Gentle Sin

Feb 20, 2010 22:54

 Title: Gentle Sin
Rating: PG
Warnings: Hint at sex? OMG LESBIANS.
Author: Jess (somedayxxbway )
Disclaimer: here
(I didn't write the sonnet, also.)
Description: A short fluffy one-shot based off of a Shakespeare sonnet.
(It's from Romeo and Juliet if you're curious. I actually think Romeo and Juliet is a stupid story--it's not love, it's an overly-dramatic teenage relationship. But it's required reading and I don't deny that Shakespeare writes beautiful words that are meant to be stolen and written about in fanfiction.)
(Also, since the sonnet is taken out of context--this holy shrine refers to her hand.)

If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle sin in this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.

"This case looks surgical...think you can scrub in?" Arizona asks. She passes me the chart of a ten-year-old boy who seems to have nearly shattered his entire leg in a car accident.

"Colin McFarlane," I read out loud. "Yeah, sure, I have time."

She smiles and leans close to me, her breath against my ear like cold hands held close to a warm fire.

"I was thinking maybe a little before the surgery, we could, uh..." she pauses and emphasizes the next two words, "meet up in an on-call room. Third floor?"

"Yeah," I say with a bit of a stutter. "I'll meet you there."

"Great," she says, backing up and flashing me a huge dimpled smile. "The surgery is in about two hours...and I'm gonna need that chart back."

I look down. I'm gripping the chart so hard that my knuckles are white. And she hasn't even touched me yet.

"Oh. Umm..." I hand the chart back to her. Her fingers lightly graze against mine. I shiver at the very slight contact. Her mouth opens into an 'O' shape and I hear a sharp intake of breath from her.

My eyes fall upon her hand, which is now holding the chart, resting a mere centimeter from mine, putting static in the space between us. I've held her hand before, but not often, and it's never felt like I was saying anything more than, "look at her, she's mine" to passersby who saw us.

Now, however, I want nothing more than to take her hand in mine and express my love for her in some Shakespearean sonnet or something.

I meet her eyes. The tension builds between us, until she clears her throat and shifts away.

"Well, I...I have to go. Work. You know," she says, fumbling with her words. She starts to walk away, but I can't resist it anymore. I grab her hand.

"What are you--" she says. I cut her off.

"I love you," I say, looking deeply into her eyes. I bring her hand up to my lips and lightly brush them against her hand in a kiss, keeping eye contact. She smiles.

"I love you," she replies. Her free hand goes up to caress my cheek. She stands on tiptoe to kiss my forehead, then my lips.

"I do have to go now, though," she says with a disappointed sigh. "I'll see you in an hour or so." With a wink and a suggestive smile, she slips her hand from mine and walks away.

I watch her go with an enormous grin on my face, thinking of how wonderfully sinful it feels to be with her. Yet, despite the wrongness of what she does to me, I know that our sin is right. With Arizona, I am in heaven, and more alive than I ever thought was possible.

I sigh, absentmindedly resting my cheek upon my hand, which is still tingling from our exchange.

A kiss on the hand leaves me tingling, but I can't wait to leave more than my hand tingling from contact with her. I bite my lip, thinking forward to our closeness, the way she will hold me, the way five minutes will go by so quickly and feel like forever all at once.

This hour can't pass quickly enough.


Reviews would be SUPER. :)

art:fanfic, pairing:calzone, fandom:grey's anatomy

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