Astrid ⟡ 001

Sep 13, 2010 16:01

Who: 4everythingelse and anybody afoot
Where: The fields around Espoir, midday ish
Style: Third, preferably
Status: OPEN~

C'mere, pretty please? Can you tell me where I am? )

toothless, astrid hofferson, drizzt do'urden, !location: espoir, hiccup horrendous haddock iii

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Comments 64

Oh God sorry tl;dr. sob. hunterinside September 13 2010, 23:23:43 UTC
Drizzt had been out for quite some time already, having left his quaint little cottage in the village to go hunting in the woods. Guenhwyvar, his beast of a pet panther joining him and carrying back what she could of their would-be dinner. Just as they returned, he spotted the dragon first, then the girl beside it. Drizzt had seen dragons before, but none so willing to follow a little girl around a field. So he watched from a distance, finally orderng Guenhwyvar to go and take everything inside, then waiting for her to return so they could pursue the girl and her ( ... )


:D dude teal is my favorite color, go for it. 4everythingelse September 13 2010, 23:55:13 UTC
Pleased when she saw a figure emerge from the edge of the village, Astrid straightened her posture a bit. She could tell she wasn't near Berk anymore, because there didn't appear to be any mountains or snow or ocean in the immediate vicinity, which meant that whoever this person was, they might not be used to seeing a dragon walking about. But the figure didn't seem threatening, and hadn't drawn any weaponry as they approached, so she had to assume they weren't aggressive.

Of course, that was before she realized that there was a giant creature walking alongside the figure. Oh! ... Well, maybe dragons weren't so unusual a sight in this village after all, though this creature appeared to be some kind of cat. It was far too large and completely the wrong color to have been a lynx, but it was a stunning creature all the same, even if she didn't know what it was ( ... )


Really? Mine too. WE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON. hunterinside September 14 2010, 00:11:40 UTC
That was a look he was use to by now. The surprise on her face almost didn't phase him. Minus the small inward wince he made, knowing that she had been taken aback by his appearance. He motioned for his own animal companion to stay where she was, the panther promptly sitting down and waiting as Drizzt drew closer to the girl to continue their conversation properly. He smiled warmly at her, accenting the fact that he had no intention of being aggressive. Despite how he looked, and despite what he was. She didn't need to know the details right now ( ... )


w00t! \o/ 4everythingelse September 14 2010, 00:48:21 UTC
"Somarium?" Well that was an odd name for a village. But when the blue man continued, Astrid found herself completely and totally baffled. A dream world? "Wh... what do you mean a dream world?" she asked. "Am I asleep? Are we dreaming right now?" This was all a little too strange to try and comprehend all at once.

She shook her head quickly then. Oh! Right, introductions. Vikings were usually more renowned for their brutish nature than their congeniality, but there was really no excuse for being rude when a stranger was obviously trying to help.

"Astrid," she said, extending a hand to shake in greeting. "Astrid Hofferson." She made a bit of a face. "And I guess it's less frightening and more just strange. I mean, I've dealt with some scary things before..." Like taking on a dragon the size of a fleet of longboats. "But I'm not completely alone," she added, smiling a bit as she watched the man's eyes flick to the nadder and then back. Gesturing, she said, "This is Öndótt. Usually just Dot. She's a Deadly Nadder, ( ... )


hasnoteefs September 13 2010, 23:56:25 UTC
Toothless had been dozing, somewhere nearby what could have been described as the Arrival Field in Espoir. He had found a few good places to catch fish, and he knew where to find Hiccup, and with the stark lack of meatheaded Vikings to harass and other dragons to bother, the Night Fury found himself with a lot of downtime on his claws. So he did what any domesticated animal does when they have downtime; nap ( ... )


4everythingelse September 14 2010, 00:22:47 UTC
Astrid's nadder gave a high, cheerful trill, and she turned to give the dragon an odd look. She had been pleased to discover that despite their somewhat fearsome presentation, dragons were not entirely unlike any other animal. Astrid never would have gone so far as to say that Berk had domesticated dragons, because they were still very much wild animals, and her nadder was always her companion and never really her pet, but the fact remained that dragons did remind her a bit of dogs sometimes ( ... )


hasnoteefs September 14 2010, 00:54:03 UTC
Dogs, cats, funny little blue aliens with six arms and antennae-- Yeah, dragons were quite similar to a number of other creatures on the face of the planet. Toothless, too, was doing a splendid impression of a dog as he bounded across the field gleefully. He beat his wings uselessly against the air and lifted himself off the ground for a few feet just prior to coming to a surprisingly light landing in front of Astrid and Öndótt, gums bared in a big silly grin and his entire back end wiggling. He folded his wings back against himself and trilled loquaciously at Öndótt, appearing to hold a conversation with the Nadder, before he took another few steps forward toward Astrid and nearly headbutted her off her feet.

