Desmond Miles £ 002

Nov 07, 2010 15:47

Who: failssassin and somarium !!!
Where: The Fire in the Hole club in Somni
Style: Starts in third, but either is fine with me
Status: OPEN!!! Come drink your sorrows away!!
Warning: Desmond has a foul mouth, so language.

'Thump thump thump thump'

I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night )

locke lamora, daisuke jigen, !location: somni, kara thrace, desmond miles, !location: fire in the hole

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Comments 34

onethirdavarice November 7 2010, 23:56:48 UTC
After leaving Kara's, the only thought on Locke's mind was that he needed somewhere else to pickle his liver. Asking around had him directed to a club- and while the loud, thumping music wasn't exactly the first place he would have chosen to drown himself in a bottle, it was the first place he had come across, and Locke wasn't sure how much longer he would be able to remain on his feet. He was feeling drained, physically and mentally, and his and Kara's argument left him sour; what little had remained of his ego bruised ( ... )


failssassin November 8 2010, 01:52:20 UTC
Desmond raised an eyebrow at the man, noting his sunken eyes and sour expression. He said nothing about the inappropriate attire: he had thrown out many drunk idiots in his life, he could still do it if the man was a disturbance to the club. He shook his head at the bouncer when the bigger man moved towards the bar: if the customer needed to drink, he would let him drink. The bartender could relate, somewhat ( ... )


onethirdavarice November 10 2010, 03:39:31 UTC
It really wouldn't even have taken much effort to throw Locke out. Skinny as he was, and with how poorly he had been taking care of himself one might as well have been throwing a sack of feathers. But sour attitude or not, it wasn't Locke's intention to get tossed out of the club. After all, getting thrown out was detrimental to getting as drunk as he humanly could before he either a) died of alcohol poisoning or b) stumbled out and passed out in the nearest alleway ( ... )


failssassin November 12 2010, 02:23:27 UTC
Desmond watched as the other man nearly turned an eye as he downed the whiskey, lips curling in an almost amused smile. Though it was sad to see someone in such a need to get drunk--not that it was the first the bartender was seeing such a thing--it was clear that the man wasn't used to drink hard liquor.

The Assassin refilled the empty glass without saying a thing. It wasn't his place to judge or make sermons about not drowning one's sorrow in booze.

"That bad, huh?" he asked as he drank from his own glass. "This world or yours that's been kicking your ass that seriously?"


m19_lover November 8 2010, 02:15:30 UTC
Just a small drink down at the onsen wasn't exactly enough to put his thoughts away for a moment. He wanted to completely erase the past week, as if it never happened.

And, lo and behold, he found a bar. Sure, the music wasn't exactly as 'low' as he wanted it to be. Hell, that wasn't even his kind of music, but he was willing to put those aside if that meant he could get something nice and strong to clear his head completely.

He just sat down and, as soon as the bartender talked to him, he said, not even bothering to look at the man's face: "Just give me some whisky, OK?"


failssassin November 8 2010, 02:54:17 UTC
Seeing as the man seemed to need some time to collect his thoughts before being somewhat sociable, Desmond simply pushed the glass containing the amber liquid in front of him. Having a bit of experience in this type of place, the Assassin knew when to start a conversation or not. And this was not the time. If the man wanted to talk to him, he would on his own.

Giving the customer a curt nod, he left him for a moment, in order to serve others that had come up to the bar.


m19_lover November 8 2010, 14:10:28 UTC
Contrary to what was expected, Jigen really didn't down the drink in one go after getting it. He looked at it, the ice hitting the glass and that amberish color...

That reminded him of his home. Reminded him of his life with Lupin. How his life started all over again when he met him. It was almost as if he could pretend the past never happened. That he hadn't hurt so many people just because he was... following orders.

After pondering about that for a while, down went the drink, as he tried to focus on his present life more than on his past. He wasn't going to let that stupid dream world make him feel sorry about himself like that.

"Could you get me another shot?" He asked, finally looking up to face the man on the other side of the counter.


failssassin November 9 2010, 02:25:30 UTC
Luckily for the man, Desmond hadn't put the bottle too far away. And so once he was done with his current customer, he refilled the glass the man's glass. He gave him a long look, raising an eyebrow slightly:

"You know, if you plan on getting smashed, I have something cheaper..."

Because as much as the other brand would give the drinker a worst headache and nausea on the morn, he wouldn't at least leave the bar with nothing to pay for food.


havemyflaws November 8 2010, 20:22:48 UTC
Because she kind of didn't pay her bar tabs when she went out with Niall that one time, Kara had been looking for a couple of new places to drink. And she might have been looking around for Locke to make sure he hadn't passed out in a ditch or been stabbed or mugged or something.

If anyone asked - which they wouldn't - she'd feign concern for the lone clothes.

Strolling into the bar she took a seat, shrugging off the jacket she was wearing for the cold weather. For a few minutes she let the music wash over her, nodding her head to the beat and glancing around before she tapped the bar to get the attention of the bartender, perhaps raising an eyebrow: that face looked damn familiar to her too.

"Beer, the colder the better. And good stuff, not the watered down kiddy crap." There was a small smile though; drinking at a bar was better than drinking in the apartment at the same table Locke had stormed out from.

Little asshole was getting an ass kicking as soon as she tracked him down.


failssassin November 9 2010, 02:57:26 UTC
The knocking on the bar picked his attention and Desmond looked up from the glass he had been cleaning. The flock of blond hair briefly reminded him of Lucy, but as soon as the woman opened her mouth, he knew the resemblance stopped at the hair color. The way she spoke made him smile slightly, the curl almost unnoticeable in the dark atmosphere of the bar. For a moment, he thought he saw recognition pass over her features, but shrugged the thought away. She couldn't know him, right?

He put the martini glass with the rest of the clean ones and grabbed a pint glass, rinsing it before he poured a brown colored beer from the draft tap. Cutting the climbing foam with a spatula, he served the glass to the young woman:

"Here. I've never heard of it before, so I'm guessing it's a home brew. It should be to your taste." It was strong and full bodied. Nothing like the watered crap she didn't want.


havemyflaws November 9 2010, 18:01:40 UTC
"Plenty used to home brew; so long as it doesn't taste of whatever it was brewed in, I'm happy." Yes, Chief had done the best with the supplies at hand and the Galactica moonshine had done it's job, leaving you blind drink with enough of it.

And no, she didn't know Desmond but she'd had a game of Pyramid with his much better looking Italian double.

"New around here?" This seemed about time for new arrivals to start showing up after all - first two weeks of every month, give or take. "I'm Kara, Kara Thrace."


failssassin November 10 2010, 03:13:43 UTC
"Don't worry, it's not that bad." At least he didn't thought so ( ... )


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