this, am I?”

Good enough, Evan wants to tell him, I’m quite enjoying myself, but as he opens his mouth to say something David pushes two fingers in quickly, all the way, all at once, and any words he might have been planning come out as a sound somewhere between a moan and a whimper.

“That’s more like it,” David says, lowering his head back down to take Evan in his mouth again. His head bobs up and down as his fingers pump smoothly, and Evan holds his breath as he feels his orgasm curling in his stomach. David can tell, too, apparently, because his mouth suddenly pulls up and off, and his fingers still.

“None of that, now,” he says, sounding amused. “At the risk of sounding repetitive, we haven’t had nearly enough fun here yet.”

Evan pants and stays very, very still, willing himself back from the edge. Finally, his eyes slide open. David’s just looking a him, a fond sort of smile o his face that turns decidedly more wicked when he sees Evan’s eyes. He doesn’t say anything, but his fingers start to move again, and a third soon joins the first two. Evan thrusts down against it until David withdraws his fingers entirely and sits up on his heels.

Evan is panting again, has been for a while, and he bites the inside of his cheek to keep from moaning when David pulls away. David just tugs at Evan’s hands until Evan sits up, and there’s some shuffling on the bed until David is leaning back against the wall with Evan straddling his hips. David leans in and kisses Evan again while his hands guide Evan’s hips forward. Evan keeps himself perfectly still as David positions himself, and then David is pulling at Evan’s hips, sliding him down until Evan is resting in David’s lap. And then David starts with those tiny, tiny rocking movements, and Evan can tell right away that this position was specifically chosen because of how David rubs against his prostate every time he moves in the slightest. Which is all he’s doing, moving in the slightest, and Evan has his face buried in David’s shoulder and is focusing with a single-mindedness on not just begging David to push him over and slam into him again and again.

And then David starts with his hand, rubbing his finger against where he’s barely moving in and out, and Evan isn’t sure if he wants to shout or cry or beg but he knows he wants, wants. By the time Evan feels the slick sliding down his back he’s ready to ask for it, and when David stops moving and presses his finger up against where his dick disappears into Evan’s body Evan is moaning, can’t hold it back any more.

“Evan?” David murmurs into his ear.

“David,” Evan pants back. “David, please, fuck.”

David smiles as he gently moves his finger up, pressing in and in and Evan moans, pants, whimpers until David stills again.

“Evan?” David repeats, and Evan lifts his hips a little and slides back down. This time they both moan, and David starts to move just his finger slowly, in and out. Evan can’t help but moan and gasp, because every nerve in his body is on fire and all he can feel is David in him and around him and everywhere and he doesn’t even realize that he’s begging until David pulls his finger out and cups his arms around Evan’s back and lays him out on the bed. It doesn’t matter, though because David is pulling out and thrusting in with purpose now, in and out and in and out and Evan is just making incoherent noise until David reaches between them and curls his fist around Evan’s cock. Then he’s swearing and moaning and gasping as he comes all over David’s fist and his stomach, and David freezes above him, his mouth dropping open slightly as his eyes slide shut, and Evan pulls David down on top of his body and rubs as his back until they both stop panting.

“I really didn’t think you would,” David says as he sits back and slips out.

“Yeah,” Evan admits. “I lost on that one.”

David smiles down at him. “I think we both won, actually.”

Evan has to agree.

evan/david, rating: nc-17, stargate

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