[7/3] Mod Update + Activity Check

Jul 03, 2009 16:02

All the lists have been updated! Double check to make sure everything is correct and update your f-lists!

  1. Taken Characters (Current character count is: 226)
  2. Player Contact (Current player count is: 100!!!)
  3. Friends Add/Remove IMPORTANT! You MUST update your f-list! Also, new characters! Remember to add the remaining journals. Since the f-list is so long, LJ will not add them all at once! So don't forget to add the other people who joined with you AND the second half of that list!
  4. Stats:
    New Characters: 9
    New Players: 2
    Dropped Characters: 1
    Dropped Players: 0
  5. Residence

If we missed anything, let us know!

Now, IMPORTANT! Below the cut will be all the details regarding the Activity Check. Old players need to read this because we're handling the check a lot differently than past ones.

Players have until July 10 to follow the directions. Any who do not respond to this Check and do not have an excuse will be removed. This is your only warning.


The activity check is just to filter out and remind people about being generally active in the game. This is required for characters to pass the activity in the check:

For the past months of MAY and JUNE, characters must have

1. Have made at least one dream post.
2. Made three threads cumulatively. (These can be either from logs, dream posts, voice posts, video, or text posts. Remember, these are cumulative-- so all three of your threads could be on journal posts. Please note that multiple threads from your own post are only counted for one thread; the same is true of multiple threads that are spawned from a single thread on an open log.)

It should be noted that for this activity check, we're combining the months of May and June together. This does not mean you should have two dreams and six threads. So long as you met the usual monthly requirements, you are fine.


Characters who have only been accepted in the last two rounds of applications are exempt from the check.

Additionally, the following characters are known to be on hiatus and are thus exempt:

Aigis rememberingyou
Anemone ifionlyhad
Austria gesangvoll
Canti cantinator
Dominic bymyowneyes
Duzell redeyed_devilx
Edward goldeyedmonster
Ema entropygoggles
Ganta theabyss_stares
Gino justdecor
Haseo skeeeiiith
Hermione bookishlion
Hiei shorttemperwill
King of All Cosmos we_r_king
Kisame deep_sea_patrol
Kohane featherlikesnow
Kureno manwithoutwings
Lavi bigasshammer
Lyle nocatchphrase
Mitsuru Kirijou rose_devotion
Nanako Dojima justiceandjunes
Phoenix slammingtables
Plucky Duck ducksarebetter
Rena bigassmachete
Ruby needsmorecute
Rune arrogant_mage
Senri flower_fields
Spain love_lostomates
Tear Grants yuliafonichymns
Yosuke Hamura hanamurachan
Yukina lamentingbeauty
Zoro 3zensekai

These hiatuses were announced on the hiatus post. Hiatuses ARE NOT OFFICIAL unless they are announced on the hiatus post. Just posting in the OOC comm will not cut it.

If a player has returned from hiatus within the past two weeks (June 19), they are also exempt.

Also, anyone on slowatus are not exempt. Only those listed on the hiatus post are exempt.


In the past, the mods have gone through and actually looked at everyone's activity and made a list of characters who had not the met the requirements. Due to the size of the community, we are changing the system that would be a bit more manageable for us to deal with the activity check.

In order to pass the check, you MUST:
  • Provide links to the following:
    • One dream post
    • Three threads of any kind.

      As mentioned before, these can be links to threads made in response to another character post or a link to your character's own log. However, they must be three different ones. This means that you cannot link three different threads made from the same log for that character.
    You can use the following copy/pasta:

    Player: PLAYERNAME
    Character: CHARACTERNAME
    Thread #1: DATEOFTHREAD
    Thread #2: DATEOFTHREAD
    Thread #3: DATEOFTHREAD

    If you have multiple characters, you can post them all in one comment. In that case, you only need to include the Player: field once and just c/p and fill out the rest for each individual character.

  • If you just came off hiatus, you only need to comment saying you came off hiatus. Giving an estimate date would help. Remember, only those who came off hiatus since June 19 are allowed to do this.

  • If you were accepted within the last two cycles, you only have to comment with "NEW CHARACTER".


If you haven't met the monthly requirements or are not eligible for exemption, you must do one of the following:
  • Make a dream/voice post, post in the main comm, or participate in several other posts in the main comm.
  • Go on hiatus, if you are unable to be more active right now.
  • Drop completely if you think real life is really taking a toll or you have lost interest.
  • Provide a link to the thread(s) using the following format:

    Player: PLAYERNAME
    Character: CHARACTERNAME

Whatever you choose to do, you must comment on this post informing us of your decision. If you choose to become more active or provide evidence of previous activity, please provide links in your comment.

**KEEP YOUR COMMENTS IN ONE THREAD!** This will make it a bit more organized. For example, let's say you have three characters. Two of them make the check so you could go ahead and make the comment with the links to their threads. The third did not meet the requirements so you later you make a post or a thread. Instead of making a new comment in reply to the entry, replying to the original comment is preferred.

IMPORTANT: Do not make a post or go on hiatus to dodge the check. If you really don't think you'll be able to be more active, we're prefer that you drop rather than prevent someone else who could be more active from applying for the character. If you really do want to try to be more active, however, that's when you would go on hiatus or make a few threads. Please do not sit on characters if you don't think you'll be able to play them.


While we will have reminders about the Activity Check as it comes closer to the final deadline, there will be no excuse for not following any of the directions. Even if you are active, if you do not comment on this post with the links as described of, you will be cut off the list.

Since we did change the system and format of the Activity Check, we are going to be a bit lenient this time around, especially for those who have been on hiatus for a while.


If your character is among the listed, that means you have not commented on this post to pass the Activity Check. As a reminder, you have until the end of Friday, July 10 to comment. This means you have all of Friday, but comments made past that (Saturday) will be ignored.

If you know of the player who plays any of the listed players, please inform them of this check. Alternatively, if you know that they are in some kind of situation where they could not have seen these posts or contact us, please talk to us. We can and will work with others if necessary.

But as it stands, those on the lists will be dropped from the game if they do not respond by the deadline:

Bakura seeker_of_seven
Cheshire Cat lives_inmemory
Cielo angstfreesky
Death the Kid overlysymmetric
Deidara itismyart
Fei Long tastemyfoot
Furude Rika rewindingsummer
Gilbert G.P. Guilford kabalyero
Gilbert Weillschmidt (Prussia) vitalregionsnow
Harry Ord uniiiiiveeeerse
Ivan Braginski (Russia) tranquillize
James Doakes speaksinallcaps
Ken Amada feathermanr
Kino tabi_no_yume
Michael Trinity lolgundam
Monkey D. Luffy i_want_meat
Peter Kirkland (Sealand) bothersengland
Rolo Lamperouge omgniisan
Souji Seta popscollar
Uzumaki Naruto fishcakespiral
Yuu Kanda mugenshi
Zelos Wilder likesmelons

And for the curious, this list is starting off with 35 characters.

If you see someone on this list that shouldn't be on there, just comment. Characters will be removed from the list as soon as the player comments on this post with the required links or take alternative actions (hiatus or drop).


Those still left on the list will be removed from the RP.

*update, *activity check, !overlord

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