[11/19] Mod Announcement: Stats and a lot more

Nov 19, 2009 16:34

Lots of different things in this post, so be sure to read it all!

First off, all the lists have been updated! Double check to make sure everything is correct and update your f-lists!

  1. Taken Characters: # - M | N - Z (Current character count is: 207)
  2. Player Contact (Current player count is: 90)
  3. Friends Add/Remove

    friend add breaksbuildings
    friend add breaksminds
    friend add knightofchanges
    friend add stole_bread
    friend add yoom_tah

    friend add baskingjabber
    friend add componere
    friend add flirt_alicious
    friend add glovesareoff
    friend add hatespotatoes
    friend add heroine_pimpin
    friend add howdoiturnitoff
    friend add immoralpriest
    friend add lifeofablade
    friend add mynameonhigh
    friend add nrvsclean
    friend add purpleandstupid
    friend add sleepygold
    friend add redabyssinian
    friend add whiteruthenia

    friend add deathbyenvy
    friend add ebonythread
    friend add garudynamic
    friend add harisenprincess
    friend add poisonandcharm
    friend add preces
    friend add silence_ikillu
    friend add stillneedsakiss
    friend add yasogami_prince

    friend remove 00_agent
    friend remove abusive_emails
    friend remove acursedheart
    friend remove afterwaking
    friend remove apartyisfinetoo
    friend remove aura_report
    friend remove beenarealslice
    friend remove bigasshammer
    friend remove blacklegcook
    friend remove cannibalcrown
    friend remove daddysfavorite
    friend remove distantwolf
    friend remove eyeforaneyeball
    friend remove fetial
    friend remove fevoreish
    friend remove godsbestfriend
    friend remove grannyswolf
    friend remove highlvlfakeout
    friend remove inreturned
    friend remove kickasskittycat
    friend remove lavablood
    friend remove luckyglasses
    friend remove mayathemystic
    friend remove ominousglasses
    friend remove orange_waves
    friend remove psychonot
    friend remove quiero_neil
    friend remove radiant_will
    friend remove redeyed_devilx
    friend remove red_with_envy
    friend remove rockstar_fw
    friend remove shanti_shaman
    friend remove shorttemperwill
    friend remove shotapunch
    friend remove show_me_ur_luls
    friend remove stolencanary
    friend remove subsisted
    friend remove summoned_heeho
    friend remove summonedhero
    friend remove thwip_headshot
    friend remove we_r_king
    friend remove whipthefools
    friend remove xxxscience

    friend remove bamboonhoney
    friend remove bear_shadow
    friend remove bloodedknight
    friend remove frillysnake
    friend remove germanyaboveall
    friend remove ifionlyhad
    friend remove lucky_facade
    friend remove minuetmage
    friend remove narcisse_royal
    friend remove springpunch
    friend remove sukaretogeru
    friend remove theabyss_stares
    friend remove yokothebullet
  4. Stats:
    New Characters: 29
    New Players: 9
    Dropped Characters: 56
    Dropped Players: 16
  5. Residence
If we missed anything, let us know!

And just a quick reminder before we hit the nitty gritty stuff, DON'T FORGET THE THREAD LOTTERY! If you haven't signed up already, just comment to this post! Over half of the community has responded so far, but we can still squeeze in a few more people. Sign-ups end at midnight (CST) November 21, Saturday, meaning it runs all day Friday. We'll post the results Saturday or Sunday.

❖ activity check poll
The Activity Check has come and gone, and the above f-add update includes the characters that were dropped. For those who just squeaked by, try to do better next time! As mentioned in the main Activity Check post, we will be switching from the recent bimonthly interval checks back to monthly starting January. The requirements will still be the same and exemptions will still be the same. The only difference is how often it's held. It will also be on a set schedule, which is around the second week of the month.

This means you will be responsible for providing proof of activity every month. Even though the monthly check was how we usually ran the AC checks and only went bimonthly to accommodate the recent season, this may or may not be more inconvenient or troublesome to some people. Therefore, we'd like to see what you all thought about it before we actually did go through with this:

Poll Activity Check

If you have any other concerns about this, feel free to comment!

❖ profile meme update
Brought up in the Questions/Suggestions post, we've added another field to the Profile Meme. With more characters with the ability to know about your character either through fourth wall breaking or telepathy coming in, it would be helpful and maybe easier if there was another general Permissions field. We still encourage the actual players to make a separate Permissions post if they want, but everyone please update your Profile Meme to include the following:
[Other Permissions] Can telepathic characters read your character's mind? How much can fourth wall breakers say? In other words, how intrusive can another character be toward yours? If there's anything you don't want a character to bring up or know about your character, just fill it in here.

