☀ two suns.

Nov 24, 2010 01:25

Who: soloriens and you!
Where: Everywhere Shopping District.
Style: I'll be sure to match you!
Status: Open!

[If you spot the wolf, she appears to be simply sitting with her head tilted down. However, if you take a closer look you can see there's a carrot bouncing up from the ground and against her chest. ..Repeatedly. She tilts her head, confused because-- ( Read more... )

apollo, maka albarn, masaomi kida, amaterasu, korea (yong soo im), medicine seller, !location: somni, senri, alice (pandora hearts)

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Comments 101

telestics November 24 2010, 09:52:49 UTC
[ The onslaught of random attacking vegetables didn't seem to phase the Medicine Seller as he went about his daily routine. He had just exited one of the stores when he spotted the goddess rolling around and seemingly playing with the army of carrots that had attacked her. What may be called an amused look sets itself upon the painted face.

Soon he's crouching down in front of the Goddess, reaching out for one of the wiggling carrots under her stomach and yanking it free. Much to the crushed and flailing vegetable's displeasure.

Want it, Ammy? ]


soloriens November 24 2010, 10:14:16 UTC
[Ears perk as the familiar scent drifts to her, turning her head and her tail wags in recognition. Her head tilts up as he stops before her until he crouches down, her gaze following to her stomach where she now noticed the carrots. Here she thought they had fled so soon.

The Sun Goddess extends her neck, sniffing at the flailing carrot. She barks once to him, watching him with a doggy smile now. You wouldn't happen to know why they're moving, do you?]


telestics November 24 2010, 10:20:19 UTC
[ Continues to dangle the carrot in front of her, his lifted brows again accenting the briefest flashes of amusement. Eventually he sets the thing down, watching as it makes a run away from the two painted figures. The other poor vegetables don't seem to be so lucky just yet, huh?

He hasn't the slightest idea why they're moving, but, ]

Strange. [ He muses, gently ghosting a hand atop the goddess' head as if aiming to pet her. ] Playing with your food, hmmm~?


soloriens November 24 2010, 10:34:58 UTC
[Her gaze flickers to the vegetable, watching it flee despite of its other comrades still trapped beneath her body. Her tongue lulls out, tail swishing side to side as the playful side of her urged to chase after it and toy with it a little more.

But, the lazy part is stronger and she's quite comfortable where she is. She raises her gaze to the Medicine Seller again, coming to rest to a close as she tilts her head towards the hovering hand while expecting a pet. They started playing first ..sorta.]


blacknredrabbit November 24 2010, 10:23:52 UTC
[Alice watched Ammy as she seemed to be playing around with the group of carrots. The vegetable issue has been annoying but it did not seem to be affecting the Ammy all that much at all. And in the end, the amount of cluelessness the wolf showed was a bit irritating to her...]

...they're under you, you know.


soloriens November 24 2010, 10:40:12 UTC
[Her tail wags, glancing up to the Chain girl. Oh, hello again. Watch as she just stares up and wags her tail excitedly. One manages to slip out, moving in front of the wolf and squeaking at her angrily.

Before she snorts and blows it over.]


blacknredrabbit November 24 2010, 20:34:22 UTC
How are you able to tame them so easily?

[She looks at the carrot with a glare. After the fifty that attacked her and Tamaki she learned to keep her distance from them as much as possible.]


soloriens November 25 2010, 01:49:35 UTC
[Tame them? She peers up at Alice, not taking notice of the blown over carrot having gone and pull another comrade out from under her, before the two began to climb onto her back while the rest flailed beneath her still.

Tail swishes again as she glanced over to some other vegetables that appear to be simply walking by. Not all of them are threatening, Alice. ]


resonancy November 24 2010, 11:18:01 UTC
[Maka's crossing through the district to get some suddenly much needed errands done, only to come by Ammy and catch the tail end of the wolf's experience with the animated produce. up until now, Maka didn't seem very happy about having to go all this way, but witnessing this seemed to put some mild amusement on the girl's face.]

Looks like you managed to get them.


soloriens November 25 2010, 01:52:40 UTC
[Ears perk up in the direction of the familiar voice, barking excitedly to her as her tail gives a happy swish. Maka! ..Get them? Now she tilts her head, she simply thought they ran away. She looks around, before towards the side of her stomach to see at least one flailing.

She grabs the ends with her teeth, ignoring it's squeaks as she holds it towards Maka. Want it?]


resonancy November 25 2010, 04:46:40 UTC
Erm... No thanks, I already had my fair share of living carrots. You can keep them, if you want.


1/2 soloriens November 25 2010, 13:26:01 UTC
[Oh, alright. She's eating this one subconsciously, just remembering how she's a little hungry now.]


flower_fields November 24 2010, 17:57:32 UTC
[Senri's just been cutting fruits and vegetables left and right with his sword-leaving him to be vegetable/fruit-splatter-covered mess, but he doesn't seem to notice.]

And oh hey, it's Ammy! Approaching now~]


soloriens November 25 2010, 01:56:38 UTC
[..Oh, she recognizes that scent. It's Senri!

...Staring. HOLY CRAP IS THAT-- oh it's smells of tomatoes and other juices from the vegetables. She barks to him, wassup friend?]


flower_fields November 25 2010, 02:03:03 UTC

He smiles softly, sheathing his sword. Good, what about you?]


soloriens November 25 2010, 02:21:33 UTC
[Maybe you were bleeding and hurt?? TOMATOES CAN BE VERY.. CONVINCING sorta. But yeah, she's relaxing after playing with carrots.

She gets up though, shaking her fur and steps on two carrots in the process and squishes them while the others flee. Ears perk, watching them flee before trotting up to Senri.]


luvtrianglewoes November 24 2010, 20:26:09 UTC
[Oh! It's that wolf that draws. He watches her amusingly.]

Well you seem to be having fun.


soloriens November 25 2010, 02:02:53 UTC
[A ear twitches, glancing over. She doesn't recognize the smell, but the voice she does.

Ahhh, it's the boy who was drawing. She wags her tail, sitting up and the now freed carrots squeak loudly at her before bouncing away. Unfortunately, she sets a paw down on but one. The rest flee instead of helping. ]


luvtrianglewoes November 25 2010, 03:32:46 UTC
[He laughs at the sight.]

Hey, Wolf-san...are you going to eat that?


soloriens November 25 2010, 13:32:23 UTC
[Eat-? Glances down to the trapped carrot, ears perking to listen to its squeaks before back to him.

..Oh! She tilts her head, grasping onto it before she stands and trots over to Kida. Do you want it?]


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