
Oct 15, 2010 04:17

Who: magicalderp && somarium
Where: Espoir.
Style: Starting in third. Whatever works.
Status: Open ( Read more... )

toothless, merlin, unicorn, maria ushiromiya, monkey d. luffy, arthur pendragon, hiccup horrendous haddock iii

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Comments 97

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magicalderp October 15 2010, 08:30:52 UTC
[ Why the ground sure is lumpy in this random village--OH. ] WHOA! Sorry I--

[ and after stepping off the boy's face, he just kind of stares. Is he still sleeping? With a boot-mark on his cheek and everything? ]

Hey, you alright? [ warily nudges with his foot. ]


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magicalderp October 15 2010, 08:34:13 UTC
Wha--Get off! [ Flails his foot around with all the grace of an epileptic squirrel.

and promptly falls flat on his ass, losing his boot in the process. ]


knows_remorse October 15 2010, 08:25:30 UTC
[She looks from where she has been sitting and when she sees the boy she can sense the magic within him. A very familiar magic. She stands up and walks over to him. Even hundreds of years later she could recognize him... although he was not how she remembered.]


magicalderp October 15 2010, 08:32:57 UTC
[ Confused or not, Merlin is instantly awestruck by the unicorn coming right toward him. So there were unicorns here, too? Wherever here was. ]



knows_remorse October 15 2010, 09:05:45 UTC
Hello Merlin.


magicalderp October 15 2010, 09:10:01 UTC
[ ...Whoa, okay. Unicorn? Cool. Talking unicorn? Amazing.

Talking unicorn that knows his name? He would say weird, but a lot of people and/or creatures seem to know that. Still, he's going to do the stupid thing and ask-- ]

How do you know my name?


creator_maria October 15 2010, 13:42:28 UTC
Maria was walking around Espoir, trying to find some flowers that she could press into her grimoire for fun, when she saw a boy she didn't recognise.

"Hello?", the little girl spoke up, "Are you lost, Uu?"


magicalderp October 15 2010, 19:26:07 UTC
Merlin blinked when he heard the tiny, adorable voice, looking around a few times and then eventually thinking to look down. When he saw her he gave a lopsided smile. She must have been a local, or if what Amalthea said was true, someone else that had been taken here. Geez, it happened with kids, too?

"Hello there," He offered, heading over and crouching down in front of her, "I am a little lost. Do you think you could help me?" Honestly he didn't think she would be able to, but she was a cute little thing. How could he ignore her?


creator_maria October 16 2010, 14:36:26 UTC
"Hello", She said again, with a happy smile on her face as he faced her at her height.

She then thought about his question. There was no harm in helping him while she was here, was there? She could look for flowers later after all.

"Maria can try and help you! Uu!"


princeclotpole October 15 2010, 17:11:25 UTC
It had already become a habit to go for a stroll around the village to see how things were seeing as there were no Knights to practice with, no outlying villages to visit and no courtly duties to attend.

Oh and no one to wash his smelly clothes.

So Arthur had been strolling along, quite happily until he noticed someone familiar. I mean, those bloody ears stood out at a million paces and well, the persons gait was rather more leaning towards the prancing side of the scale rather than walking. And then he heard his name.

"Merlin!" From the distance, it would be impossible to tell if it was an angry shout or not and well, alright maybe he was the tiniest bit relieved to see your gormless face.

Oh and by this point he was already running. Think fast manservant.


magicalderp October 15 2010, 19:22:12 UTC
Almost on cue Merlin spun around, more than happy to see the other young man coming toward him, "Sire?" Oh thank you God. He would never forgive himself if the idiot managed to get himself hurt or killed or lost or WHATEVER. Not that he looked too thrilled about it. He had to keep up appearances you know.