Their less-than-happy meeting aside, Toothless really did enjoy the high-strung little Viking girl-- though in part because she really did seem to make Hiccup very happy. Astrid was by no means a substitute for the Chief's son, but she was a friend nonetheless, and friends not only deserved reptilian affection, but also tended ( ... )


4everythingelse September 14 2010, 03:43:38 UTC
Astrid laughed aloud as the night fury made a big show of plowing his head directly into her. Yup, it was definitely Toothless. Reaching out and scratching both sides of his head fondly, Astrid gave a wide smile.

"It's good to see you, too, Toothless," she said as Dot trilled happily. Pulling back and looking into the dragon's big acid-green eyes, she placed her palms on either side of his face and gave him a hopeful look. "Is Hiccup here?" she asked, maybe a bit too eagerly. "Is he okay?" Not that she was that concerned.

Dot had, of course, gotten a bit more of the message than Astrid was getting at the moment, and trilled at Toothless again. Astrid was more worried than she would ever admit to, but it seemed she didn't have to worry.


brbblending September 14 2010, 02:28:40 UTC
Of course, since Paola started living here she often found herself walking. She had already oriented herself but it was a force of habit to wander. She was a blade in the crowd, blending in with city streets. She never quite got out of some of her courtesan habits. Once you set everything like that down to a routine and stop being squeamish at age sixteen, you really couldn't erase the habit of doing things this way. However, you'd think she'd be used to the odd sight of mythical creatures.

As she saw the blonde child approaching with a giant dragon following, she tried to shake the tremble in her hands. She had met a dragon before, Toothless and he wasn't at all as frightening as he had first appeared. Perhaps this one wasn't either? Then why, even though she knew that, where her feet planted firmly in the cobblestone, ready to flee.


4everythingelse September 14 2010, 03:52:54 UTC
Approaching the road at the edge of the village, Astrid paused when she saw a woman standing there, dressed in flowing fabric the color of rich earth. Astrid had to stare for a moment, if only because she had never seen someone quite so beautiful. The woman looked almost like a fancy doll.

After a moment, she shook her head quickly, then offered the woman a smile.

"Ah... hello," she said, turning and waving a hand at Öndótt to tell the dragon to stay where she was. It seemed this woman was a bit unnerved by the great reptile. "I ah... I'm a little lost," she said. "Is there somewhere I can go to find a map, or get some directions?"


brbblending September 14 2010, 05:05:25 UTC
Paola calmed herself, relaxing her body completely but not ridding the fear in her heart. However she attempted to look calm. She even so much as returned the smile. "You are new here?" She asked, it was more of a statement then a question. She hated to tell people they'd probably never leave...


4everythingelse September 14 2010, 11:55:36 UTC
"New?" Astrid tilted her head. "I just woke up in that field there, if that's what you mean," she said. "I'm from Berk, and I need to get back there as soon as possible."

The pretty woman still seemed a bit tense, and so Astrid turned to look at Öndótt, then returned to the dragon's side and scratched at the smooth scales along her neck.

"You don't have to worry, she won't hurt you," she assured the woman. "I know she looks a little scary, but Öndótt is actually pretty friendly so long as you're friendly, too." That was a very important distinction, after all.

Stepping forward again, she regarded the woman mildly.

"My name is Astrid," she said. "Can you tell me where I am?"


horrendous_name September 14 2010, 02:57:11 UTC
Unfortunately for Toothless, he happened to come back to Somarium at a time when Hiccup really didn't have much time for play. A huge disaster had just hit, and lots of people finally caught wind of of his blacksmith shop. The kid was pretty much being worked to the bone day and night, and when Toothless came back, he wasn't able to watch over him as much as he'd liked. The dragon managed to slip away without him noticing, and didn't come back for a long time. After the month long scare Hiccup had, he wasn't going to take any chances. Sure, Toothless needed to run around free, and he had admitted that he had a dragon to the whole world, but that didn't keep Hiccup from freaking out ( ... )


4everythingelse September 14 2010, 04:22:28 UTC
Turning sharply when a voice called out behind her, Astrid ducked under Öndótt's wing and squinted. Someone appeared to be running toward her. What was this? Unhapy natives, perhaps, come to smite her for trespassing? ... No, this figure didn't seem terribly imposing, so she didn't figure it was anyone coming to thrash her. Or if they did think to try and thrash her, she was relatively confident she could handle it.

