Catch the Snitch

Apr 14, 2007 09:34

Originally written for the 'easter eggs' prompt at hp100. I broke the word count, so it stays here by default.

Title: Catch the snitch
Challenge: easter eggs
Characters: Cedric, Harry
Word Count: 300

Cedric had hardly opened his eyes when something tapped him on the head. Sleep-slowed reflexes gave his attacker a few extra seconds to flutter around him, but the Hufflepuff Keeper quickly caught the offending object.

Blearily, he examined a tiny golden egg. It seemed to be a modified snitch, and as he looked closer, Cedric saw the fine line around its middle. A tap of his wand opened the egg, and a small fragment of parchment fell out. Placing the now quiescent egg on his quilt, Cedric read:
I wanted to thank you. Meet me at the prefect’s bath at midnight this Friday.

Cedric was nervous. He knew who had asked for the meeting - the golden egg and snitch were a dead giveaway. He dared to hope, and feared he’d say something irrevocable. It had been three days since the message, and the waiting had been torture. Finally, it was Friday night and he had managed to send the last stragglers to bed before sneaking out. Opening the door, Cedric was met with a cloud of scented steam.

Carefully making his way around the edge of the bath, Cedric wondered what to do - was he supposed to be in the water? Should he stay clothed? He compromised by removing his robes, leaving him in pyjamas a little too thick for the warm room.

A gust of cool air was the only sign that the door had opened again. Cedric peered through the steam, uncertain, until a rustle of cloth produced a slight, dark haired figure. Releasing a pent up breath, shoulders relaxing and butterflies doubling, Cedric moved towards the newcomer.

“I hoped it would be you.”
You wouldn’t prefer someone else - Cho perhaps?”
Cedric paused, a grin spreading across his face.
“No Harry, I wanted it to be you.”

slash, hp, 300

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