Toothless 002 // Romping Tiem Nao

Jul 18, 2010 12:40

Who: Toothless, Hiccup, and you!
Where: Somewhere around Espoir Village
Style: Either
Status: Open!

Well, there's something you don't see everyday. A Night Fury, taking his buddy out for a walk!

...Perhaps an involuntary walk, given how said buddy is dangling from Toothless' mouth by the shirt, and keeps yelling at the dragon to put him down. ( Read more... )

toothless, ty lee, ace, !location: espoir, hiccup horrendous haddock iii, kurt hummel, alice liddell (original)

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Comments 89

crookofmyelbow July 18 2010, 19:11:56 UTC
[Kurt has been in Somarium for a while now. He's gotten used to seeing weird things: people using magic, watching people's dreams, even the city transforming.

But a dragon carrying a person around? That's definitely not something he's seen before. Excuse him as he just stares as they go by. He really has no idea what to think of this.]


biteless_name July 18 2010, 19:21:33 UTC
[Toothless, meanwhile, is looking quite proud of himself. If it's possible to describe a Night Fury as prancing, he certainly looks every bit like that. He's gotten his stick bro out of the den! And is now going to see about playing!

Right up until eye contact is detected, right out of the corner of those big ol' eyes. Here you go, Kurt; have a dragon swiveling its head around to give you a curious look.

Are you going to join in playing, too?]


crookofmyelbow July 18 2010, 21:20:38 UTC
[Great, it saw him. Either the whole thing about T-rexes not seeing things that aren't moving wasn't true, or it didn't apply to dragons. Either way, he was stuck now. He could try to run away, but that probably wasn't smart, since he didn't want the thing to chase him. So instead he backs up slowly and takes a deep breath before going with his other idea.]

...Nice dragon? Good boy... [It worked for vicious dogs, right? Maybe it would work for dragons too.]


biteless_name July 18 2010, 23:29:57 UTC

[Amazing how he manages to say that through a shirt and closed mouth.

Although said dragon isn't looking too vicious at the moment...Live viking teen hanging from his mouth aside. On the plus side, that makes it very difficult for him to try pouncing; too much encumbrance in the form of flailing Hiccup.]


madcuriosity July 18 2010, 20:20:28 UTC
Toothless! Mr. Hiccup! [She giggles as she sees Hiccup being carried by Toothless and she clasps her hands behind her back before turning her head sideways.]

I've not heard of a person being taken out for a walk before.


biteless_name July 18 2010, 23:30:41 UTC
[Hey, person he knows! Person who also knows where the 'tickle spot' is on dragons.

There's a moment of deliberation, where one can almost see those earfronds swiveling back and forth in thought...

...Annnnnnd, he's waddling his way over to where Alice is. Here, Alice; maybe you can talk some sense into his bro and get him to stop struggling.]


madcuriosity July 18 2010, 23:34:34 UTC
[She instantly starts petting the top of Toothless' head before she gazes at Hiccup.] You're not hurt are you Mr. Hiccup?


horrendous_name July 18 2010, 23:46:27 UTC
[Hiccup stopped struggling, and looks blankly at her.]

No, but I would be a lot better if this big reptile would just let. me. go.

[He glares back at Toothless. He loves you buddy, but this is not appreciated.]


centerofthering July 19 2010, 02:42:57 UTC
[Ty Lee is walking around honestly minding her own business when she hears someone's voice and a rumbling in the distance. Turning the corner, she discovers the source and can't help but get a bit excited. A dragon! A real live dragon!

Excuse her as she runs up and is grinning from ear to ear.]

How adorable!!


biteless_name July 19 2010, 02:53:06 UTC
[LOUD EXCITED PINK THING coming straight at him! Posturing is clearly in order; he fans his wings out to make himself look bigger to be a bit more impressive, and bunches up, just in case he needs to make a sudden, wing assisted jump.

No fire breathing, though. He's got a buddy in his mouth that he'd sooner not set on fire.]


horrendous_name July 19 2010, 03:23:24 UTC
[Well color him surprised. That wasn't the reaction he was expecting at all, but hey, he'd take it! It was a lot better then trying to kill him on sight... However, Toothless didn't seem to be as pleased as he was at the moment, so Hiccup stopped trying to get away, and instead he's trying to twist around to try to calm him down.]

Whoa, wait a second Toothless! It's ok!


centerofthering July 19 2010, 03:25:07 UTC
[Ty Lee more or less takes a step back, but it's more in amazment rather than fear. She's used to be being around large creatures, but it's only the second time that she's ever seen a dragon in her life; they're quite rare back home after all.]

Toothless? What a cute name~ Is he yours?


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biteless_name July 20 2010, 01:26:44 UTC
[He'd prefer being a majestic looking dragon! He also snorts a little over the 'Wyvern' bit. (Likely blowing a lot of hot air into poor Hiccup's hair, too.)]



horrendous_name July 20 2010, 02:26:26 UTC
Gah! [He winced as his hair got blown forward, all into his eyes. Great, Toothless... It's bad enough he's still hanging from your mouth.

... So she wasn't scared of Toothless either? Even when she knew about other creatures like him? Wow. People in this world really weren't like they were in Berk at all.]

Yeak, kind of, but he's not a Wyvern. He's a dragon.


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mytokito July 19 2010, 18:03:57 UTC
[He's out on one of his daily walks, taking in the atmosphere when... yeah.


Since he was already heading in their direction, he might as well drop in a greeting.]



biteless_name July 20 2010, 01:26:26 UTC
[A head is being shaken in response!

...As well as swinging his buddy back and forth as he does that. Oh well; at least Hiccup is getting a free joyride out of all this?]


horrendous_name July 20 2010, 02:22:47 UTC
AHH Toothless stop!

[Can't respond! Being flung!]


mytokito July 21 2010, 02:19:24 UTC
[... well shit.

Well, he'll just. Watch it for now. Since it doesn't seem to be a particularly life-threatening throw. When the kid lands, he walks up to him, scratching the back of his head.]

Hey, you okay?


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