Alice Liddell 011 // Sneaking out

May 13, 2010 22:13

Who: Alice Valjean and open
Where: All over Espoir and inner edges of Somni
Style: Either
What: affected Alice Valjean snuck out of the manor during the night
Status: Open

[She peeked all around the field, Basil in her arms. She'd never been outside the manor by herself before. And most certainly not at night. She gazed up at the night sky and ( Read more... )

jean valjean, cain hargreaves, elizabeth bennet, !moon: cycle 20, ace, !location: espoir, alice liddell (original), ken hidaka, gavroche

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Comments 178

streetkingdom May 14 2010, 05:23:19 UTC
Gavroche was wandering about as he normally would around here. He was dirty and proud of it. True he didn't have parents but that was fine with him. Just so long as he didn't have to live in a home. That thought could steal his smile any day.

Singing happily, he turned a corner and found Alice wandering about too.

"Good evening. What are you doing out here? You're never out and about."


madcuriosity May 14 2010, 05:28:31 UTC
She jumped when she heard the boy. She turned and looked at him. Alice tried to remember if she had spoken to him. She only spoke to people through Basil. Very few had she ever met in person.

"Oh um... hello. I'm following my Cat."


streetkingdom May 14 2010, 05:31:19 UTC
"Really? Did Mr. Cat go this way?"

Gavroche scratched his nose as he smiled and looked around. No sigh of a cat from what he could see. And he knew that cats liked to hang out around areas like this. And all kinds of areas when they were strays like him. Wherever was warm and safe.


madcuriosity May 14 2010, 05:34:13 UTC
"It's not Mr. Cat, it's Cheshire. And I think he did. I was following him until he went through the field. I lost sight of him you see."


knightofchanges May 14 2010, 05:23:26 UTC
[having lost his way again and puzzled over how people seemed to have...changed overnight, Ace was now camping out in the very field Alice was heading to. he was about to turn in for the night, getting ready to douse his campfire, when he spots her]

Well if it isn't Little Alice! You know you shouldn't be out so late.

[why yes, little Alice, Ace is unaffected.]


madcuriosity May 14 2010, 05:30:12 UTC
[Pulls on her fingers and shifts her feet.]

It's just... I was following Cheshire.


knightofchanges May 14 2010, 05:47:44 UTC
The Cheshire...Cat? [does she mean Boris?]

Hmm can't say I haven't seen him, though I didn't know you knew him, Little Alice.


madcuriosity May 14 2010, 05:52:09 UTC
Oh yes! I know Cheshire very well! He comes in through my window and we cuddle!


bennet_beheader May 14 2010, 05:40:04 UTC
Elizabeth had been dining with her family at their home in Somni, and stayed later than she'd intended. Her mother had urged her to stay the night, but she insisted on returning to the dojo she managed, since there was an instructor coming in for an early class tomorrow, and she had to be there to open the facility for them.

She noticed movement out of the corner of her eye, and followed her gaze to notice a small figure, who likely shouldn't be out and about so late at night. The form was vaguely familiar, but she couldn't tell in the darkness.

"Are you lost?" she called out.

[ooc- up to you if you want Alice and Elizabeth to know each other, I'm fine either way.]


madcuriosity May 14 2010, 05:48:50 UTC
[OOC: Alice actually only knows people through the Berry since she rarely if ever goes outside.]

She jumped a little and looked at the older woman. She... somewhat recognized her but she didn't actually recall speaking to her. Perhaps she had. After all, she had lived in Somarium all her life, it was likely she spoke to the other woman in all those years... Or well, when she was a little older. She doubted she spoke to this woman when she was just a baby.

"Um, no... I'm not lost," which... wasn't entirely a lie. She did know where she was to some degree!


bennet_beheader May 14 2010, 05:51:53 UTC
Elizabeth knelt down so she was on the girl's level. She didn't think it was someone she knew, but, then again, there were so many people in Somarium, she could hardly expect to know everyone.

"Would you like me to accompany you home, then?"


madcuriosity May 14 2010, 06:00:10 UTC
"Ah o-oh no!" She hastened to respond. "That is... I'm..." she wasn't supposed to be outside.


insorrow May 14 2010, 06:24:46 UTC
[Oh hey, does your mother know you're out?

[Something nobody had ever told Ken about being in the police before he joined it - before it was too late to wonder if maybe he should have joined the army instead - was that when nothing was happening? Which, when you were on night shifts and on patrol and it wasn't chucking-out time, added up to a surprising amount of the time? Being a police officer was actually extremely damn boring. Well, at least it wasn't raining? That was something.

[The one positive, he supposed, was that when nothing was happening and had been for quite a while a guy was so relieved to stumble across something that was actually going on that he'd go and investigate just to say he had something to do. And really, a small, blonde eight year old girl where a small, blonde eight year old girl really probably shouldn't have been? Yeah, she was out of place simply by definition. Besides, boring as it was right now Somarium wasn't always the best place to be at night, if you were small, blonde and eight ( ... )


madcuriosity May 14 2010, 06:32:12 UTC
[She jumps a little and turns to look at him. She blinked and most certainly didn't recognize him but she didn't feel frightened by him.]

Oh um... not lost I would say.


insorrow May 14 2010, 07:23:31 UTC
[Well, she didn't seem to be scared of him. Good first step. One of the things Ken definitely did not like about being a cop was that you could never be sure if a kid would have been told that you were there to try and keep them safe or if they'd think you were going to try and arrest them just because you were standing there with a uniform on. At least this girl wasn't one of the latter, that was something. Especially since she probably shouldn't have been out, right?]

No? Well, that's something...

[Ken smiles, a little awkwardly. Okay, so she's not lost and she looks nervous which means she probably snuck out and her parents are going to be worried sick. Of course technically he could just drag her back to the station and work things out from there, but there are about a million and one reasons why he doesn't really want to do that. Okay, let's try and Be Reasonable about this.]

It's kinda late to be out though, isn't it?


madcuriosity May 14 2010, 07:27:19 UTC
Well... yes I-I suppose it is...

[She knows that it's late. But she had wanted to find Cheshire and explore a bit. She hoped to be back before anyone noticed she was gone. This was her first time being outside of the house alone.]


godchild May 14 2010, 18:18:21 UTC
[Cain casually strolled along the walking path, glancing up at the moon. He often went for evening walks, eager to get out of the house and away from his brothers. Even though they were kin, it just didn't feel like there was much of a kinship between them, not to mention he looked nothing like the rest of his family he secretly entertained dreams of being adopted.

[Frowning up at the stars, he continued walking until he heard the noise nearby. Pausing, he glanced towards the open field, calling out]



madcuriosity May 14 2010, 23:59:42 UTC
[She blinked when she heard the hello and looked around. She saw something not too terribly far away. Should... she call back out? No one was really supposed to know she was out here. Although she heard the hello already so clearly they knew she was out here...]



godchild May 15 2010, 00:18:36 UTC
Are you all right? [Cain called, glancing through the shadowy darkness for the source of that small voice]


madcuriosity May 15 2010, 01:08:37 UTC
Ah um... yes I am. Who... is there?


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