But as the figure drew closer, Astrid's expression warped into something of sheer disbelief. Those gangly limbs, that mop of wild hair, that voice. No, she had to be imagining it. She felt a bit silly for being so concerned about what was happening to that dummy Hiccup right now that she'd somehow managed to imagine that this person running toward her was him. Of course it wasn't him--Hiccup wouldn't be running anywhere right now, even if he was here.

Öndótt craned her neck around to peer at the figure too, arching her wings to make herself look bigger. If this person thought they were going to get the drop on ( ... )


horrendous_name September 14 2010, 04:28:35 UTC
"What are you---?!" ---dooooooing here.... Wait, what?! WHOA! WHAT WAS SHE---



4everythingelse September 14 2010, 04:41:52 UTC
"That's for scaring me!" she barked as her fist made contact, and then blinked almost curiously, as if she hadn't even realized she'd been planning to do that until it was already done.

It was Hiccup! She'd punched him enough times over the course of their growing up in the same village that there was no mistaking the way he sort of recoiled backward, the way he clutched his arm, the sound of his voice as he yawped in pain. It was definitely Hiccup.

But how could that be? How did he get here?

In that moment it didn't really matter. She'd been worried he would never even wake up after that ordeal with the Green Death, so whatever crazy miracle was to blame to this reunion, she would take it. As Hiccup stumbled a step back with the sheer force of the blow to his shoulder, Astrid grabbed a fistful of the front of his smithy overalls, hiking him back upright and then throwing her arms around his neck.

"And this is for being okay," she concluded.


1blackcat September 14 2010, 17:20:11 UTC
Somarium, by all indications that Omi could see, was not nearly the sort of dangerous city Tokyo had been. He followed the news, watched for signs of distress, but so far things had only reached levels of bizarre and frightening. Death was rare, and murder rarer still.

Even so, Omi didn't think it smart to let his physical condition drop, nor to let his skills become rusty. One never knew when they might be needed. He kept up his habit of jogging every morning. He did a light weight-lifting session at the gym twice a week. And out in Espoir's fields, away from most residents' eyes, he practiced keeping his aim sharp. He picked up a strawberry from the bucket of them by his feet and tossed it. The exercise was to then fling a dart at it, but movement out of the corner of his eye distracted him, and the strawberry hit the ground without ever facing the threat of a midair skewering.

He barely even registered the girl. He backed two steps away from the creature with her, expression bordering on panic.

"W-w... wh... What is that?!"


4everythingelse September 15 2010, 01:44:55 UTC
[Assuming this happens after she's had things explained to her somewhat, to minimize repetition of Game Premise. XD]

Astrid had found out very quickly that her dragon was a picky eater. She had heard that Deadly Nadders ate only chicken, and that other livestock would actually make them sick, but she hadn't expected it to be quite so true to the letter. Of course, there never seemed to be a shortage of chickens in Berk, but she was admittedly starting to wonder about this place. If she couldn't find any chickens for Dot, the dragon would starve, and that just wasn't an option. And so when Dot lifted her head sharply and trilled, the way she did when she was stalking food, Astrid peered around curiously.

She hadn't heard any chickens. That was when she noticed that they weren't so alone in the field. Off in a far corner she could see movement, and no sooner had she noted that there was a person there had Dot started to lumber in that direction. Quickly darting after the dragon and grabbing one of the spikes on the side of her ( ... )


1blackcat September 16 2010, 05:21:59 UTC
[No problem! Sounds good.]

It's okay, she says. Okay. Right. Omi spent a good few seconds unable to look anywhere but right in the dragon's eyes before flickering his gaze gradually from the dragon to the girl riding it.

His posture relaxed only slightly.

"What is she? Where did you find her...?"

And how did you ever get on her back to ride her without your leg being bitten off?


4everythingelse September 17 2010, 01:01:03 UTC
"She's a dragon," Astrid replied, sliding down from Dot's neck and dropping lightly to the ground. "They're all over where--" She paused. 'Where I come from,' just sounded so weird. "Back home," she amended. "Her name is Öndótt; she's actually pretty friendly." Astrid supposed that if you weren't used to dragons, however, she was probably pretty scary. Drizzt hadn't seemed too terribly fazed, but the pretty lady in the brown wispy dress had looked quite alarmed. She was still trying to wrap her brain around the idea that the people in this place came from all different places ( ... )


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