Tamaki ✣ 038 ✣ White Day Event End

Mar 21, 2010 20:03

Who: Everyone
Where: Spa Resort Grand Ball Place Thing
Style: First
Status: OPEN

[for the White Day Event finale, as promised there is a grand ball being held at the spa resort~ everyone will have received an invitation prior to this day.

this is a formal ball, so everyone should be dressed nicely~! all bidders and their won "butlers" are asked ( Read more... )

daisukenojo "beat" bito, elizabeth bennet, xerxes break, nokoru imonoyama, shiki misaki, alice liddell (original), austria (roderich edelstein), echo, !event: white day, lavi, rise kujikawa, youji kudou, !location: somni, rikku, hungary (elizaveta héderváry), dominic sorel, sebastian michaelis, kohane tsuyuri, road kamelot, senri, spain (antonio fernandez carriedo), ace, travis touchdown, ken hidaka, minako aino, kazuki hihara, trucy wright, vincent nightray, ty lee, phoenix wright, kyou sohma, tamaki suoh

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CONCERT spectaculaire March 22 2010, 01:09:34 UTC
[feel free to just comment on the lovely music or talk with the players or what have you~

featuring: Tamaki, Austria, Hihara, and Razette singing]


preces March 23 2010, 01:33:50 UTC
[Oh Spain. <3

She opens her mouth wide and snatches it from his hands like a good baby bird should. Have a happy chirp as she noms away. <3]


love_lostomates March 23 2010, 01:37:28 UTC

Spain is incoherent. Come again another day.

He just waits for her to finish, ready to give her more food when she wants it.]


preces March 23 2010, 01:38:52 UTC
[=D She likes the shrimp thingies the best. Please go fetch more shrimp thingies!]


love_lostomates March 23 2010, 01:41:35 UTC
[He would if he knew. Point and tell him please? D:]


preces March 23 2010, 01:42:27 UTC
[But she ate them all! D:

Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp]


love_lostomates March 23 2010, 02:59:46 UTC
[Oh noes! What a crisis! He blinks at her.]

What's wrong?


preces March 23 2010, 03:03:18 UTC
[A finger-point to the shrimp thingies' direction. :D Mermaid wants shrimp thingies!]


love_lostomates March 23 2010, 03:19:31 UTC
[He still has no idea what she wants. But Spain being Spain, he heads off in that direction anyway and comes back with another plateful of everything. :D]

What do you want?


preces March 25 2010, 00:53:14 UTC
[More shrimp thingies! :D She'll point to a shrimp thingie with a scaly finger now, because that's what she wants.]


love_lostomates March 25 2010, 01:19:29 UTC
[Ooooh. Now he gets it! He offers more of the shrimp thingies, smiling.]


preces March 25 2010, 01:30:19 UTC
[Om nom shrimp thingies. Yum. /o/ It's surprising how much food a mermaid like her can inhale, but she ends up stuffing herself. Because like an animal, she's just going to eat until he stops offering food or until there's none left, since she doesn't have a sense of when to stop eating, and thus by the end of it, she's utterly stuffed.

Floating up to the surface of the water on her belly, she lets out a contented sigh.]


love_lostomates March 25 2010, 01:37:55 UTC
[D'awwwwww. Just. D'awwwwwww.

That is all.]


albhedbnehlacc March 27 2010, 04:31:36 UTC
[Rikku wanders over in her search for her friends but gets side tracked when she hears Razette singing. When she's all done, Rikku can't help but clap and laugh in pleasure.]

That was so pretty~


preces March 28 2010, 01:07:38 UTC
[Ahh, an audience! :D Mermaid pulls herself out of her tank, and smiles happily at Rikku, because she loves it when others enjoy her singing.

Oh, but her tummy is grumbling! D: She turns from left to right to back again, as though slightly distressed.]


albhedbnehlacc March 28 2010, 05:52:30 UTC

Oh no! Is something wrong? You were fine a minute ago!


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