Ficlets to keep me sane.

Aug 23, 2010 15:33

I'm going a little crazy at the moment - to sum up some RL stuff, due to some unfortunate circumstances, I have to move from Philadelphia (a city I love) back to my parents' place in New Jersey for a while, and I'm not teaching this upcoming year (I'll be doing web design instead, and I'm less than happy. I'm actually a bit crushed, to be honest), ( Read more... )

drabble, admin

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Comments 30

sherry57 August 23 2010, 20:33:06 UTC
Ok I'm happy to oblige as I'm still licking my wounds after Glasgow so I need some cheering up as well - mutual cheering up session? Only thing is I'm useless in the prompt area. How about, Ronon taking care of Sheppard after an accident - jumper crash, fall from skateboard, injury from sparring. Or, Mckay realising how important John is to him after a near escape or an injury, or Cam seeing John with newbies and seeing how good a leader he is and finding it hot?
Hope you don't find all of this ridiculous and I send you hugs for the packing, to the cat as well, for the journey she's not going to enjoy and for you cos I hope your job status changes to a job you like. Hugs and best wishes that life picks up again quickly. Here's to both our sanities!!!


somehowunbroken August 23 2010, 21:02:51 UTC
Ronon settled into the chair beside Sheppard’s bed and stared out the window, thinking about how lucky Sheppard was to be alive, about how close he’d come to actually not making it home this time. The Jumper crash had been pretty bad - McKay had taken one look at it and started swearing - and the co-pilot, a Marine Ronon didn’t know that well, still hadn’t woken up. Sheppard had been released though he had to have someone stay with him constantly for the next few days ( ... )


sherry57 August 23 2010, 21:32:34 UTC
Oh, thank you, thank you and thank you again. I loved this and I loved even more how quickly you wrote it. You managed to cheer me up instantly cos you made me feel like you cared about cheering me up....and you really did cheer me up. I have a smile on my face for the first time today....thank you my little angel! I feel sane again.


somehowunbroken August 23 2010, 21:50:25 UTC
I'm so glad I could help... writing things like this, where nothing bad happens and there's just friend-love... I don't do it often, but it makes me feel better when I do. I feel a little more sane too :)


saphirablue August 23 2010, 20:33:29 UTC
Oh, that sucks! ((hugs you)) If you are in need of an ear, PM me! Or if you need some schmoopey, fluffy, happy as they come comfort fics -> just say the word and I'll hunt them down for you tomorrow evening!

Cam/John - dealing with the events of "Common Ground" (um, don't know if that stays a ficlet but a girl can hope)

*runs back to her TV to watch the second episode of the fourth Season of SPN* *sorry*


somehowunbroken August 23 2010, 21:32:32 UTC
John didn’t come Earthside often, so Cam was stuck somewhere between worried and thrilled when he got an email. The whole thing was typical John: “Coming Earthside for a few weeks. Anyone staying on your couch?” Cam knew the code, spoke the language well, and read it for what it was. Something happened and I’m pretty messed up. I need you.

John came through the Gate with a duffel bag and no smile. Cam couldn’t run down to greet him, couldn’t sweep him up and hold him until the tension left John’s frame, so he just shot an easy smile over and took John’s bag from him. “Couch is free,” he reported, and John’s half smile back said that he was still pretty fluent in the language, too. I’m here.

“When are you off?” Can we go home?

“Just have to finish up a few things. You can hang in my office or grab something from the mess.” Soon.John nodded and followed him to his office, sitting silently in the chair while Cam ran through the last few pieces of paperwork. He went literally as fast as he could, probably sacrificing accuracy for the ( ... )


saphirablue August 24 2010, 19:02:52 UTC
Wow, you are amazing! Whenever I was thinking about this prompt one of the versions (yes, I have different versions for this prompt in my head) was very much like what you wrote! =) *bounces happily*

I love that the two can read between the lines and know what they are not saying. I love that Cam is there for John and just holds him and is supporting and soothing him. And that he is there to listen if/when John is ready to talk about what happend! *big, big happy sigh* =)

Thank you very, very much for this ficlet! :)


somehowunbroken August 23 2010, 21:33:25 UTC
And fluffy comfort fics are always appreciated :)

(You're right, this might not stay a ficlet forever. But here it is for now.)


uran_chan August 23 2010, 20:52:35 UTC
Well since it is for a good cause.. :D
Evan/John, trust

And good luck with the moving!


somehowunbroken August 24 2010, 01:10:38 UTC
It’s about trust, John keeps telling himself as he struggles to stay still, and he does trust Evan, or he wouldn’t be here. That’s why he started sleeping with Evan in the first place, why he let occasional stress relief become casual sex, why he let that develop into more, into this relationship. It’s all about trust, and God help him, he trusts Evan ( ... )


uran_chan August 24 2010, 06:26:55 UTC
Thank you, this is awesome! :D My fav part is John realizing he trusts Evan with his people and his city, I think for John that's a lot bigger than trusting someone with his own life.


somehowunbroken August 24 2010, 06:50:41 UTC
Exactly :) Atlantis and the people there mean more to John than his own life, so trusting Evan with that... it's a big deal. Glad you liked it (and thanks so much for the prompt)!


calcitrix August 24 2010, 01:05:41 UTC
That stinks. Hope things go well for you and the changes don't turn out to be so bad. Though no summer vacation will probably suck.

Hmmm...Evan/John, hang gliding.


somehowunbroken August 24 2010, 04:24:22 UTC
“Come on!”

Evan frowned. “No.”

“Come on,” John repeated, voice almost pleading now. “It’ll be fun.”


“Can you say anything else?”

Evan merely raised a single eyebrow in response.

John huffed. “You’re the worst pilot ever,” he said challengingly. “You’re supposed to want to fly anything.”

“I want to fly a lot of things,” Evan said mildly. “It doesn’t count if I have no control over it.”

“Come on!” John had apparently given up on the rational argument strategy.


John threw his hands up and walked from the room, disgusted.

Lieutenant Jeffries poked her head in a minute later. “What bee got in his bonnet?”

Evan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Apparently the Athosians know of a culture that has some sort of Middle Ages-era hang gliding technology. I told him no.”

Jeffries frowned and cocked her head to the side. “For what it’s worth, that’s probably a good call,” she offered.

“I know,” Evan nodded. “Doesn’t mean he’s not going to make my life hell for it, though.”


calcitrix August 24 2010, 05:13:27 UTC
hhahahaaha :)

(I hope this is working--it's making me smile, anyway)


somehowunbroken August 24 2010, 05:33:15 UTC
:) So far, so good.


diek09 August 24 2010, 02:37:01 UTC
So, so sorry to hear you have to leave, it sucks! *hugs madly*

Don't let life to beat you, cheer up!!! :D

Uhm, Evan/ John, whatever tickles your mind, I love the way you write!


somehowunbroken August 24 2010, 04:37:06 UTC
John was startled awake by the sound of his door opening. He wasn’t concerned; it had been locked, which meant that there was only one person it could be. Sure enough, Evan slipped into the bed beside him a few minutes later, wrapping his arm around John‘s waist ( ... )


diek09 August 24 2010, 14:26:44 UTC
I have such big smile on my face, which is good for starting a day, it's gonna be a heavy one today... :D


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