Moon Cycle 16

Apr 19, 2010 01:37

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❖ MOON CYCLE 16 ❂ 04/18/10 - 04/24/10
Phase: New Moon; the sky is pitch black, not even the stars are out

Weather: Hot and humid; it now feels like the tropics. Not even the night gives much relief due to the high humidity. Every morning there is rain, and scattered thunderstorms throughout the weekend.

Effects: It's a Jungle Out There. As the name implies, Somarium as they know it has turned into a wild jungle, complete with a plethora of flora and fauna. There is no trace of modern civilization, and even the Dreamberries got a makeover. Your characters may even wake up to find themselves high above the canopy on top of a tree. It truly is a game of "survival of the fittest".

All dreams must have some kind of survival motiff. When it's recorded, the screen will flash brown.

Notes: As stated above, the city and village has been completely overrun by the plants that had been steadily growing for the past week. The desert remains the same.
  • No more buildings. All buildings have been basically crushed and destroyed, no exceptions. Giant trees and small, rocky cliffs take their place. All the ponds and the lake have turned into large swamps, and the canal system is just a wild free flowing freshwater stream. Characters are going to have to camp out and make shelter on their own.

  • Modern amenities are gone. No electricity whatsoever. Everyone is stuck with whatever they have on them and will have to use whatever is available.

  • Wild animals abound. As if overnight, the population of animals have exploded. All typical Earth based animals that would live in jungles and forests can be found wandering and prowling through the underbrush. There's also something more prehistoric wandering around: dinosaurs. From the Jurassic era to be precise so yes it's like Jurassic Park. Except for the dinosaurs, the animals are also oversized. All aggressive predatory animals will be more prone to attacking anyone, and may even hunt them, so be on your guard!

  • Dangerous plants. The plants will retain their quick regeneration as experienced last week, but this time it's at an increased rate. The greater the damage, the faster they will regenerate. Fire, however, is very effective and will slow the regeneration a bit. The plants also seem to have a will on their own, and some are even alive. Like man eating plant monsters. There are large vines from which to swing from, but be careful! It could be a plant trap or a snake. There are also poisonous plants out there, so be careful what you eat.

  • Spoiled food. All food that had existed before is now spoiled rotten, so characters will have to hunt and forage for their own food. They will also notice that they will have their normal appetite back. That's right, they'll be hungry and will need food.

  • Fuming volcano. The floating mountain above the lake has turned into an active volcano. It's not spewing out lava right now, but the rising smoke isn't a good sign. Every once in awhile it will shower ash down into the jungle canopy

  • Castle is gone. The floating castle has also disappeared.

  • Dreamberries are now walkie talkies. The Dreamberries will now look more like standard walkie talkied. The only restricted function is Video calls. All other types are still accessible, though reception is also a bit hazy. The close in range they are, the better the reception. That means no filters. Threadhopping is encouraged. Maps are disabled, as well.

  • NPCs have gone tribal. While they won't provoke you, the npcs will be of no use. They are like primitive tribesman who speak an entirely different language and will not understand your character.
So in short, your characters are now stuck in a jungle that resembles Jurassic Park with only the natural resources available to them to survive with.

Also, there will a change on Thursday, April 22, so keep a look out! The event tag is !moon: cycle 16.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment here!

!moon cycle, !overlord

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