New Moon Event Costume Discussion

Oct 22, 2010 10:17

In reference to the New Moon event. Originally was going to post a thread to that post, but it looks like it'll get more cluttered if I do, so here's a separate planning/plotting post. This will also help other players have an idea of who all is being what.

So tell us what costumes your characters will be in and what they'll be able to do! If you're not sure what costume your character should have, someone might be able to suggest something. Or we, the mods can randomly choose for you. Be warned: I (Laena) will probably be the one choosing, and some players may already know how I'm like when it comes to things like that.

So have at it!

Note: By the way, costume clones are fine. So if someone else already picked out a costume you were thinking about, go for it anyway. Who knows, it could probably be amusing.

Also, limited fourth wall breaking. That is, feel free to have a costume of a character from a completely different canon, but try to make it more of a "base" than an exact copy. So there might some alterations. Also, if you decide to go this way, the character should not know who they are dressed as, unless they actually have knowledge about the characters and their canons. Other characters who may recognize the costume are of course free to do so. Just no sudden knowledge. Exception to this is if your character winds up dressing up as someone already in the game. Then they can recognize that they are dressed as that person.

Don't forget to restrict any super powerful abilities that could potentially be granted to the character. Any super powerful, God-like abilities should be nixed, no matter which route the character takes. If you have any questions about that, feel free to ask us.

events, !moon cycle, plotting, !overlord

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