With a look of pure unadulterated herpderp, Merlin headed for the prince, only to find that he was not going to stop. Confused, the young warlock wasn't entirely sure if he should keep running, skid to a halt or just stand there like an idiot. He opted for the latter, and waited for the abuse he knew he would be receiving for not being there to tend to his royal pratiness.


princeclotpole October 15 2010, 20:19:27 UTC
Still striding ahead - because yes, this was a striding run, deal with it - Arthur was smirking. A happy smirk but still his usual smirk. Likewise he was glad that Merlin hadn't been beset by bandits or enemy soldiers and mercenaries or eaten by some rogue prowling beast somewhere. But it'd be a bloody long time before Arthur actually said that.

"Where!" He took a breath and continued the run and bam, there you go Merlin, enjoy your half headlock, half hug thing and getting all the air crushed out of your weedy little lungs, "The hell have you been?!"


magicalderp October 15 2010, 20:29:46 UTC
Good to know they both had things they'd never admit to each other. What a wonderful friendship-thing they had going on there. Merlin was tempted to step back, but unfortunately the prince was a bit more swift and managed that awkward whatever-the-hell-it-was.

"Uwagh!" Merlin yelped, sounding less like a man and more like a disgruntled child being abused by their elder sibling, which was basically what was happening. He clamped his hands on Arthur's arms and attempted to pry him off, "Where have I been?! In Camelot! Cleaning your armor, mucking out the stables--I just saw you this morning when you whined about how your breakfast was cold and dropped it on my head." how could he forget?


hasnoteefs October 15 2010, 20:36:20 UTC
With the stark lack of adventure and danger in Somarium, and stark lack of other dragons period, Toothless had found himself with a lot of free time on his hands. ...Claws. With this free time of his, the Night Fury had taken to trying to fly on his own again-- he knew the attempts were largely futile, he wasn't a stupid beast by any stretch of the imagination, but when flight once came naturally to you, it's to be expected that you would continue to try until you can try no more.

And so, with a great number of flailing leaps and irritated yowls as he plummeted back toward the earth, Toothless had begun to regularly make quite a show of hurling himself into the air only to skid into the dirt again some scant seconds later. Quite a few times, he would get so frustrated with his own inability (even if he had figured out that the loss of his tailfin was Hiccup's fault, he could never blame the boy) that he would spat fire at the earth, as though condemning it for rising to meet him so prematurely. He was a dragon, he was meant to fly ( ... )


magicalderp October 15 2010, 20:47:54 UTC
So far Merlin had only met one magical creature here, that being the unicorn Amalthea. And since she had left him to his own devices, the young warlock was still meandering around aimlessly. He had yet to find the dreamberry in his pocket, so there was nothing to play with and awe over until later. The village seemed more or less like every other village he had been in ( ... )


hasnoteefs October 15 2010, 21:03:45 UTC
Oblivious at first to Merlin, Toothless froze in place when spoken to. He swiveled, moving slowly, and looking about the area for another dragon, only to find... Merlin. Who wasn't a terribly unusual sight to Toothless, really-- he had a lot in common with Hiccup. Small-ish, unsuspecting, similar style of dress. The red was a nice touch. He didn't verymuch look like a Viking, but then again, Hiccup didn't really look much like a Viking, either.

...But that wasn't the point.

To anyone else in the area, Toothless returned a sort of inquisitive gurgling sound to Merlin's speech. To Merlin, it sounded exactly like the dragon were asking "Are you speaking to me?". Somarium had shown the Night Fury some unusual things, namely the Dreamberry still tucked under his saddle and people like Cid Highwind, but never in a million years had the dragon expected to discover a human capable of communicating with him.

Well, communicating with him more than the guesswork he and Hiccup shared.


magicalderp October 15 2010, 21:17:22 UTC
Merlin was still in a somewhat defensive stance, knowing only from his experience with Kilgharrah that dragons could be rather aggressive. Dragonlord or not, they were very intimidating creatures and he didn't know anything about this one. When he got an answer though, Merlin's stance relaxed a bit as if trying to show that he didn't mean any harm to Toothless. He really didn't, he was just overly curious.

"Yes, I'm talking to you. Unless there are other dragons here?" he glanced around as if they would just appear out of nowhere. "My name is Merlin."


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