(have some copy/pasta)

[Other Permissions] Can telepathic characters read your character's mind? How much can fourth wall breakers say? In other words, how intrusive can another character be toward yours? If there's anything you don't want a character to bring up or know about your character, just fill it in here.

We have it after the [Fighting] field, but you're free to stick it wherever you want.

❖ let it snow let it snow let it snow
It's about time for a weather change! Where'd autumn go? ...Uh. Well, it technically was here for most of October but just like last year, it didn't last very long -- about a month. So starting Sunday, 11/22, there will be a freak blizzard that hits Somarium and then everything will be covered in snow. You are welcome to notice any light fall of snow that happens at night in the days prior to that. Don't worry, there will be a signal post for the blizzard.

After that, it will just be mild snow, but everything will be pretty cold and frosty. All the large ponds will be frozen, parts of the lake will be frozen off and on (how thick the ice is at the time is up to you :D), and the canal system will either be warm or cold. The hot springs will also be fully operational. The water park has also turned into a mini snowboarding facility. It's like a skate park, only with snow boards.

❖ thanksgiving event
Yes, we are having a Thanksgiving event! ...Sort of.

No, the characters won't suddenly find themselves in colonial pilgrim outfits or run around chasing turkeys. Instead, they will find themselves always hungry.

Eating is not necessarily required or needed here in Somarium, so this should come as a bit of a surprise for those who haven't been eating lately.

To make it even more interesting, you have the option to make your character "hungry" for something else other than food. "Hunger" for knowledge, "hunger" for speed, whatever you can think of. The point is, your character will want more of something if you don't want to do the food route.

Be thankful the world has unlimited supply and restocks every day!

As always, you do not have to participate in this event if you do not want to. Your character can be completely normal and wonder why everyone is crazy. Remember, the hunger is insatiable. It will drive them crazy.

The event will run from Wednesday, 11/25 through Sunday, 11/29. A signal post will be put up to signify the start of the event.

❖ npc sign-up
All right guys, we need your help! We have several things that are going to come up within the next month or so, and it will involve the NPCs. We'd also like to make them more active within the community since they will be around more often (yes, there is an actual in-game reason why a few haven't been around; that will be revealed later).

We have quite a few NPCs, four of which are actually rather involved in the plot. We may also add in more later. Players who are accepted to help man the NPCs will be briefed on general set characteristics, but after that they can do whatever they want that's acceptable. We'll have guidelines, and you will of course be more than free to ask for any questions you may have.

In terms of actual playing, the NPCs act a lot like Add-Ons, and are usually used on an "on-need" basis. We would like to see them integrate more with the community, but they don't need to be everywhere. Since players could play more than one at a time (we're not going to specifically assign you to an NPC, though you are free to have a preference), "npc!playercesting" will actually be allowed. Just don't go overboard!

We need 3-4 volunteers and should fulfill the following requirements:
  1. Will not abuse the NPCs.
  2. Relatively active within the community.
  3. Will have time to play them when needed.
  4. Will be willing to play more than one if necessary.
  5. Will have fun!
Just comment here or private message either Laena or Lari if you're interested.

❖ notes for december
We have a lot of things planned for December, and we're going to go ahead and give you a quick run-down. We'll give the full details after the Thanksgiving event and when it comes closer to time for some of them.
  • Moon Cycles -- Remember when we said something related to the moon was being implemented? This was what we were talking about! You may even get an earlier hint of what is to come during the Thanksgiving Event, so read that signal post carefully!
  • Castle will be accessible -- That's right! The castle will be open for public access within the first week of December, possibly earlier, and it will stay accessible. More details on that later.
  • Nightmare Shop -- The opposite of the normal mod shop, this place will offer different things for your characters. It will also help kickstart yet another new thing coming to Somarium.
  • Something very large is coming -- Could we be more vague? But a new addition to the world will be arriving around late December, and will actually be hinted at during the Winter signal post.
  • Secret Santa Christmas Event -- No matter what happens during the month, there will be a Secret Santa Christmas Event just like we had last year. We'll make an official post about it when it comes closer to time.
And that's a wrap! As you can see, we have a lot of exciting things in store. It might be a bit much, and we'll push some things to January if it's all too sudden, but these next couple of months will change the game toward what we hope is a progressive, interesting, and fun direction. It's time to break this "jamjar" lid open!

And believe it or not, we still have more ideas, but we'll be taking our time to iron out the details and see how everything else works. As usual, we appreciate all feedback and suggestions you may have. This looks like a lot, but hold any questions about the December list until the official posts regarding them. They will have all of the fleshed out details. This is just a very brief heads up for what's to come.

If you have any questions about any of the non-December material, feel free to comment here and ask away!

*update, !overlord

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